Chapter 11: Ambush in Europe

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As Chris and Alice continued their investigation in Europe, their bond grew stronger with each passing day. They had spent several months abroad, working tirelessly to uncover the truth behind Umbrella's operations when Chris remembered that he had forgotten to tell his sister Clair to not go to Raccoon City. He couldn't get ahold of his sister Clair.

He tried calling Jill and Brad to ask them for a favor. He wanted them to contact his sister and tell her that he wasn't in Raccoon City but he couldn't get in touch with them either. Amidst their efforts, Chris's concern for his sister Clair lingered in the back of his mind. Thankfully Alice was always there for Chris soothing his worries but that didn't help much when he spent time alone.

One night, as they made their way to their safe house after a long day of investigation, Chris's unease heightened when he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The usually bustling streets were eerily empty, sending a shiver down his spine. Sensing his unease, Alice too felt a sense of foreboding settle over them.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, shattering the silence of the night. Reacting swiftly, Alice pushed herself and Chris out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the hail of bullets. Chris instinctively shielded Alice, his heart pounding in his chest as they sought refuge in a nearby alley.

"Stay down!" Chris whispered urgently to Alice, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

Huddled together in the darkness, Chris and Alice listened intently as footsteps approached. A lone figure emerged from the shadows, armed and dangerous, his eyes scanning the alley for any sign of movement. Chris prepared to confront the assailant, but before he could make a move, three more men appeared, surrounding them with menacing intent.

Chris found himself outnumbered and outmatched, struggling to fend off their attackers as they closed in. Seeing Chris in trouble, Alice sprung into action, drawing on her instincts and the fight scenes she had watched on TV. With surprising agility, she tackled one of the men, rendering him unconscious with a single blow.

Meanwhile, Chris continued to grapple with the remaining assailants, his strength waning against their relentless assault.

One of them had let go of Chris and tried to take her down with his gun but she dogded it. The guy who tried to shoot her was shocked because she was so fast, Alice had run up to him, tackled him but he didn't fall unconscious like the other guy did at first, so she punched him once in the face; the guy fell unconscious. Alice stood up ready to fight again but noticed that Chris took down the other two guys, Chris searched the pockets of their unconscious assailants, his expression darkening as he uncovered evidence linking them to Umbrella. "Tch... of course it's Umbrella," he muttered, his jaw clenched in frustration.

Turning to Alice, Chris offered her a hand, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and concern. "We're going to have to be more careful. It appears they were on to us," he said solemnly, his mind already racing with thoughts of their next move.

Together, Chris and Alice made their way back to the safety of their hideout, their bond stronger than ever as they faced the looming threat of Umbrella's reach in Europe.

As Chris and Alice returned to the safety of their hideout, the adrenaline from their encounter still coursing through their veins, a sense of relief washed over them. They sat in the dimly lit room, their hearts still racing from the intensity of the ambush.

In the quiet of the safe house, surrounded only by the soft glow of the lamps, Chris found himself unable to tear his gaze away from Alice. Her courage and strength had never ceased to amaze him, and in that moment, he felt a deep admiration and affection for her.

Alice, too, felt a warmth bloom in her chest as she looked into Chris's eyes. Despite the danger they had just faced, she found solace in his presence, a sense of calm settling over her in his company.

As they sat together in the intimate silence, a sudden realization washed over Chris. He couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt towards Alice, the way her presence seemed to light up his world even in the darkest of times.

With a nervous yet determined resolve, Chris reached out, gently cupping Alice's face in his hands. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise and anticipation.

Without a word, Chris leaned in, closing the distance between them until their lips met in a tender, hesitant kiss. It was a moment filled with sweetness and innocence, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection that had been growing between them.

For Alice, the sensation of Chris's lips against hers sent a jolt of warmth through her body, igniting a spark of desire she had never felt before. In that moment, she felt safe and cherished in his embrace, as if nothing else in the world mattered but the two of them.

As they pulled away, their hearts pounding in unison, Chris and Alice shared a shy yet affectionate smile, their bond stronger than ever before. In that simple yet profound gesture, they knew that their journey together was only still beginning, and that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand.

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