Chapter 9: A Day Out

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After realizing that Alice's clothes were too big for her because it was Chris's clothes she was wearing, Chris decided to take her shopping for some new attire. He rummaged through his wardrobe, selecting a few outfits that he thought would fit her.

"Here, try these on. We'll get you some proper clothes," Chris said, handing Alice the clothes and a belt with a reassuring smile.

Grateful for his kindness, Alice accepted the clothes and followed Chris out to the mall. As they walked through the bustling corridors of the shopping center, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as people cast curious glances her way. She tugged at the oversized shirt she was wearing, suddenly self-conscious of her appearance.

Chris noticed her discomfort and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about them. Let's find you something nice," he said reassuringly, leading her towards a clothing store.

Inside, they browsed through racks of clothes, Chris offering his opinions on different outfits as Alice tried them on. With his guidance, Alice found a few pieces that suited her well, her confidence growing with each new outfit. Alice and Chris were having a nice day forgetting about the events of the previous day just for that one moment.

After making the purchases, they headed back to Chris's apartment. Chris went back to working diligently on the dining table, sorting through files and typing away on his laptop, Alice settled on the couch, flipping through channels on the TV. Chris asked her a few questions related to the mansion but she didn't know much, all she knew was the testing room where she got shots and her white room. He dropped the questioning when he found out that she knew less than him.

As the afternoon stretched on, Alice found herself growing bored with the television. She glanced over at Chris, observing his focused expression as he worked. With a sigh, she realized that she still had much to learn about the world outside the mansion.

Despite the mundane nature of their day, Alice felt a sense of gratitude towards Chris for his kindness and patience. And as she watched him work, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future, knowing that she had a friend by her side to guide her through the challenges ahead.

Feeling a bit restless, Alice decided to get up and sit next to Chris watching him work. Chris looks up from his work for a second to look at her and continues to work.

Alice decided to ask him, "What have you been up to?" While they hear the tv in the background.

"I've been investigating Umbrella with the rest of the S.T.A.R.S. members."

Alice didn't know what to say because she didn't think she'd be of much use since he already questioned her and didn't learn much. Although Alice didn't feel she had much to contribute, Chris appreciated her company nnonetheless

As the afternoon stretched on, Alice found herself dozing off on the couch. Chris gently woke her up and suggested she sleep on the bed instead. Grateful for his consideration, Alice decided to take a shower before heading to sleep, so she grabbed her new pajamas and took a nice warm shower.

When she came out of the bathroom she still saw Chris working on the table so she went up to him and asked, "Are heading to bed soon?"

Alice's eyes widen as she remembers of what could happen in a bed with a man, so she started to blush until Chris said seriously, "No I think I'll keep working with this."

Chris looked so serious working that she decided to head to bed without asking him, anything else.

She fell asleep thinking hard about any type of useful information that Chris could use for his report.

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