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The Winchesters and Bobby reached them just as they began their conversation, being close enough to hear them but giving them their space and a sense of privacy.

"Do we know his identity?" Harry asked as he flicked his wand at the Death Eater, adding more restriction in case the Stunners wore off.

They affected people differently based on that individual's physical strength, magical core strength and mental state, therefore you could never truly be certain of how long the individual would be restrained for and so it was always better to be safe.

"I believe it's Henry Patterson, a low-level Death Eater. He wasn't on our radar because we didn't initially know about him. Intel I've gathered suggests he's a new recruit for the resistance, he's too young to have been a Death Eater in the war, although saying that, Draco..."

"The Bouncing Ferret," Harry supplied.

She slapped him on the back of the head and he winced. "I thought we stopped with the petty name-calling..."

"He called me Potty-head last week," he argued.

"When I see him I will be having words with him, too."

They all saw the magical President wince before shaking his head in amusement and the two brothers shared a curious glance at his reaction to the witch's words.

"Draco saved our lives, he defected to our side and that was nine years ago, get over it. Life is too short to hold grudges, you should know that better than anyone, you've died. Twice."

The Hunters were surprised by the news and they couldn't hide it, looking to each other in disbelief and then back to the magical folk, not wanting to miss anything because they hadn't been paying attention.

"Yeah, well, you've died four times," Harry responded.

"And Death won't let me forget it, honestly," she huffed, "He needs to get over his obsession with me."

"He likely will when you stay dead," he said amused.

"You're one to talk, Mister The-Boy-Who-Just-Won't-Die."

"Quoting Malfoy now?"

She sniffed and stuck her nose in the air, much to the amusement of Harry. "Anyway, my point is he's too young to have been a Death Eater during the war, but given that Draco was forced into it when he was sixteen, it is possible."

"What's his blood status, do we know?"

"I believe he's a Half-blood, Kings," she responded. "I have no idea why a bloody Half-blood would want to exterminate the world of all Muggles and Muggleborns. Some Purebloods are still only wanting a Pureblood Utopia, Half-bloods would be made slaves, why he would want to be a part of that is beyond me," she shook her head. "The fact that he's a Half-blood has me believe they're getting desperate. Too many Pureblood families have seen the error of their ways and those that haven't now understand that they'll never have the Pureblood only world they wish for, so they keep their views quiet and get on with their lives. If they're recruiting Half-bloods, they may become more reckless than they already are," Hermione explained.


She looked behind her to see that it was Bobby that had asked, a curious look held on his face.

"They want to prove themselves, they want to prove their hatred for everything but Purebloods and for that they will do anything, but, the Purebloods won't trust them no matter what they do, and for us, that's a good thing. If we can capture a Pureblood, there's a chance I can get them to give their headquarters up, or at the very least, the names of their Half-blood recruits. In retaliation, the Half-bloods may give up the Purebloods. We can get them to flip on the other, which will help to bring down their entire operation."

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