Chapter 17: The Mission

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For the next few days neither of them went to the BSAA base. They both spent the time together cuddling not wanting to be apart, so they ignored all the calls that came from the BSAA. At some point Alice fell asleep cuddling with Chris while watching a movie, then she woke up alone.

Alice got up from their couch and went to look for Chris. Chris was talking on the phone in their bedroom, putting some of his stuff in a bag and when he saw Alice he immediately hung up the phone. Alice who was curious asked him about the call. Chris told her that he was contacted by the BSAA for another mission somewhere in Africa with some members of his team. Since Alice usually joined Chris and his team she started asking when they were leaving but Chris told her that this time she wasn't allowed to go with them since she had her own mission. Alice was confused since she didn't have a mission but then her phone rang; it was the BSAA with a mission for her.

When she answered the phone she asked why she couldn't join Chris but all they gave her were vague answers about how important her mission was.

Chris gave her a quick kiss on the lips and left their apartment with a bag. Alice was so confused at how fast things were moving and Chris's weird behavior. She touched her lips where Chris had kissed her and went to pack up her bags for her mission. She thought the faster she did her mission the faster that maybe she could join Chris and help him with his since Chris and her usually did that when they were done first with their mission.

Alice was sent to Spain for her mission. Apparently she had to guide/keep safe two important people till the destination point which was a private airport.

Alice was on a coast in Spain leaning on the side of her car, waiting for the people she was guiding to show up. She's grateful that no one suspicious was here anymore because she had to take care of a few people suspicious people there.

Soon two blondes come up to her; one buff blonde guy in tight black clothes and a young girl behind him wearing an orange top with a green skirt. They both looked tired but the man looked alert.

"Agent Redfield?" The man cautiously asks.

"Yes. Are you two Leon Kennedy and Ashley Graham?" Alice still remembers the name Leon ever since the email Chris got about his little sisters whereabouts. They still don't seem to trust Alice so she shows them her ID and the badge she was given for this mission.

The girl looks excited while the man slowly starts to relax. They get in the back of the car as Alice starts the drive to the private airport. As Alice drove the girl; Ashley started talking about how heroic Leon was saving her from a crazy cult, talking about how he potentially saved the world. Leon just looked smug and bashful at all the praise he was getting.

Suddenly a car hits them from behind trying to drive them off the road. "Leon!" Ashley says fearfully grabbing on to him. Leon just tenses, hand on his gun in case anything happens. Then another car hits them from the side.

Alice started driving faster trying to get out of the other cars reach. She noticed that more cars started to follow and try to drive her off the road. She took sharp corners, taking detours trying to lose the cars. Soon the road was empty except for her vehicle and the ones following. Alice decided to use her power something she never really understood because she could turn on and off electric things with her mind. Soon the cars chasing her turned off, so she took the chance to speed up and lose them.

"How strange..." Leon murmured, his brow furrowing in confusion as he watched the line of pursuing vehicles abruptly slow down and disappearing into the distance as their vehicles suddenly turned off.

It took a while to make sure that there was no one else following them or trying to drive them off the road. Ashley's asleep now, leaning on Leon after calming down again.

"So... you're Claire's sister in law?" Leon asks.

Alice gently smiles, "I am!", Alice looks down at her ring at her hand for a second before looking back at the road. Leon and Alice talked about the Redfield siblings and how they met the siblings till they got to their destination; the private airport.

Leon woke up Ashley when Alice had already parked the car. They all got out of the car their guards still up as they walked to into the private airport. Suddenly gunshots rang in the air and Alice felt a sharp pain on her side.

"Ahhh! Leon!" Ashley screamed in fear as Leon pulled her to cover. Alice was behind them in pain waiting for her wound to heal. Alice was barely ever in pain for too long since she had fast regenerative abilities.

The airport turned into a gunfight. Alice tried to communicate with the other team that was supposed to greet them here but the other team apologized and said they got side tracked by a group of cars trying to drive them off the road. They told Alice to hold back the threat until they came. Alice relayed to Leon the message she got from the other team. He just shook his head as he shot back at the threat.

Alice's wound soon healed up. Soon both her hands were filled with her guns, she took a deep breath and ran out of the cover.

"What are you doing!?"

"What's she doing, Leon!?"

Alice shot at the threat as she dodged the most of the oncoming bullets gracefully but there were other bullets that did manage to hit her.

The bullets stopped coming but Alice had her guns ready on her side.

"What were you thinking!?" Leon's voice carried a mix of anger and concern as he confronted her about her actions. Meanwhile, Ashley remained hidden behind the wall, seeking cover in case more bullets came flying their way.

"Everything's fine now, Leon," Alice reassured him, attempting to calm his worries.

"Then what are those!?" Leon's voice rose with concern as he pointed at the blood staining her torn clothes, his worry evident in his tone.

Alice lifted her shirt slightly to reveal her rapidly healing wounds. Bullets fell from the wounds as they closed, demonstrating her remarkable healing factor. "See? Everything's fine, Leon," Alice said in a soothing tone, hoping to reassure him.

As more armed men rushed inside, Leon and Alice swiftly raised their weapons, ready to confront the newcomers. Tension hung heavy in the air as both groups eyed each other warily, fingers poised on triggers. However, the atmosphere shifted when the strangers began to lower their weapons, expressions of recognition dawning on their faces.

"Ashley? Ashley Graham?" one of the men uttered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Ashley's gasp filled the room as she exclaimed, "Jackson!?" With a burst of joy, she rushed toward the seemingly old man, her face lit up with happiness. Meanwhile, Alice and Leon exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them as they holstered their weapons.

"I came here to bring back Ashley and Leon since Ashley's father wants to see them both." Jackson said.

As everyone began to move away, Leon cast a curious glance back at Alice, his mind undoubtedly swirling with questions about her extraordinary abilities. However, he didn't have the chance to voice his inquiries, as Jackson engaged him in conversation. "Bye, Alice!" Ashley's cheerful voice rang out as she waved, her happiness evident. Leon offered a wave in return, his attention quickly drawn back to Jackson's words. Alice waved back, watching them depart with a mix of relief and curiosity about what will lie ahead for her now.

Alice observed the scene unfolding before her, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over her. "Well, I guess I'm done with my mission. All I had to do was safely bring them here," she thought to herself, a faint smile gracing her lips.

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