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"Not what you were expecting, huh?" She said amused.

They shook their heads simultaneously.

Sam cleared his throat. "What exactly is it that you do?" He asked her.

"I am the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement and Auror Department that deals with Death Eaters and Magical Creatures. Harry deals with crime in the Wizarding World, my jurisdiction is the Muggle World. Since I was raised in the Muggle World I have a greater understanding than those that were raised in the Wizarding World, I can survive in both worlds. I try to spend equal amounts of time in both worlds so that I can keep myself grounded, remember who I am and where I come from."

"Must be dangerous," he commented.

"It is, but I love my job; I'm putting murderers and psychopaths either in prison or six feet under, depends on the situation. I would never kill in cold blood, but if I have to defend myself, I will. I've been defending myself from monsters since I was twelve, I have fourteen years of battle experience were most of my targets are still in training robes," she snorted. "I also deal with creatures such as werewolves, vampires, veelas, sirens, succubi, twenty-foot long snakes, giant, giant spiders, mermaids, things like that. Most of the time you Hunters do my job for me and I can focus on Death Eaters. I have a lot of cases, but the ones that have a higher death count get my attention. I have fifty Aurors under my command, Draco mostly stays in England seeing as he has a wife and a baby on the way whereas I don't have any family."

"What about siblings? Cousins? Parents?" Sam asked with a frown; he only had Dean and Bobby, but still, it was family, no matter how small.

"No, my grandparents died when I was little, my parents didn't have any siblings and I was an only child myself. Before we retrieved Harry for his safety after Dumbledore's death, I erased the memories of my parents, I never existed and they never had a daughter, all evidence of me was gone. Afterwards, I gave them new identities and gave them the urge to pack up and leave Europe altogether, instead, moving to Australia."

"Why would you do that?"

"I had to, I was the Muggleborn best friend of Harry Potter, he was the most wanted man in Wizarding Europe because of Voldemort, he was Undesirable Number One and I was Undesirable Number Two. Voldemort would've killed my parents to bring me out of hiding, to cause me pain, to cause Harry pain because he would've blamed himself."

"So what happened to your parents?" Sam asked.

"Murdered by Death Eaters before they'd even arrived at the airport, but I made sure the ones responsible got what they deserved, they died in the Final Battle. I have no biological family but I do have the Weasleys, the Potters and the Malfoys, but it's not the same anymore. It was expected of myself and Ronald to get married and have a hoard of redheaded curly-haired children running around," she rolled her eyes. "We dated after the war, but it wasn't right, all we did was argue and he cheated on me," she shrugged. "After we broke up things between us shifted, I'm not as close to Ronald as I used to be, he cheated on the girl he cheated on me with and now he has two kids to two different women. He can't keep a girlfriend for more than a month; he's a serial cheater, yet the idiots date him because he's good looking and famous. They all think they can change him, get him to put a rock on their finger and give them the key to his bank vault," she rolled her eyes.

"It took years for George to heal after his twin's death but now he's married and he's got two kids. Charlie works in Romania on a dragon reserve, he's a dragon tamer and he's finally found someone, though marriage is nowhere on his list of things to do in the foreseeable future. Bill's a curse breaker, he's still married to Fleur and they have three kids. Percy married, too, and he's got a kid on the way. Ginny and Harry married, and they have three kids now. Draco married Luna Lovegood, a Half-blood much to the shock of everyone and they have their first child on the way, she's due in about two months. They all have their lives, and I have mine. I spend most of my time travelling around the US, there aren't many Death Eaters in Europe anymore, seeing as we've caught them, most fled here and so I work here," she shrugged. "It's just me and Ricky."

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