Chapter 19: Final Fight Against Siblings

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Alice was walking for a few minutes when she heard foot steps coming from ahead, so she started to make her way over there hoping that there was an exit over there and that the person walking was a friend and not a foe.

Following the foot steps led her to something good and bad. Good because she found an exit and bad because Albert was standing in front of her. He's back was turned to her. 'Are we on a boat!?' Alice realized.

"I still don't see why a superior being like yourself, sister, sympathizes with mere pathetic humans," Albert said in a cold voice.

"Not everyone's that bad, Albert." Alice said in a soft tone.

"Not only did you side with them, but you just had to marry him," Albert said bitterly, ignoring her as he continued speaking.

"But don't worry, sister. Soon, humans will evolve into something greater thanks to Uroboros, and I shall be the god who helps them achieve that evolution," Albert continued.

"What? What are you talking about?" Alice asked, her confusion evident.

Albert chuckled, "I almost forgot that you've been sleeping for most of this entire story. Then let me break the news to you first; Chris is dead, and I unfortunately can't say that I was the one who killed him, but I did give out the order."

The lights nearby started flickering as Alice slowly said, "That's not possible." Alice refused to believe that her husband, Chris, was dead because he was a strong man. The strongest man that Alice had ever had the pleasure of knowing.

"I need to know who the superior being is, sister, so now be prepared to die," Albert said in a cold voice, slowly turning around to face her.

Alice tensed up upon hearing his threat, quickly assuming a fighting stance. Meanwhile, Albert chuckled, cracking his knuckles menacingly.

Albert lunged forward with a punch, but Alice swiftly sidestepped, evading the blow. She immediately countered, blocking his subsequent attacks with precision. Seizing an opening, Alice delivered a powerful kick, catching Albert off guard and sending him stumbling backward. The siblings engaged in a rapid exchange of blows, their movements blurring as they clashed with incredible speed and agility.

Alice and Albert were so focused on their fight that they didn't hear Chris, nor Sheva coming in. Chris and Sheva observed the intense battle between Alice and Albert, they were taken aback by the ferocity of their confrontation.

"What the...?" Chris exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice.

"He seems to be fighting someone." Sheva remarked, her eyes fixed on the intense showdown.

"Is that...?" Chris's realization dawned on him, his expression turning to one of shock.

"You know the person fighting him?" Sheva inquired, noting Chris's stunned reaction

"That's who Jill and I were talking about—my wife," Chris explained, his tone filled with concern.

"That's your wife? What's your wife doing here?" Sheva asked incredulously, trying to make sense of the situation.

"I'd like to know that too, but now we gotta help her." Chris declared as he watched his wife getting flinged to the side by Albert. Alice got up quickly and ran up to Albert throwing punch after punch.

"Look, Chris, we can try to turn off the lights, blind him, and catch him by surprise," Sheva suggested, gesturing towards the control panels and the surrounding lights.

Chris nodded in agreement, determination etched on his features. "Let's go!" he affirmed, ready to assist his wife in any way possible.

Alice was starting to get tired of fighting Albert because he was just as resilient as her. Suddenly the lights flickered off, plunging them almost into darkness, Alice seized the opportunity to evade Albert's next punch. With his visibility compromised, Albert struggled to land a blow on Alice, his movements becoming more erratic.

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