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Sam and Dean had left to go to the morgue and speak with the relatives of the victims, she had to stay behind as she received a message from one of her tenants complaining about a noise coming from the walls.

She had headed to the apartment and discovered there to be several Doxy's living in the walls. Hermione had the problem dealt with in less than an hour and she returned to her own apartment. Realising that it would probably be a while since the brothers returned, she headed to her potions lab and started to make batches of potions she was low on.

It was almost seven when they returned and since she had forgotten to give them the access code and card to her floor, she was alerted to someone trying to break in so she went down and collected them.

"Sorry about that," she said as they walked into her apartment. "I forgot that I didn't give you the code or card to get on this floor, I'm the only one that has access since it's the only apartment on this floor."

"How many apartments are there in this building?" Sam asked her curiously.

"There are twenty floors, there are no apartments on the ground floor and neither is there on the nineteenth floor, since that's where the house-elves reside and we're on the twentieth floor. The number of apartments on each floor varies. Some may have ten where others can have fifteen or sixteen. With magic the rooms are bigger on the inside, those that have families are given the larger apartments and those were there are only one or two tenants, they get the smaller ones, though each apartment has at least two bedrooms. I believe there are currently two-hundred and sixty-six apartments in total, I'd have to ask one of the house-elves to be sure." They spluttered and gawked at the news. "I wanted this place to be family friendly, a safe place where children can grow and explore. And believe me, they do explore," she chuckled.

"I have hidden rooms around the complex and some of them even I don't know what's in them. I asked the contractors to surprise me. I know at least one of the rooms is an indoor play area, I know one of them is an area where magical children can learn to ride brooms without risk of being caught by a muggle, and I know one of them is an area where they can play with and train their familiars, but I know there's also at least another thirteen hidden rooms." They were surprised by that news and she chuckled at them. "So, what did you discover?" She asked them, leading them over to the table in the kitchen and they took seats.

"Each of the victims' cause of death was different, one was strangled, another stabbed, another was shot, another hanged and the final one was pushed from a building," Sam explained. Hermione frowned.

"Aside from their physical appearance connecting them, they were all in their mid-twenties, an only child and their parents had died," Dean said. "They were all taken from the same night club and their bodies were dumped three days later, a couple of blocks from each other."

"I spoke to the relatives and friends," Sam piped up, "They said the same thing. They had last seen the victim leaving the club with a man with brown hair and brown eyes, approximately five-foot-eleven."

"The victims are taken every four days, the body is dumped three days later, and then another victim goes missing the next day. Judging by that timeframe, the next victim will be taken tonight," Dean said.

"Do you know what it is?" She asked.

"Demon," they both answered without hesitation.

"We visited the dump sites and yellow powder was discovered at the scene, not mention, it reeked of sulphur, and indicator a demon has used their powers," Sam shrugged.

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