Chapter 6: Confrontation and Escape

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As the group finally caught up with Albert on the helipad, tension hung heavy in the air. Albert smirked arrogantly, his gaze flickering over his adversaries with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "Impressive that you're all still alive," he remarked casually, his voice dripping with contempt.

But before Albert could make his escape, fate intervened in the form of the Tyrant, crashing through a nearby wall with thunderous force. The monstrous creature loomed over Albert, its claws poised to strike, impaling him with brutal efficiency before tossing him aside like a ragdoll.

The Tyrant appeared more grotesque and formidable than ever, its enhanced speed and strength posing a formidable challenge for the group. Despite their best efforts, their weapons seemed ineffective against the creature's thick hide, forcing them to redouble their efforts in hopes of finally defeating it.

Meanwhile, Alice found herself once again relegated to the sidelines, her lack of weaponry leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable. But as the battle raged on, a flicker of determination ignited within her, propelling her into action.

Crawling stealthily through the chaos, Alice made her way towards Albert's fallen form, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "Albert," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with hurt and uncertainty.

Albert remained silent, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, his expression unreadable. "Did you really mean it? What you said back there?" Alice pressed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Still, Albert offered no response, his silence speaking volumes. As Alice grappled with her conflicted feelings, a helicopter descended from above, dropping a grenade launcher into Chris's waiting hands. With swift precision, Chris fired at the Tyrant, causing it to stumble and fall once more.

As the dust settled, Alice glanced back at Albert's prone form, only to find him gone, leaving behind a pool of blood as the only evidence of his presence.

Barry, Jill, and Chris engaged in conversation with a man named Brad, whom they referred to as "Chickenheart." Plans were made to head to Raccoon City's police station to file a report against Umbrella, their determination unwavering despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Soon explosions rocked the mansion, signaling its imminent collapse, Chris searched frantically for Alice, his panic mounting. Spotting her amidst the chaos, he reached out, urging her to safety as they clambered aboard the helicopter, leaving the crumbling mansion behind.

With Chris holding her tightly in his arms, Alice trembled as she watched her former home explode in a fiery inferno.

"I can't wait to go back home." Barry said with a sigh.

"First thing first we have to go to the station in Raccoon City and file a report. We cannot let Umbrella walk free." Jill said with a determination and a hint of anger.

Everyone agreed looking quite angry and determined. Except for Alice who didn't know what to do know. All her life all she could remember were the white walls of her room and the lab were those people used to take her too. Alice shudders and Chris tightens his hold on her but no enough to hurt.

Barry's words of longing for home stirred something within her, a longing for a place she had never truly known because the mansion was all she knew.

Jill's determination to hold Umbrella accountable resonated deeply with Alice, stirring a sense of purpose within her fractured soul. As they soared away from the wreckage, Alice knew that her journey was far from over, but for the first time, she felt a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos—a hope for a future free from the shadows of her past.

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