Chapter 16: Sorrow

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Years passed and things were going as great as they could. Umbrella finally collapsed thanks to their joined efforts, Alice learned how to control her powers and Chris and Alice finally got married. It was a quick wedding between them. Claire was a bit sour at first that she wasn't invited but she was happy that her brother found love and happiness.

Chris, Alice and Jill joined an organization called the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance which is short for the B. S. A. A. Meanwhile Claire and her boyfriend Steve joined an organization called TerraSave. They all still kept in touch.

Usually Chris and his team of men did missions for the BSAA and on occasion he would do missions with Alice or Jill when Jills partner Carlos was too busy but this time Alice couldn't join them because the BSAA had already sent her to a completely different mission. Alice wasn't that worried for them since all they had to do was talk to a man named Ozwell somewhere in Europe. Alice thought the name sounded familiar and when she brought it up with Chris one night on a call with him but he just brushed it off saying that it was the name of a character they saw in a movie the night before she left for her mission.

Alice was done with her mission and back in her and Chris's apartment that was provided by the BSAA. Alice spent only a few days alone till Chris came back. Alice was so happy to see him because she missed him so much, so she went to hug him. Chris didn't return her hug, his expression looking troubled. Chris didn't say anything he just walked past Alice, grabbed his clothes and went to take a shower.

Alice was so concerned because of his strange behavior and Chris has been for over two hours in the bathroom. As Alice stood outside the bathroom door, concern etched into her features, the rhythmic sound of the running water served as a disconcerting backdrop to her worries. With each passing moment, her apprehension grew, her mind racing with unanswered questions about Chris's sudden change in demeanor.

Gently, she rapped her knuckles against the door, her voice soft and tentative as she called out to him, asking him if he was okay. Yet, the only response was the relentless cascade of water, echoing hollowly in the silence.

Feeling a knot tighten in her stomach, Alice's thoughts swirled with apprehension, her concern deepening with each passing minute. Was Chris okay? What could be troubling him so deeply?

With a heavy sigh, she resolved to wait patiently, her heart aching with the weight of unanswered questions, longing for the moment when Chris would emerge from behind the closed door, ready to share the burdens weighing on his troubled mind.

Another hour passed when Alice heard the water from the shower stop, a tense silence settled over the apartment, enveloping Alice in a cloak of unease. With each passing moment, her anxiety mounted, her thoughts swirling with unanswered questions and fears for Chris's well-being.

As she waited with bated breath, her mind raced through a myriad of possibilities, each one more unsettling than the last. 'Did something go wrong with the mission? I probably should've asked Jill what happened but I don't want to bother her since she's tired or wants to be alone at the moment like Chris.'

With a heavy heart, she resolved to wait patiently, her thoughts consumed by worry for Chris and the unanswered questions that loomed over them both. In the quiet of the apartment, her only solace was the hope that Chris would emerge soon, ready to share his troubles and find comfort in each other's presence.

Soon Chris emerges from the bathroom with red eyes. It appears that he had cried. He sits next to Alice who is looking at him patiently I'm concern waiting for him to say something. They sat in silence for a few minutes when Chris finally said in a broken tone, "Jill..." he took a deep breath and continued, "Jill didn't make it, Alice."

"What?" Alice said in disbelief as the lights flicked a bit because of her powers but soon she got it under control.

"I'm sorry Alice." His voice was shaking a bit.

"What? What happened?" Alice could feel her voice starting to shake as tears started to come to her eyes.

In a somber moment, Chris's voice trembled as he recounted their mission's tragic outcome, "We got to the location of the whereabouts of the subject Ozwell E. Spencer but we were too late. Albert got there first and killed Ozwell. During our confrontation with Albert; Jill saved my life by tackling him through a window. They both fell quite a big drop, I doubt anyone survived that. I tried looking for her body but...I found nothing.", tears glistening in his eyes like dewdrops reflecting the weight of their loss. Alice, her heart heavy with sorrow, chose to embrace him wordlessly, offering solace in the gentle warmth of her embrace. As their tears mingled in a silent tribute to their fallen comrade, they found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from their shared bond amidst the tumult of emotions.

With a tender gesture, Alice found herself cradled in Chris's lap, their embrace a sanctuary of solace amid the storm of grief. In that intimate moment, they allowed themselves to mourn, their tears a bittersweet symphony of remembrance for their beloved friend Jill.

As they wept together, their hearts heavy with loss yet bound by shared sorrow, Alice found herself embracing the complexity of her emotions, grieving not only for Jill but also for the fractured relationship with her brother Albert.

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