Chapter 14: Bonds Amidst Chaos

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Alice found Claire when she was being held by one of the giant tentacles. Alice aimed her gun and shot at the tentacle that had a hold of Claire. The monster screechs and tightens it's hol on Claire when an infected being with a giant axe cuts through the tentacle and with that Claire is finally released. The tentacle monster smacks the infected with the giant axe away and they hit a wall breaking it. Claire yells out to the infected with the giant axe, "STEVE!" Claire was so concerned for him. The tentacle monster leaves, so Claire ran up to Steve who had transformed back into himself, he no longer looked mutated. Alice ran up behind her in concern. Alice saw that Steve a gash by his side and he kept bleeding. Alice took out her bandages and first aid sprays from her bag in an attempt to save him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe, Clair. At least you have someone to keep you safe. I love you Claire." Steve said softly as he passes out Claire cried as she applied the bandages and first aid sprays on his wound. Alice decided to check his pulse to see if he had died but his pulse was beating softly for now.

"He's still alive Claire but he needs serious medical help." Alice told Claire who looked relived for a second before she looked sad again. Truth be told Claire didn't know what to do to help him since there was no way to get him the help Steve needed in time.

"Claire we need to get him out of here." Alice told Claire softly. Claire nods and they both help carry the injured Steve. Claire was softly crying now, she was trying to calm herself but was still unable to, so Alice talked softly to Claire on how she met her brother. Suddenly they heard someone knocking on a door that was next to them. It was Chris!

"Claire! Alice! Are you both okay!?"

"Chris!" Claire said feeling relived at hearing her brother. Alice was a bit bothered since Chris had told her he was going to keep himself safe by hiding but at the same time feeling relived too at hearing he was okay.

Chris tried opening the door but it didn't open, then Claire tried opening the door as Alice held onto the unconscious Steve.

Both siblings started cursing till Claire remembered of a key card she had previously found and passed it to Chris under the door. Chris took it and in a few seconds the lights turned red and they could hear a robotic voice saying, "Self destruct sequence activated." The door opens and they all rush in the room where Chris was trying to escape this place.

Soon a giant tentacle blocks their escape, it releases a mutated Alexia. Chris plans to distract her as Claire prepares a plane for all of then to fit, meanwhile Alice was left holding onto Steve. Alice couldn't do much, she was hiding in a corner with Steve wishing she could do something to help but not wanting to ditch Steve. Alice was abruptly startled by the distinct sound of a gun cocking just behind her.

"I suggest you hand him over." Alice heard Albert right behind her. She slowly turned around while holding onto Steve. She saw someone people next to Albert holding Claire hostage.

A strange, ominous hum filled the air, followed by the powerful reverberation of something colossal colliding with the ground. It was Chris; standing tall amidst the aftermath, he had triumphed over the monstrous form of Alexia, vanquishing the mutated threat with unwavering determination.

As Chris turned, his gaze swept across the chaotic scene, searching for Claire, Alice, and Steve amidst the turmoil. In the midst of the tension, his eyes met theirs, relief flooding through him at their safety. Yet, amidst the relief, a new threat emerged in the form of Albert. With an air of defiance, Albert taunted Chris, goading him into battle.

With determination etched on their faces, Chris and Albert engaged in a fierce struggle, their movements a symphony of strength and resilience. Meanwhile, Alice remained vigilant, her sharpshooting skills proving invaluable as she targeted Albert's men with precision, freeing Claire, Alice, and the barely alive Steve from their captors. Now they were no longer held hostage by Albert's men.

As Claire returned to the plane, diligently resuming her preparations, Alice followed closely behind. Observing Claire's focused efforts, Alice's concern for Chris grew, prompting her to make a decision.

With a sense of urgency, Alice gently guided Steve to Claire's side, ensuring his safety in her care, before quietly slipping away to lend her assistance to Chris.

As Alice approached Chris, her heart sank at the sight of his battered state, but determination fueled her actions. She witnessed Albert, though injured, pressing on towards Chris, prompting Alice to intervene.

Without hesitation, Alice sprang into action, diverting Albert's path with a well-timed push into the path of an explosive blast. With Albert momentarily incapacitated, Alice rushed to Chris's side, offering him a steadying hand amidst the chaos.

Together, they navigated through the tumultuous environment, dodging explosions and debris as they made their way to the awaiting plane. Inside, Claire and Steve anxiously awaited their arrival, the aircraft ready to carry them away from the perilous scene. With a collective sense of relief, Chris and Alice joined their companions, ready to depart to safety.

As the plane soared away from the crumbling base, Claire's voice trembled with emotion as she implored Chris to promise never to leave her again. However, Chris's response was resolute, his eyes fixed on the horizon ahead, as he reminded her that their battle with Umbrella was far from over.

In the midst of their conversation, Alice silently observed, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as they escaped the chaos behind them. With the danger temporarily subdued, her focus shifted to Steve's well-being, knowing that they could now seek the help he desperately needed.

As they flew towards one of Chris's safe houses, leaving the exploding base in their wake, a quiet determination settled over the group. Despite the challenges ahead, they were united in their resolve to confront Umbrella and seek justice for all those affected by its malevolent schemes.

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