Chapter 5: Confrontation with the Tyrant

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As the group ventured deeper into the heart of the lab, they found themselves face to face with Albert Wesker himself. Alice's heart pounded in her chest as conflicting emotions swirled within her—shock, disbelief, and a flicker of hope that perhaps her brother could still be reasoned with.

However, Albert's cold demeanor extinguished any hope of reconciliation. His words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable dripping with malice and contempt.

"I appreciate the combat data you have given me, but now it's time for all of you to die," Albert declared, his voice laced with sinister intent.

Alice's heart clenched at the sound of her brother's voice, her eyes betraying a mix of hurt and disbelief. "Albert," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the lab equipment.

Albert's lips curled into a cruel smirk as he regarded his sister. "Ah, Alice. Always the weak link in the chain. It's a shame with your potential, really. But your usefulness has come to an end."

The fury in Chris's eyes was palpable as he, Jill, and Barry leveled their weapons at Albert, their resolve unwavering in the face of betrayal. But before they could react, Albert activated a hidden mechanism, revealing a monstrous creature.

"This is the Tyrant T-002. He's supposed to be the strongest Bio-Organic Weapon ever made so far." Albert says as the Tyrant starts to move and breaks the glass. The Tyrant roars and charges at them as Chris, Jill and Barry shoot at it. Albert just smirks presses some buttons on a panel and leaves through a door that closes behind him.

Meanwhile, Alice watched in horror from a corner, her mind reeling from the revelation of her brother's treachery. She felt powerless, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation unfolding before her.

But as the battle raged on, a flicker of determination ignited within Alice's heart. She couldn't stand idly by while her friends fought for their lives. With a resolute expression, she dashed towards a nearby stack of crates, climbing and jumping over a few to make her way to the platform where Albert stood earlier.

"What is she doing!?"

"She's gonna get herself killed!"

"Dammit girl!"

Alice heard them say as she grabbed hold of the platform above and pulled herself up to the platform.

"How did she do that!?" Jill exclaimed in bewilderment.

Ignoring them for now, Alice focused on the task at hand. She tried to force open the door, tried hitting the door but only left some dents as she tried to go through the door which Albert had disappeared, her frustration mounting with each futile attempt.

But as the electricity began to falter something that had always happened when she was upset, Alice spotted a glimmer of hope—a box filled with grenade launchers. With a newfound sense of purpose, she grabbed one of the launchers, her hands trembling with adrenaline.

"Look what I found!" Alice called out to her companions, her voice filled with determination.

Chris, Jill and Barry give her a quick glance at her, then decided to make a plan to distract the Tyrant while one of them grabs the grenade launcher that Alice was going to throw.

Jill was the one who grabbed the grenade launcher as Chris and Barry distracted the Tyrant.

With a steady aim, Jill fired the launcher, sending a barrage of explosives hurtling towards the Tyrant. The creature staggered under the onslaught, its roars echoing through the chamber as it finally succumbed to the relentless assault.

"Finally!" Chris exclaimed, relief flooding through him as the Tyrant fell to the ground.

"We have to find Wesker now," Jill declared, her eyes blazing with determination.

Chris and Barry nodded in agreement, their resolve unwavering as they turned their attention to the door ahead. But before they could take another step, Barry asked Alice. "How did you get up there Alice?"

"I ran and jumped on those boxes to get here."

"That was a pretty high jump though" Jill said quite impressed.

Chris tried to replicate what I did but failed. "Damn!" Chris said as he failed miserably, earning a chuckle from Barry.

"Is there a control panel up there or anything that can help you open this door." Jill said pointing at the door in front of her.

Alice looked at her in doubt and started to press multiple buttons on a panel till the door slide open with a hiss in front of Jill.

"Thanks," Jill said gratefully, offering Alice a small smile.

"Can you come down?" Chris asked Alice.

Alice shrugged and jumped down to the boxes and made her way back down.

"That was impressive I don't think I would've been able to do that." Barry said sounding impressed yet grimacing.

With their resolve strengthened and their determination unwavering, the group continued their pursuit of Albert Wesker, their quest for justice driving them forward into the unknown.

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