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They had stopped at three different stations in search of banoffee muffins, but Hermione was out of look as none of them sold them. She was currently sat in the passenger's side for the first time since meeting The Winchesters. Sam had sprawled himself across the back seat, reading another book Hermione had given him about the history of Wizarding Europe, whilst Dean drove, chuckling every now and then at Hermione's scowl and childishly crossed arms.

"It's not funny, you said we'd get banoffee muffins," she frowned.

"Yes, I did say that, just because we haven't found some yet, doesn't mean that I've given up. I promised you banoffee muffins and we'll get you banoffee muffins." She continued to scowl and Sam snorted in amusement. "Besides, we should be arriving at that woman's house in ten minutes," he said, and Hermione sat up taller and looked out the window, waiting for the house to come into view. And it did.

"Do you want us to come in with you?" Dean asked her, parking the car by the curb.

"No, I shouldn't be too long," she said, before steeling her emotions and climbing out of the car, walking down the drive and knocking on the door.

She didn't have to wait long for the door to be opened and for a surprised Ms. Binns to be stood on the other side.

"Miss. Granger?"

Hermione was glad to see that she looked far better than the last time she had seen her, she didn't look to be exhausted, colour had returned to her cheeks and her eyes weren't swollen or red.

"Hello, Ms. Binns," she said politely.

"Won't you come in?" She asked, standing back to allow Hermione entrance into the house and she led her to the kitchen, both taking seats at the table when Hermione declined the offered beverage.

"Ms. Binns, when I last saw you I made a promise that I would catch those responsible for taking your son's life." She could see her eyes beginning to water. "I'm here now to inform you that those responsible have been captured. With the help of some truly brave witches and wizards who work for the magical police department, there was a battle in which we took down the headquarters for the faction of the other side. Several died in battle, a few are comatosed, some are severely injured and still in hospital but will face trial when they are released, and the rest are currently being prepared to stand trial, but the evidence we have is great and none of them will be getting off lightly. I suspect the sentence will be between fifteen years and life, and believe me, Ms. Binns, if I was given the sentence these people are, I would rather choose death, as our magical prisons are guarded by truly dark creatures that instil fear in every member of the Wizarding World."

"They're dead?" She whispered, her tears spilling out of her eyes.

"They're either dead or standing trial, they will not get away with what they've done and they will be punished. Your son will get justice."

She doubled over on herself, sobbing loudly and Hermione reached out to touch her shoulder comfortingly. Ms. Binns latched onto the contact and grabbed a hold of Hermione's forearm.

"It's over, and the world is a safer place for Henry to grow and learn," Hermione whispered, and her sobs grew louder.


Hermione stepped out of the house, wiping away her own tears and she felt emotionally wiped out as she made her way to the car and climbed back into the passenger's side.

"How'd it go?" Sam asked her.

"It went," she replied looking out of the window. "Let's go, I've done what I needed to do, now we need to get to Bobby's so he can yell at me." They both chuckled at her and Dean started the ignition and they continued on their journey.

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