Chapter 18: What's Happening?

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Alice decided to walk to her temporary apartment that the BSAA provided for her since the vehicle she was given was broken and would probably bring her too much attention.

'I wish Chris could always be my partner for missions but he had his team. I wish I had a team, the only reason I don't have one is because of my weird abilities. I wonder how Chris is doing in Africa for his mission.'

Alice was lost in thought as she walked but soon her train of thought stopped when she felt a quick pain on her neck. She reached out to grab it and saw that it looked a bit like one of those tranquilizers that she saw on TV. Her movements started to get sluggish and her vision blurring. Despite her best efforts to remain vigilant, exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, threatening to pull her into unconsciousness. Before Alice fell to the ground she heard approaching footsteps coming her way.


The next time she woke up was for a couple of seconds when she heard people talking but soon she felt another quick pain on her neck and everything turned black again.


Alice was once again regaining consciousness. She noticed that she was in a white room with something connected in her arm, she tried getting up to get whatever that was in her arm out from her arm but she couldn't move her body. Her mind still felt so sluggish. She was trying to force herself to awaken more, so that she could get up and leave.

Alice could hear a man's voice say, "Miss Gionne we brought in the woman as you requested using the special medicine."

"Good... good. Wesker will be pleased." A woman with a thick accent replied.

Alice was stunned thinking that her sister Alex was collaborating with someone to orchestrate her abduction. The revelation struck her with disbelief, as Alex had always been known to operate independently. The notion of Alex forming alliances was unsettling, prompting Alice to speculate about the identity of her kidnapper. "Could it be Albert?" she pondered grimly, though she quickly dismissed the possibility, recalling Chris's account of Albert's demise alongside Jill.

Alice couldn't fight stay awake any longer, soon she lost consciousness again.


Alice slowly opened her eyes again. This time she thought she had finally lost her mind when she thought she heard Albert's voice, he was talking with the woman with the thick accent.

"All you need to do is find out why she doesn't need to use something like the PG67 A/W to balance the virus that's within her, stop wasting my time," Albert said with a serious yet angry tone. The sound of an electric door can be heard opening and closing.

The woman who was conversing with Albert sighed deeply. Suddenly, her phone rang, and Alice could overhear her conversation. "Irving, I already sent you help!" The woman's voice carried a hint of exasperation. She fell silent, listening to the other person on the line. "Just handle them! How hard can one man and one woman be!? Just kill them and get here!" With frustration evident in her tone, the woman abruptly ended the call.

The woman with the thick accent looked at Alice and said, "Ah you're awake now." Gionne said noticing Alice was awake now. Gionne pressed a button somewhere and said to someone, "Uppen her dosage. Wesker will be displeased to see her awake."

Suddenly Alice felt unnaturally tired again. Before she lost her consciousness she heard the woman comment on her annoying regenerative abilities that has them upping the dosage every once in a while.


When Alice woke up again, she learned that it was better to pretend to be unconscious and let them do whatever they wanted till she recovered her whole strength. So far she's overheard that the reason she got kidnapped was because of Albert. He was curious why Alice didn't have any negative side effects with the virus she has, the only reason he was close to Alice in the beginning was so that he could study and use the bond of the virus she had and use it for himself but it didn't work since he has to inject himself without missing a dose with something called PG67 A/W every single day because the virus was rejecting his body.

Alice doesn't know how much time has passed being in that room. All she knew was that today was the perfect to make her grand escape because nobody has come to check up on her, not Gionne, not Albert, not their lackies; nobody has checked on her for the longest of time.

As Alice got up from her laying position the first thing she did was remove the needles in her arms, she was bleeding now because of it but she's sure that she will heal soon. Alice looked for any type of weapon in the room but she found none. 'I guess only depending on my strength and speed isn't that bad.' She thought.

The mechanical door opened when she got near it, cautiously she stepped outside and saw no one. Alice had no idea where she was or where she was going but she soon started walking to hopefully find an exit to this place.

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