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Hermione stumbled back as Dean crashed into her, his hands gripping at her hips and she held onto his biceps, gripping for balance, but it wasn't enough and she fell backwards, tumbling to the ground.

She made a sound of surprise and somehow Dean managed to twist them so that he landed on the ground on his back and Hermione landed on top of him with Dean cushioning her fall. He made a grunting sound of pain against her lips but he didn't stop kissing her.

Hermione shuffled up his body so neither of them had to crane their necks, her legs straddled his waist and her hands moved from his biceps to bury themselves into his hair, tugging on the strands. He groaned and delved his tongue into her mouth, his hands moving away from her hips, one running up her back and burying beneath her hair and holding the back of her neck to keep her to him, the other slipped under her shirt and trailed the hot skin of her back. She moaned when his hand slipped over her arse and gave it an appreciative squeeze.

Her hands left his hair and found his, lacing her fingers through his she pulled them away from her body and pinned them on either side of his head, keeping held to the ground.

"Hermione! Dean!" Hermione sprung back from Dean and jumped off him just as Sam rounded the corner, coming into view and he raised an eyebrow as Dean was still laid on the ground and Hermione stood beside him, looking everywhere but at him.

"What's going on here?" He asked them both.

"Dean was teaching me some self-defence," Hermione answered. Technically he had been before he pounced on her, so she wasn't exactly lying.

She knew her cheeks were likely flushed, but that could be put down to the exercise, the same with her breathlessness and rumpled shirt, her hair was mussed and could've been caused by the wind, and her lips were likely swollen, she just hoped he didn't notice.

"She any good?" Sam asked, helping Dean to stand up and he brushed down his jeans. Dean nodded, his heated gaze locked on her.

"Well, I better go and find Ricky, I've nearly finished my report and I need him to deliver it to London," she said, before turning and walking back through the maze.

Sam turned to Dean and he crossed his arms and he smirked at him. "She must be rather good in order to get you on the ground," he commented.

"She distracted me," Dean defended.

"I bet she did," he smirked in reply. "She did look rather flustered."

Dean kept a passive look on his face. "She can shoot," he said, changing the subject.

"She can?" Sam asked surprised.

Dean nodded to the six cans on the ground and Sam stared at him surprised. "She shot all six of them from twenty feet away and without difficulty. Her father was in the military and taught her to shoot when she was eight. Apparently she's good with knives, too."

Sam blinked. "Maybe we should ask her to come with us tomorrow," he mused and Dean once again, kept his face passive.


It was the early hours of the morning and Hermione laid awake staring at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep, she had tried and to be honest, she wasn't sure she wanted to. She couldn't shut her thoughts off long enough to fall asleep, and she knew that if she did, she wouldn't get much sleep with her memories haunting her. Since she had taken the Dreamless Sleep Potion the night she was attacked, it had messed up her schedule and so that option was out of the window.

She sighed and ran a hand over her face, pulling the blanket up to her chin and turning on the bed that she had transfigured from the couch. Her eyes caught that of someone entering the room and she didn't know how, but she knew it was Dean.

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