Chapter 8: Morning Discoveries

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As they both woke up the next day Alice saw that she was the first one to awaken. It appears that somewhere through out the night they had started to cuddle. Chris was right in front of her holding her close while her hands are on his chest. Alice looked up to study his sleeping face. Alice noticed that he looked even more handsome than she had initially thought. Alice tried to move to get out of his arms but then Chris tightened his arms around her bringing her closer to him.

Suddenly Alice's face showed confusion as she felt something poke into her thigh. She couldn't look down too see or grab what it was due to them being so close.

Alice started debating in whether she should wake him up or not but she knew she didn't have to make a choice when she heard Chris's morning voice, "Morning."

"Good morning, Chris." Alice replied quite happily.

Chris opens his eyes in shock and let's her go, "Sorry I thought you were a pillow." He was embarrassed.

"It's fine. It felt nice." Alice always wanted to hug someone or wake up with someone since she was young because she was never allowed any of that back in the mansion.

"Oh, I think you lost or left an item on the bed since it's poking me. I don't know if you feel it too." Alice told Chris as if she were telling him a fun secret.

"Shit. I'm so sorry!" Chris quickly got up and went to the bathroom while Alice was just confused.

Alice decided to try making a sandwich for Chris even through she's never made one because she has never had to cook in her life. She got up and her pants fell to her ankles. Alice had forgotten about her falling pants she let out a sigh and decided not wear them because her shirt was pretty long to be considered a dress, so she took them off and laid them on the bed.

Alice went to the kitchen looking for bread until she found it then. Then she opened the fridge too look for the items she recognized. 'Hopefully making a sandwich is as easy as I saw on TV.' Alice thought to herself.

Alice saw a couple of interesting things in the fridge and some cabinets that she thought would make a good sandwich. As Alice finished making the two sandwiches Chris came out of the bathroom with his hair wet.

'I guess he took a bath.'

"I made us a sandwich!" Alice was very proud of her first sandwiches.

"Thank you?" Chris said looking at the weird looking sandwich. It appears she added mustard, ketchup, mayo, butter, cheese, ham and half a tomato and some cereal. Chris didn't have the heart to tell her how unappealing it looked while staring at her face who kept looking at him for approval.

"Thank you!" He said more certainly as he took a bite but then started to choke when he saw that she wasn't wearing any pants, just his big shirt.

"Are you okay!?" Alice came rushing to his side with a cup of water.

Alice knew she had to make a simple sandwich but she was so excited to make her first sandwich that she added everything that looked interesting in it.

Chris nods while drinking the water Alice brought him. "What happened to your pants?"

"Oh, they kept falling so I took them off."

"You could've told me and I would've given you a belt." He said softly.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to bother you anymore after everything you've done for me." Alice looked down in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I wouldn't have mind helping you out more. How about I take you shopping for some new clothes after I come back from the station?" Chris said with reassurance.

"You're leaving?" Alice was afraid that he was about to abandon her.

"Yes but I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

'So he isn't abandoning me?' Thought Alice.

Chris took the sandwiches Alice made  put them aside, made Alice a new sandwich, turned on the tv and left saying that Barry and him were going to enjoy those sandwiches which made Alice giggle. As he left her alone with the tv on.

Alice ate her sandwich, drank water and watched tv for most of the day. She didn't know where the remote was or if Chris even had a remote because he turned the tv on by pressing a button on the tv, so she just watched all the movies that came up on that one channel.

Alice was on her fourth movie when weird scenes came up. She didn't know people could do that while naked and clothed. The movie was making her feel weird. 'No wonder Chris wanted to sleep on the couch! I didn't know that could've happened!' Alice felt hot as she rubbed her legs together chasing...what? Alice didn't know.

Alice wouldn't have minded doing all that as long as it was with Chris. The credits were for that movie was rolling when she heard the door open and saw Chris walking in with brown paper bags, "Sorry for taking too long. So I brought food." he handed her one of the bags.

Alice stood up and went to wash her hands before eating when she heard Chris say, "So what have you been doing the whole day?"

She ran out of the bathroom in excitement just to be with him because she missed him and told him about every movie she saw, then she told him that she understood why he was so reluctant in joining her on the bed the night before.

Then as Alice explained her previous experience with that movie the redder she got, finally when she was done explaining Chris was looking as red as her. "I probably should've explained to you how to change the channel before I left. Sorry."

"It's okay! They were nice movies! I usually saw the same movies back in..." Alice was starting to look bothered again so Chris said, "Don't worry about it. Come let's eat before our food gets cold." He opened his bag on the couch and stared at the new movie that started to come out. Alice soon did the same. They both had a nice evening till Chris started to do some work on the dinning table leaving Alice alone to watch movies again.

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