Nico Touches Grass *GASP*

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I checked the time: 23:12. Good enough. I slid open my window and took a step out. I balanced my foot steadily on the ridges of the brick and shut my window just enough for me to open it again when I go back in. I slid down and landed on the grass outside my front door. I ducked under the windows just in case my dad was still watching and I was off.

Late night walks were the next best thing to talking to Will. He didn't need to pity my pathetic life. And he really didn't need to see me with any more bruises. I just needed to clear my mind. The cold night air soothed my still burning cheek. I began walking around mindlessly letting my legs to guide me around with a mind of their own.

But when I returned back to my senses I looked around me and suddenly realized where my I had lead myself. I had just walked into Will's neighbourhood. Not creepy at all. I thought.

I looked down and saw his house. I had a sudden feeling to just knock on the door and see him. 

He probably hates you.

I shook away that thought. No, Will wouldn't hate me.

He probably thinks you don't want him because you said he couldn't come over.

Would Will get mad over something like that? Had I sounded rude?

He's confessed in liking you and asked you the same but you haven't answered because your just too scared.

Of course I was scared about answering that question. What was I going to say? 'Hey, Will, I like you too but my dad said that if I'm gay he'll get rid of me. And I believe him since he just loves mentioning how much he wished it was my sister who died instead of me.' 

I sighed. That would be a hell of a conversation to have. 

'You really do like night walks, huh?' 

My heart skipped a beat and I almost jumped when I turned round to see a tall figure standing behind me. 

'Hey, relax, it's just me.' Will walked into the street light and put on his usual smirk. But this time he seemed to have slight eye-bags and his face seemed tired and a little weary. Not nearly as bad as mine but this was not Will's style.

'Hey, are you ok?' I asked tilting my head.

'Yeah, 'course. I just came out here to try and see if I can get better signal or something I'm just a little worried. My mum was supposed to come home four hours ago.' my heart sank at the amount of concern I heard in his voice. It sounded the same as when I had shown him my bruises and cuts after Ben had beaten me.

'Oh, she hasn't come from work yet?' 

He shook his head, 'No, I'm sure she probably just got caught up on something and she'll come home soon enough.' I felt horrible for thinking about myself when Will was out here worrying about his mum. Of course he doesn't hate me.

'So, um, what are you doing standing in front of my house?' he asked laughing slightly lightening the mood.

'Oh, just a walk. Thought I'd come round here. I've never seen it at night.' I lied.

'Well, don't just stand in the shadows, you can come spend the night at my house if you want. It's already like 1am.'

I suddenly remembered my bruise on my face. My hair was not going to do me that many favours with keeping that hidden. 'Oh, no. I- I should probably head home. I'll see you tomorrow though.'

'Oh, um, ok.' Will said sounding a little hurt. I felt like throwing my head into a wall, 'See you at school I guess.'

'Yeah. We can hang out then.' I said.

'Promise you won't bail out on me again?' he asked half joking.

'Promise.' I agreed. 

He stepped into the shadows and held my hand. I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing but was stopped by his lips. When he pulled apart my face was burning and I knew if he could see it he would be laughing.

'Goodnight.' he pulled away and headed towards his house.

I stared at him as he walked off. 

Maybe he doesn't hate me...

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