Chapter 3: Betrayal Revealed

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As Chris and Alice delved deeper into the bowels of the mansion, their footsteps echoed in the empty halls, each step fraught with tension. Chris fought off the infected, protecting Alice as they navigated through the shadows.

Their focus shifted when they stumbled upon a familiar figure.

"Jill!" Chris called out, relief flooding through him at the sight of his fellow S.T.A.R.S. member.

Jill Valentine turned towards them, her expression a mix of surprise, relief, and concern. "Chris? I'm so glad I found you. Are there any more members of the Alpha team with you?" Jill's gaze then shifted towards Alice, her expression hardening. "Who's this?"

Chris gestured towards Alice, who stood slightly behind him, her gaze shifting nervously between Jill and Chris. "Unfortunately no. They didn't make it." Chris said looking pained then said, "And this is Alice Wesker. She's Albert Wesker's sister."

Jill's eyes widened in recognition, and she motioned for Chris to join her in a corner for a private conversation. Alice watched from a distance, wondering to hear what their whispered exchange was.

"Chris, I don't think we can trust her," Jill voiced her concerns.

Chris furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why?"

Alice out of curiosity started walking slowly towards them not wanting to be far in case more infected came but she could hear them now.

"Because she's a Wesker," Jill replied bluntly. "Albert betrayed us. He lured us here to collect combat data for Umbrella, then he tried to kill Barry and me for knowing too much. I don't know if Barry is even alive because we got separated in our encounter with Wesker."

Chris's shock mirrored Jill's. The revelation of their captain's betrayal weighed heavily on him, and he struggled to come to terms with the truth.

Meanwhile, Alice's heart sank as she listened to the accusations against her brother. She knew Albert was ruthless, but she never imagined he would stoop to such depths of treachery.

Chris stepped forward placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Jill, Alice has been helping me navigate the mansion. She's saved my life."

Jill hesitated, her gaze flickering between Chris and Alice meanwhile Alice looked away when they made eye contact. "Alright, Chris. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now. But we need to stay alert. Things are only going to get worse from here."

Chris and Jill went back to Alice and continued their exploration of the mansion, each step bringing them closer to the truths hidden in this mansion and dark secrets hiding within its walls.

Together, they would confront the darkness that threatened to consume them, united by their shared determination to survive.

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