Chapter 1: Encounter in the Mansion

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As Chris Redfield cautiously explored the eerie corridors of the Spencer mansion, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every creaking floorboard and distant moan added to his unease. Suddenly, a soft voice broke through the silence.

"Get away!"

Chris spun around heading towards the source of the noise, hand instinctively aiming his weapon. He saw one of the infected scratching and trying to open a door. Chris aimed for the head and shot his gun watching the infected fall down to the ground. He soon reached for the handle of the door and opened the door slowly. The room had a dim light he could see in the room but the shadows the room had were almost everywhere. Chris walked cautiously in while aiming his flashlight at the shadows to make sure nothing could ambush him.

In one of the shadows he saw a  young blonde woman, her expression a mix of fear and desperation. She wore a tattered white shirt, white pants, dirty white shoes and her eyes darted nervously.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Chris asked, his grip tightening on his gun.

The woman hesitated before speaking. "My name's Alice... Alice Wesker and I live here."

Chris's eyebrows furrowed in surprise at the mention of the name Wesker. "Wait! Did you just say Wesker? Are you related to Albert Wesker?"

Alice nodded, relief washing over her features. "Yes, Albert is my brother. Do you know him?"

Chris nodded in response. "He's my team leader. We're both members of S.T.A.R.S."

Alice's eyes widened in recognition at the mention of S.T.A.R.S. "You're with the S.T.A.R.S. team? Thank goodness. Please, Chris, you have to help me find my brother then."

Chris hesitated, weighing his options. Despite his reservations, he couldn't leave Alice alone in this dangerous place. "Alright, Alice. Stick with me. We'll find Albert together."

With that, Chris and Alice ventured deeper into the mansion, their fates now intertwined in the unfolding horror.

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