04.18 Wine and weed

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This week I've been quite irresponsible, not really showing up to many of my classes, nor doing any work in general, which is quite rare in me, but I guess some weeks you just feel a bit off.

So on Thursday I went to my English History of Ideas class. I arrived late so the teacher gave me one of the weekly quizzes and had to finish it in 3 minutes. Then we took another quiz and then we had class.

I felt very hungry after class so I went to the cafeteria and ordered two burritos for 5 bucks. Everyone was going to Courthouse for beers and for once, I decided to join, feeling in a social mood.

I had a small beer while everyone got quite drunk. We played Never Have I Ever, but switching IDs, and you had to answer as if you were the person you had gotten. It was quite fun. Tony and I had each other a couple of times and that was fun since we love messing with each other.

The questions were all in the line of "Never have I ever hooked up with two people in one night" and both of us were drinking instantly saying "i don't know for sure, but the person i got is a slut so there's a high chance". I've never hooked up with more than 2 people in a night but I thought it... interesting that him and many people in the friend group had that idea of me.

I left at 20 and Saint texted, asking if I wanted to hang out that night, I said sure. I went home and did some chores, then I went downstairs and he was waiting outside his parked car.

We walked to a pub close to Cedric's Square and had wine, cheese, ham, jalapenos and bread there. We talked for a long time and he told me about going off to Mexico and about the time he almost got shot in a random town in Arkansas. I told him about next year with Sonny in Istanbul living together and gave me a side eye and said "Turkish passion".

On our way home he said to me "I can't wait to fuck a milf" which had me laughing for a good while. Then he gave me a strange compliment which was: "you'll be the 45 year old milf that all the 25 year old kids will want to fuck".

Back home we smoked weed, watched Do The Right Thing by Spike Lee, ate ice cream and cuddled in the sofa as he caressed my back and my waist.

We went to sleep in my bed together at around 2:30. I gave him a long back massage and then we fell asleep hugging each other.

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