Chapter 7: Arrival in Raccoon City

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Their arrival in Raccoon City marked a pivotal moment for the group, each member carrying the weight of their experiences within the Spencer Mansion. As they entered the bustling police station, determination radiated from the seasoned members of S.T.A.R.S., their eyes set on the task ahead.

Amidst the purposeful strides of Chris, Jill, Barry, and the others, Alice trailed behind, her gaze flickering between the unfamiliar surroundings and the faces of her companions. The bustling station filled her with wonder and a tinge of apprehension, a stark contrast to the sterile confines of the lab she once called home.

Chief Irons' surprise was evident as they approached, his expression shifting from curiosity to disbelief at the sight of the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members. Without missing a beat, they ascended to their office on the second floor, their footsteps echoing in the quiet corridors. Alice thought that; that guy looked familiar but she couldn't pin point from where. 'Maybe I saw someone similar to him on the TV?'

Inside the office, they gathered around a table strewn with papers, pens, and a palpable sense of urgency. Chris, ever the gentleman, offered his chair to Alice before procuring another for himself. Together, they meticulously documented their harrowing ordeal within the confines of the Spencer Mansion.

Once their report was complete, they ventured down to Chief Irons' office to deliver it personally. The chief's stunned silence spoke volumes as they recounted their experiences and handed him the report, each word laden with the weight of their shared trauma.

With their duties fulfilled, they exited the station, the weight of their burdens lifting slightly in the wake of their actions. Conversation turned to thoughts of home and respite, plans forming for a well-deserved rest. But for Alice, the prospect of returning to the mansion loomed ominously, a reminder of the past she sought to escape.

Chris' concerned gaze lingered on Alice as the others departed, a silent question hanging in the air. Sensing her uncertainty, he offered her solace in the form of shelter, his offer met with a grateful nod.

As they made their way to Chris' apartment, the tension of the day began to dissipate, replaced by tentative camaraderie and lighthearted conversation. Chris shared anecdotes of his sister Clair, offering Alice a glimpse into his life outside the confines of their shared ordeal.

Upon reaching his apartment, Chris said to Alice "Sorry about the mess in advance", a sheepish apology preceding the sight of the cluttered interior. Yet amidst the messy apartment, a sense of warmth and safety enveloped them, a refuge from the storms they had weathered together.

Chris tried to clean a bit by grabbing random clothes that were on the ground and seemingly throwing them in a hamper.

"You can have the bed if you want and I'll take the couch." He pointed at a dirty couch with garbage and clothes.

"Are you sure? Why can't we just share the bed?" Alice asked quiet innocently.

Chris turned a bit red because he didn't know what to say to that. So he just switched the topic.

"The bathroom is over there. So you can go take a shower if you want." He was still blushing as he gave her some of his clothes from a basket by the couch. "These are clean I was doing my laundry before I got called for my mission." He wasn't blushing anymore.

"Thank you... for everything, Chris." Alice said with a small smile as she headed to the bathroom for her shower. Chris just nodded at her returning her small smile.

Alice wore the clothes Chris gave her, the shirt showing off one of her  shoulders and collarbone, meanwhile her pants kept falling, she decided to fold her pants because they were too long. She decided to hold her pants up as she walked out and saw Chris by the dining table eating a sandwich.

Chris hadn't noticed her yet so she softly called out his name. Chris tenses and looks back at her only to realize it was Alice, so he suddenly relaxes again.

"I made a sandwich for you too. Don't know how you like it but I made it similar to mine." Chris says softly. He looks and feels so tired now that everything was over.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower now while you enjoy your sandwich." Chris tells Alice as he quickly grabs his clothes and shuts himself in the bathroom.

Alice sat down as she ate her sandwich and gets lost in thought thinking about the events that happened earlier in the day. Who would've thought that one day she'd actually leave that place? She thought to herself. Soon she was done with her sandwich but still lost in thought and didn't notice Chris walk up to her.

"Ready for bed?" Chris's voice snaps her out of her mind.

"May I have some water first?"

"Sure! I'm feeling quiet thirsty myself now too." Chris says as he grabs to cups, fills it with water and hands one to her. They both drink their water in silence. Once Alice was done with her drink Chris takes her cup, washes both cups and puts them in a rack to dry.

"The bedroom is right over there." Chris points at a closed door.

Alice looks at the door, then back at the couch were she notices that it had been cleaned and that there was now a pillow and blanket on it. Then Alice took a last look at Chris's face. She told him, "This is your place, I wouldn't mind taking the couch after everything you've done for me."

Alice stood up while holding her pants up making her way to the couch when Chris gently grabbed her hand and said, "You're my guest, please I insist." Chris said as he made his way to sit on the couch.

"Why not just share the bed then?" Alice blurted out again.

" see... " Chris was now blushing again and having a hard time explaining himself to Alice. Alice just raised an eyebrow at him in question. Chris clears his throat and says, "Well you are a woman and I'm a man."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Alice asked in confusion.

"You don't know?" Chris asks.

"Don't know what?"

"You know what? Never mind." Chris said shaking his head, his blush diminishing.

"So does that mean you'll go to bed with me?"

Chris starts to blush again and says, "I... well... Sure why not?"

They both head to bed. Chris took the spot closest to the door and Emily took the other side that was close to the wall as they slept.

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