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Will had his hands around my waist when I had woken up. His breath warm on the back of my neck.

'You awake?' Will muttered in my ear.

'Mm?' I turned round and saw his head full of blonde curls. I looked around the room and saw my sweater on the floor. Then I remembered what happened last night. We had gone home, I had kissed Will. And then, well, we cuddled until I fell asleep I guess.

'We have school.' he said with a soft voice. 'And we need to be there in like an hour.'

'How long have I been sleeping for?' I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

'Since yesterday at around three I think.' he also sat next to me, 'You seemed really tired.'

'Yeah..' I looked back at the time, usually I can barely stay asleep for more than three hours, this was weird, 'I guess I was.' 

'Just, one question.' he began, I looked up at him, 'Last night, I-I told you I liked you. You didn't really answer.' 

I hesitated for a bit. I guess I had to be honest with him. 'I-' I began but was abruptly interrupted as the door of his room burst open.

'Will, honey, I just came home from my night shift, I finished early, I picked you up some breakfast-' the blonde haired woman standing at the door with very similar features to Will looked up at me, then to her son and then back to me again.

'Uh, mum.' Will stood up out of bed, 'This is, Nico. He's-he's a friend.'

'Oh, um.' she stood there trying to process what she had just seen. I felt a bit bad, I imagined coming home after an entire 12 hour night shift to find another boy in your son's bed.

'I'm sorry, I should've texted you first, he slept over.' Will explained. I was honestly half expecting to hear him say 'he slept with me,' but I guess maybe that was a bit too much on a Thursday morning. I glanced at Will nervously with a 'I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-supposed-to-do-right-now' look. 

'So, um, honey, that's fine just um, text me next time, ok?' she said staring at me a little weird as if she recognised me which I found really weird.

Will walked over to his mum and put an arm around her, 'Thanks for the breakfast, you should probably get some sleep, I'll make sure me and Nico get to school.' he guided her out of the room and as they left I heard his mum mumbling to him about her work and how she was so happy to see him and all that.

A little voice in the back of my head started nagging me, see, there's a parent that cares about their son. 

I shook my head. Me and Will had completely different lives. Comparing us wouldn't do me any good. 

You know who she reminds you off? the voice asked, Your mum. 

I clenched my fists telling my mind to shut up. 

You know, it was your fault she died... 

I shut my eyes and tried to focus on something else. Anything else. 

You messed up and now she's gone. Her and your sister... 

No, no. Don't listen. Don't listen. Don't... 

You'll never see them again.

Maybe it was my fault. If I had just-

'Nico?' someone was shaking me shoulders gently. I opened my eyes and saw a freckled blue-eyed face looking down at me with a worried look, 'Are you ok?'

'I-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?'

'You were shaking.' Will explained. I froze.

'Oh, I'm just not really a morning person.' I said. But that didn't do much for the concerned look on Will's face. 'We should probably get ready for school.'

'Yeah, I guess your right.' Will sighed. I stood up and picked up my sweater and saw that there was a tear in it. 'You can borrow one of mine.' Will offered when he saw me picking at the tear.

'Are you sure?' I asked.

'Yeah, let me get you one.' Will pulled out a light grey hoodie with pastel accents, 'This is probably the most neutral one I have.' 

I took it from him, 'I guess it'll have to do.' I put it on and immediately noticed that it was big on me. Of course it was, Will was like 6' and I was 5'6. 

Will covered his face to hide a laugh.

'You think this is funny, sunshine?' I said.

'I'm not laughing.' he smirked, 'I think you look really cute.'

I blushed, 'W-what?'

'Come on, we need to get to school.' Will changed the subject.

'Yeah, I guess.' I grabbed my bag and followed him out the room.

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