Chapter 13: Sibling Bond

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Chris and Alice made it to Antarctica. Chris got out first then held out his arms to catch Alice. Alice smiled at him fondly and jumped in his arms. They started walking through the frozen base. Then they both stumble in an office where they find a type of diary belonging to someone called Alfred. The diary said something about a sealed room somewhere in the base that can only be accessed with three family jewels that are possessed by people called Alexander, Alfred and Alexia. The only name Alice recognized was Alexia since Albert mentioned that Clair was with her.

Suddenly someone walks into the room. Alice and Chris are wary of them. Chris attempts to hide Alice behind him while Alice has her hand on her gun ready in case anything happens. But the guy was just talking about his family's true purpose, talked about how his father got what he deserved. Chris let him talk but when the guy was about to leave Chris aimed his gun at the strange guy, Alice did the same but the guy quickly escaped when infected came rushing into the room through another door. Alice and Chris took care of the infected while protecting each other, soon they followed in pursuit towards the door the stage guy went through.

Chris noticed one of Albert's scanner droid behind them, so they tried to hide from it. While trying to get away from the droid they were both shocked when they saw a mansion similar to the Spencer mansion. They both froze but Chris snapped out of it sooner than Alice till he reached out for her hand and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Alice gave him a shaky yet appreciative smile. They both entered.

As they ventures deeper they found some files on what was happening. They found out that the woman called Alexia was in a deep cryogenic sleep for 15 years and was bound to wake up soon to see if the Nosferatu virus will work better, so that she could be queen of the world. Her brother Alfred apparently couldn't handle the wait and decide to take matters into his own hands. They found a lot of information surprisingly, including a few monsters that they took care of. While exploring they also found an unconscious woman chained to a wall.

"Claire!" Chris runs up to the woman. Alice runs behind him excited that they found his sister.

Chris was freeing Claire from the chains when she woke up confused and afraid till she realized, "Chris?" Claire said softly then she said, "Chris!" The siblings started to hug.

"I've been looking everywhere for you Chris! I can't believe I found you!" Claire said with so much happiness yet she sounded so tired.

"Well to be fair I found you." Chris said with a chuckle.

Alice just stood behind them feeling happy that the siblings reunited. Now Alice felt a bit sad that she's never had a close relationship like that with any of her siblings no matter how hard she tried or cared.

Claire was about to fall when Chris caught her and let her lean on him. Alice wanted to catch her but she wasn't as close as Chris. Chris was so concerned when he said, "Come on Claire, we'll get you out of here!" He put his arm around her to help.

"I'm sorry Chris but I can't leave now I have to save my friend Steve! I owe it to him!" Claire said out of breath. Claire looked like she was in pain. "Clair!?" Chris was yelling out in concern. Clair replied, "They injected me with the Nosferatu virus." Then she suddenly collapsed.

"Claire!? Claire!" Chris tried waking her up but failed. Alice was so concerned and afraid that they weren't going to find a cure for Claire before it was too late.

Chris was afraid too that he might never find a cure for his sister but he steeped his nerves, looked at Alice and asked her to keep his sister safe while he was going to go look for an antidote. Alice wanted to go with him but in the end she agreed to guard his sister. Before Chris left he tried to find a good hiding space for Claire and Alice.

A couple of minutes after Chris left Alice encountered very few infected. After what felt like an eternity for Alice Chris came back looking battered and anxious not knowing if he was too late. Luckily he wasn't and he was able to give his sister the antidote. Claire woke up as soon as she was given the antidote. Claire was confused when she saw Alice's relived face but happy when she saw Chris's relived face. She went to hug Chris and Chris hugged her back.

After some quick introductions with Alice and Claire. Claire told her brother about her experience in Raccoon City as they looked for Steve. Chris and Alice had a horrified expression as they heard but Chris's horrified expression turned into anger and concern as he asked about his remaining S. T. A. R. S. members. Claire unfortunately didn't know anything about them except some notes that she found in the Raccoon City police department.

Suddenly a woman appears on top of some stairs with a taunting laugh.

"Alexia!" Claire yells out in anger and starts to chase her. Chris and Alice follow in pursuit.

As they were going up the stairs a giant tentacle appears, destroying the stairs and wounding Chris. Alice was by his side fast when they hear a man yell. Claire appears to recognize the voice when she says, "Steve?"

Chris urges Claire to go on without him and save Steve. Claire was reluctant in leaving her injured brother but Chris reassured him that he would be fine with Alice by his side. Claire went to go save Steve. With the help of Alice Chris found a good hiding spot then he asks her to go protect his little sister. Alice didn't want to be separated again but Chris kept urging her that he would be safe hiding here until she came back with Claire, so Alice went to go and try to protect Claire for Chris.

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