Chapter 15: Unexpected Things

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They managed to get Steve the help he needed on time but as the days turned into weeks, Steve remained unconscious, his condition slowly getting better with the passing of time. Claire, ever devoted, rarely left his side, her unwavering presence a testament to her love and concern. In moments of respite, Alice took on the solemn duty of watching over him, her gaze filled with a mixture of worry and hope.

Chris and Claire would occasionally venture out together, their conversations veiled in a solemn air as they sought solace and sustenance amidst the uncertainty. Yet, their thoughts always returned to Steve, their hearts heavy with concern for his well-being in case Albert ever comes back for him.

Hope blossomed anew as a woman named Rebecca emerged with a solution. Drawing upon a sample of Claire's blood, she crafted an antibody for Steve.

With each passing day, Steve's condition showed signs of improvement, his body responding to the healing touch of the antibody. Alongside Claire, Chris, and Alice, he embarked on a journey of recovery, his strength returning with each dawn.

Under Rebecca's care and the watchful eyes of Claire, Steve's health gradually improved, mirroring the resilience of his spirit.

As Alice and Chris strolled hand in hand down the hospital corridor, a symphony of emotions echoed in the air. Their steps faltered momentarily as they caught the sound of Claire's voice, tinged with emotion, resonating from within a nearby room. Chris's protective instincts surged, his senses alert to any hint of trouble, yet as they stepped closer, a heartwarming revelation unfolded.

Inside the room, amidst an atmosphere imbued with tender sentiments, Claire's joyous laughter mingled with the gentle cadence of conversation. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness—one that stirred the depths of their souls.

As they entered, hand in hand, they beheld a scene that spoke volumes—a radiant smile gracing Claire's face, her eyes alight with an ineffable joy as she shared a heartfelt exchange with Steve. In that fleeting moment, the world seemed to stand still, encapsulated in the warmth of their reunion.

With a graceful gesture, Claire beckoned them forward, her voice filled with affection as she introduced them to Steve. Steve immediately thanked Chris and Alice for coming to save Claire and him.

Moved by the depth of their bond, Alice and Chris quietly excused themselves, offering the newly reunited couple a cherished moment of privacy.

Alice and Chris walked back out to their safe house in where Chris's phone started to ring. Chris immediately answered the phone hoping that it was one of his remaining S. T. A. R. S. members and it was. "Jill!" Chris said sounded relived as he answered the phone. Chris gave Alice an apologetic smile and went outside the safe house to talk. Alice just smiled at his antics and went to their shared room where she decided to grab a fresh pair of clothes and take a shower. Hopefully Chris would be back inside when she was done.

Alice was getting ready to shower when she heard a noise coming from the bathroom window. The lights started to flicker now that Alice was on edge, so she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find which was a pair of scissors and get near the bathroom window. The closer she she noticed that there was something but the window, so she decided to open the window and found an unmarked letter addressed to her. Alice looked out the window in hopes of seeing whoever left the letter but she saw no one.

The bathroom's tranquility shattered by the unsettling noise at the window, Alice's senses sharpened, her instincts on high alert. With the flickering lights casting eerie shadows, she swiftly armed herself with the nearest weapon at hand—a pair of scissors—ready to confront whatever threat lurked beyond.

Approaching the window cautiously, her heart pounded with trepidation as she beheld a mysterious envelope nestled on the sill. With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, Alice hesitated momentarily before seizing the letter, its contents veiled in secrecy.

As she unfolded the paper and read the words penned within, a surge of emotions washed over her—a potent blend of anger, betrayal, and defiance. The letter, purportedly from her estranged sister Alex, bore a chilling message, promising retribution against Albert and a twisted vision of dominance. The letter read, "To my dearest little sister, Alice. It has come to my attention that Albert hasn't been treating you with the respect you deserve. I have heard that he has been quite a bad big brother to you but don't worry your big sister Alex is here to give you what you deserve. Here are some coordinates for you to follow. Soon us Wesker women will be the gods of this world, not Albert. I have missed you a lot Alice. Love your big sister, Alex."

Clutching the letter tightly, Alice's fists clenched with determination, her resolve unwavering in the face of her sister's sinister machinations. For she knew all too well the depths of Alex's deception and cruelty, a dark shadow looming over their tumultuous past.

Alice knew she wasn't going to whatever coordinates Alex gave her so she just threw the letter in the trash. As she showered she contemplated telling Chris about the letter. When she came out of the shower in her pajamas she saw Chris sitting on their bed looking disturbed soon Alice forgot about the letter, wrapped her arms around Chris in a hug and asked him what was wrong.

Chris told her all about his call with Jill and told her about the chaos that happened in Raccoon City. Alice was shocked yet angry to hear what he had to say because innocent people had died after Umbrellas mess.

Chris asked Alice to help him pack because they were going back to the States to meet up with Jill. They talked about forming an anti-B. O. W. organization because Umbrella couldn't keep getting away. Before they left for the States they bid farewell to Steve and Claire who wanted to join them but didn't want to leave Steve alone.

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