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There was no hesitation in either of them and Hermione's hand came up to tangle in his hair whilst his gripped at her waist and she gave a little sigh when he nibbled at her bottom lip and she opened for him, her tongue greeting his as they danced and twined.

Her insides felt as though someone had lit a small fire and it was suddenly given access to more oxygen, it burning bigger and wilder, consuming everything in sight. Everything about the man was bloody damn handsome; she didn't know how to deal with it. From his sinfully good looks, to his terrible charm and pick-up lines, to his confidence – even bordering on arrogance, to his protectiveness of his little brother. Even his smell was attractive to her, he smelled like gun powder, motor oil and soap; it was so different from the freshly cut grass and parchment smell she'd once loved.

She gave a quiet, little moan when his hand moved to her hip and trailed over her arse, giving it a cheeky squeeze before picking up her leg and hooking it over his hip, pulling their lower bodies closer together and in response, she gave a harsh tug on his hair and a groan left him. She released her grip on his hair and trailed her hand down to his t-shirt, gripping the fabric in her fist and tugging at it, rolling onto her back and pulling Dean with her until he was cradled in her thighs and her legs hooked over his, keeping him in place.

He pulled back from her, his breathing just as heavy as hers and he ducked his head, turning his attention to her neck, nibbling and sucking at her skin to the point of it driving her mad and he slipped his hands under her t-shirt, running his fingers back and forth against her sides. Her hand slipped under his t-shirt and she traced the hard muscles of his back and shoulders, his skin erupting with goosebumps and his muscles twitching under her soft exploration. She gripped at his shoulders and gasped when she felt the bulge that was beginning to make itself known in his jeans and pressed up against her clothing-clad centre.

His mouth returned to hers and his hands moved down to her jeans, where he unfastened the button and zipper and before he could do anything else, Hermione stopped him.

"No, we can't," she mumbled against his lips.

"Of course we can, we're both consenting adults," he muttered as he moved his mouth back to her neck.

"Nope, we can't," she said breathlessly and she pushed at his chest until he looked down at her.

"Why not?" He all but pouted.

"I'm not having sex with you whilst your brother is currently less than a foot from us," she said, looking at him pointedly when said brother gave a snore and shifted in his sleep. "Not only is it creepy and weird, I tend to have a few traits that come out during sex," she said, her face darkening with a blush.

"What do you mean?" He asked, both amused and intrigued by her reaction.

"When I was thirteen something happened to me and I still suffer with the side effects to this day and they tend to be more noticeable during sex."

"How so?"

"Not telling you, plus, I don't want Sam to hear us and wake up."

"Can't you just put one of those silence bubbles around him, like you do when he's reading?"

"No, he could still wake regardless."

"What about the Invisibility Spell you put on the car? You could put that on us."

"There's no such thing as an Invisibility Spell and I'm not casting a Notice-Me-Not Charm because your brother is rather perceptive around magic and can likely see through it."

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