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Hey guys! Remember my new story? I realised many people aren't supportive of it and I understand. They might not like stories like this. But, let me try and change your mind. I've written some scenes from the story here, which are not yet published. Read it and tell me if my story is interesting.

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"Cover your legs, they're distracting." He says, throwing his blazer over my legs.

I frown and throw it back to him, glancing down at my legs. "It's my body. I can do whatever I want." I stubbornly say and turn around to the window gazing at the clouds. 

Suddenly, he places his arm over to the window, caging me in and leaning closer. He bends down to my ear and his lips brush my ear lobe with every word. "You better cover these legs before I drag you into one of the washrooms." He whispers, sensually. 

"Then you won't be able to walk for a while." He finishes and pulls away, throwing his blazer back to me. My breathing, which had become heavier due to the proximity slowed down and I placed the blazer on my legs.

⁠☆ · ·

Chris pulls his fingers out of me and I get confused for a second. Did I do something wrong? His eyes stare into mine, before he groans and rests his head against my shoulder. "Rose, please don't moan my name like that."

My lips form an 'o' at his words and then he suddenly gets to know what I was thinking. He shakes his head and then looks into my eyes again. "Bite down on my hand if you need to scream. Just be fucking quiet. If you cry out my name one more time, I'm going to come before I'm even inside you."

Oh. And my cheeks turn into a shade of crimson.

⁠☆ ··

"You're my wife, Roselyn." I say, backing her up to the door. I wiped the tear that had escaped her eyes and look into her eyes. "I don't care if anyone else knows it or not. I want to come home to you, drink coffee with you in the morning, zip up the back of your dresses and unzip them at night."

She doesn't say anything, and just keeps staring at me. I kiss her forehead and hug her. "Understand?"

She nods and that's all it takes for me to smile.

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"She just told you about it and you came straight to me and broke up?" I scoff. "If you had a brain, you would've checked the board. They had given the list of names."

Chris's eyes shine with guilt and I felt bad. But I wasn't going soft on him this time. "Rose, I was too shocked by it and thought you broke our promise. I didn't think of it at that time. I had told you how important the selection was for me."

"No, Chris. You weren't shocked. It just shows that you have no trust on me. And every relationship is built on trust. I can't do this anymore." I say, standing up and grabbing my phone.

"What are you doing?" He asks, striding towards me. I move back until my legs hit the sofa. "I'm calling Aurora. It's been two months, Chris. She must have the divorce papers ready."

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If you have been searching for an office romance/arranged marriage/enemies to lovers trope, then this is the story for you. 

To make sure you get updates on this story, make sure you add it onto your reading list. To the ones who are willing to support me, I love you guys. And to the ones who didn't know, well what are you waiting for? Go check out the story 'Broken Hearts' which was previously.

Love y'all!


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