Chapter 20: Missing You

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With a groan, Alice stirred from her slumber, her senses slowly awakening to the sound of two voices engaged in a heated argument. Despite her overwhelming fatigue, the persistent noise prevented her from slipping back into the comforting embrace of sleep.

"I'm not leaving my wife!" protested one voice, filled with determination.

"Redfield, we've been over this. Your wife is fine and stable now. We'll keep a close watch on her and protect her. But for now, you have a mission in Edonia. Your team needs you; they're waiting for you, Redfield," the other voice responded, its tone tinged with a mix of patience and restrained frustration.

"If she was really fine, then she would've woken up months ago! And you wouldn't have lost her to Albert for months!" Chris's voice echoed with frustration and anger, his words cutting through the air with intensity.

Chris scoffed and shook his head, his frustration evident as he exclaimed, "I can't believe nobody told me about my wife getting kidnapped!"

"We were working on saving her, and we didn't want you to lose focus on your mission objective at the time. You were so adamant that you could solve it when you should've left once you knew your mission was compromised! If you came back when you were supposed to, then maybe you would've known!"

"If I abandoned the mission, then this entire world would've been at the mercy of Albert and Uroboros!"

The other person arguing with Chris left with a bang on the door. Meanwhile, Chris grabbed Alice's hand and started to speak with her in a soft tone, "I wish you'd wake soon, Alice... I miss you... Jill misses you too..."

As Chris squeezed her hand and kept talking, Alice thought, 'Jill's alive!?' She tried to move and open her eyes, but she couldn't. 'What the..? Why can't I move?' Then she remembered, 'Oh yeah...I jumped out of a plane with Albert. If I'm fine, does that mean that he's okay too?'

Alice tried moving and getting up, but she couldn't for some reason. Chris kept talking about what happened on his mission in Africa, how he met Sheva, explained what Albert tried to do, and how he found out Jill was alive and saved her. His voice cracked a bit as he explained how his heart dropped when she flew off the plane with Albert. Alice felt tears on her arm when he said, "Please don't EVER do that again! I CAN'T lose you... I love you, Alice."

When Alice heard that, she tried her hardest to move to comfort him, but she was still unable to. "What? Alice? Was it you with the lights? Please do it again so I know you're awake and fine!" Alice didn't know if she had messed with the lights or not because her eyes were still closed.

Then Chris explained how hopeful he felt when Albert attacked them because if he was alive, then that would mean that his wife was okay and alive too. But then Chris said that he was devastated when he found Alice's body because he didn't know whether she was alive or not due to the severity of her injuries. Luckily, she was alive and slowly making a recovery.

Soon she heard the door open again and someone cleared their throat. "Sorry to bother you, Captain, but I'm afraid our mission in Edonia can't wait anymore." Alice recognized that voice; it was Piers, a nice young man that Chris recruited a few years ago.

"Like I've said many times before, I don't want to leave my wife alone in case she wakes up," Chris reiterated firmly.

"I know you've said that before, Captain, but the situation is getting worse in Edonia and we need you. I promise that after this mission is completed, nobody else will try to force you to separate from your wife again. So, the sooner this mission is completed, the sooner you can get back to her. But this mission can no longer be put on hold, Captain. I'm sorry," Piers explained earnestly.

Chris let out a tired sigh and said, "Fine. I'll go so we can finish the mission fast because I need to be with her. I failed her last time, all because I thought I was protecting her."

"I'll notify the team, Captain." Piers said as he walked out and closed the door behind him. Now it was just Chris and Alice in the room.

All this time Alice was trying to move to comfort her husband but she still couldn't. She was getting frustrated.

Alice felt something press on her lips, it was the lips of her husband. Then he said softly, "I promise I'll be back as soon as possible." He sighed and continued saying, "Please wake up, Alice." Chris gave her one last kiss before he left the room. Now Alice was all alone in the room, feeling frustrated because she couldn't move to comfort her husband.

It felt like an eternity for Alice since all she could hear was beeping sound. Soon, she became very bored with her predicament and fell into a deep slumber once more.


Alice was woken up again at the sound of someone talking loudly.

"This has to work! My plan is flawless!" someone shouted, their voice filled with determination.

'What are they talking about?' Alice wondered, trying to piece together what she could hear.

"She'll have to make do until I find the girl," the person said more calmly, sounding like they were trying to reassure themselves.

'Are they talking about me?' Alice thought as she opened her eyes and rubbed them.

'Wait, I can move!' After realizing she could move, Alice immediately got up and started to remove the cables and needles from her arm. She then tried to stand up, but her legs felt weak, causing her to almost fall.

A curtain that was covering Alice was drawn back after hearing her stumble.

"Oh, you're awake, my dear sister," the person said, trying to sound genuine, but it just came off as forced.

"Alex? What? Why are you here?" Alice asked, wary as Alex moved to hug her. Alice tried to avoid Alex's hug by putting her arms up.

"What do you mean? This is my own place, Alice. I decided to help you out since those idiots didn't know how to take care of you after what Albert did to you. Those pesky medicines he injected you with were interfering with your healing capabilities after your nasty injuries."

Alice was so confused. 'Wasn't Chris here before? But I don't think Alex and Chris would get along if we're being honest, since Alex is more sadistic than Albert, and that's saying a lot. Wait! Wasn't there a beeping sound before? There's no beeping now.' Alice had to ask. "Where am I, Alex?" Alice now knew that she was in a different place than before, and Alex's words before also confirmed it.

"You are at my home!" Alex said excitedly, her enthusiasm seeming forced to Alice.

"But where is it?" Alice was still so confused.

"On an island, so no one will hopefully bother our sister and sister bonding," Alex added with a smirk.

'I doubt my husband is here. I miss you, Chris, but don't worry, I'll get back to you,' Alice thought fondly with determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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