Chapter 12: Attempted Island Rescue

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A couple of weeks went by when Chris got a suspicious e-mail from someone who said they were friends with Clair; someone called Leon Kennedy. It read that his sister Clair was in danger and it also gave Chris some coordinates as to where she went, his heart sank with worry. Despite his reluctance to involve Alice further, he knew he couldn't ignore the possibility of his sister being in danger. Chris had noticed Alice's unique abilities over the past few months they spent together, and he couldn't deny the strength and agility she possessed. He also observed the strange phenomenon of electricity behaving oddly whenever Alice experienced intense emotions.

Chris didn't want to worry or burden Alice anymore but he didn't want to hurt her for leaving without telling her anything. Chris throughout these months of spending time with her  noticed that she was faster and stronger than the average human. He also noticed that whenever she got upset which wasn't many times that the electricity would act weird. Sometimes it left on it's own and sometimes it would come on it's own. He noticed it thanks to a few upsetting movies she saw.

Summoning his courage, Chris approached Alice and explained the situation. Despite his reservations, he knew he needed her help. Together, they embarked on a journey to the coordinates provided in the email to a place called Rockfort Island, to rescue Clair from whatever peril she was facing.

Upon arriving at the island, Chris made the difficult decision to enter alone, not wanting to put Alice in any more harm's way. Instead, he tasked her with keeping their gateway vehicle which was a boat safe, ensuring she remained safe while he ventured inside. Before he left he gave her a comm to keep in contact in case anything bad happened.

Alice vehemently went against his choice wanting to help on the island but Chris kept saying that maybe he shouldn't have been so selfish to have brought her. He wanted her to keep safe by the boat. In the end Alice agrees even though her gut kept telling her to push forward with Chris.

After a couple of minutes passed Alice was bored. She looked down at her handgun strapped to her thigh and her knife remembering Chris's lessons; Alice smiles at the memories. Suddenly a huge explosion came from the island.

"Chris! Chris are you okay!?" There was no answer only white noise.

Alice kept trying to get in contact with Chris after some time Alice decided to leave the boat thinking that Chris was in danger. Alice made sure she had enough ammo, firts aid sprays and made her way in to the island. She first found herself in a type of catacombs. Alice didn't know what to do or where to go.

Alice stumbled upon a giant dead worm thing. She grimaces, then she notices a someone next to that thing. She asks the person if they were okay but when she got no answer she decided to check for a pulse. The man was dead.

Alice felt bothered that someone was dead. That meant that this place wasn't going to be as easy as she thought. Alice thought it was just save Clair and that was it. She didn't think there would be more monsters, infected Or B. O. W.?

Many paths were blocked by rubble so, Alice didn't encounter that many infected on her way and when she did she shot, kicked, punched and slashed any infected looking monsters on her way. The deeper she went in the island the more she tried to see if Chris was going to answer his comm.

Finally leaving the catacombs after solving a puzzle and finding a hidden door she finds herself in a lab. She soon leaves the lab trying to find Chris when she hears gunshots and a fight going on in one of the labs, there she's shocked to see Albert her brother alive and well fighting Chris. Chris was losing, Albert was chocking him. Just when Chris punched him Alberts sunglasses fell off his face, that's when Alice and Chris saw his yellow eyes. Chris looked disturbed at Alberts eyes as his face started turning purple due to the lack of air. Alice came running in, tackled Albert and punched him in the face. Albert let out a small laugh as he saw his sister.

As Chris took big gulping breaths he saw Alice and Albert engaged in hand to hand combat. They were both strong, fast, they looked evenly matched. Chris managed to grab his gun that he lost due to his fight with Albert and shot Albert who managed to dodge the bullets. Albert kicked his sister into a wall leaving a dent there. Alice felt a bit dizzy. Albert was in front on Chris taunting him.

"You're sister Clair isn't even here Redfield. She's in Antarctica with Alexia. I believe you are too late to save her." Albert says with a humorless chuckle.

When Alice doesn't feel dizzy anymore she makes her way towards Albert who was throwing Chris. Suddenly Albert looked at some monitors after hearing a woman's voice and left. Alice went to help Chris when suddenly a monster or infected came out. The monsters had the shape of a man but only had one giant right arm. Chris and Alice looked at each other for one second before they started shooting at the monster. They both start to fighting the monster, whenever the monster got to close to her she'd kick it on the chest and dodge out of its giant grabbing hand. Finally the monster went down after firing several rounds of ammo at it.

Alice ran up to Chris and gave him a hug. She thought something much worse happened to him when he didn't answer his comm.

"How did you find me?" Asks Chris in a curious tone.

"By luck but I'm glad." Alice shruggs as she let's him go.

"Why didn't you answer your comm?" Alice asks in a curious yet worried tone.

"What?" Chris was confused. He tried talking using his comm but realized it was broken.

"Shit! I'm sorry Alice." Chris looked embarrassed and ashamed.

Alice was quick to comfort him. "It's okay. At least I found you."

"No Alice it isn't what if something happened to you? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for dragging you here." Chris looked ashamed still.

Alice cups his face in her hands and says tenderly, "But nothing happened Chris. Honestly I'm glad you brought me too because...remember what you told me in the Spencer Mansion? We're in this together, Chris. Because no one should have to go through this alone."

Chris eyes soften and then he leans in to give her a kiss as they wrap their arms around each other. Their kiss is suddenly interrupted by an explosion.

"Shit! We have to get out of here and find Clair!"

Alice nods and they both find a hidden passage through leads to the sewers. There they find another infected monster that was swimming in a pool. Alice and Chris both look at each other as they start planning on a way to get some keys that the monster was guarding.

After avoiding falling into the pool and the monsters electric attacks they finally grab the keys that Chris wanted to grab. Chris led her to a two sitter plane. Chris helps Alice in the plane even if she didn't need help, then he got in and managed the plane to Antarctica to where his sister was.

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