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The next morning found Sam waking before Hermione and Dean, and like the morning before, it was to see Dean wrapped tightly around Hermione, though this time Hermione appeared to be as equally clingy with her practically being draped across Dean in their slumber. He thought about possibly taking another photo to later use as blackmail material, but he quickly remembered the previous night's happenings and decided against it.

Sam climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom, intending to clean himself up for the coming day of travel. When he exited the bathroom fifteen minutes later, he was surprised to see that Hermione was no longer present in the room, only Dean was and he was still asleep, though now he was clutching the pillow Hermione had previously used.

Sam threw the wet towel he had dried his hair with at Dean, waking him up. Dean sprang up with his silver knife clutched in his hand and when he saw it was only Sam he glared at him before sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"What the hell was that for?" He grumbled.

"Hermione's not here."

Sam's response had Dean jumping from the bed, tucking his knife away, grabbing his shoes and pulling them on before running to his shirt he'd taken off the night before and pulling it on along with his leather jacket and he headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked with a frown; he hadn't expected Dean's frantic reaction to hearing that Hermione wasn't present.

"To find her, anything could've happened to her." A genuine look of worry surfaced on his face.

"She'll be fine," Sam shrugged.

"How the fuck can you be so calm?" Dean demanded.

"Hermione wouldn't just leave us here, besides, her bag's still on the table."

Dean's head swivelled around to see that Sam was right; Hermione's beaded bag was still sat on the table.

"She wouldn't go anywhere without it," Dean spoke, calming himself down, he knew how important the bag was to her survival, her life, she would never leave without it.

"She wouldn't," Sam agreed. "Wherever she went, she'll be back, this case is important to her and she wouldn't abandon it. We just have to wait for her to return and then we can get back on the road."

Dean didn't look happy at the news but he walked to the bathroom and the door closed behind him. Sam shook his head and left the room, heading out to the Impala to sort everything away correctly, since he'd just thrown it in before the police arrived the night before and he knew Dean would be a pain in the ass if he saw the state of the weapons case.

It didn't take him long to have everything back in its rightful place and he removed Hermione's books from the trunk and placed them on the back seat for when she returned. When he returned to the room, Dean was sitting at the table, dressed in clean clothes and his leg bouncing nervously and his eyes were trained on the door. A look of relief appeared when Sam entered but it quickly disappeared; he was obviously waiting for Hermione.

"She'll be fine and she'll be back," Sam repeated.

Dean merely turned his attention to the window, his eyes scanning the parking lot outside and watching for Hermione. Sam busied himself by packing away their dirty clothes and placing them by the door ready to leave, before sitting himself down on the edge of the bed and joining Dean in the waiting game.

Twenty minutes later, the door opened and they both stood, ready to draw their weapons, Sam his gun and Dean his knife as his gun was in the Impala. Hermione entered the room with a tray of styrofoam cups and a brown paper bag. They both relaxed but they eyed her warily.

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