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"Lovely place," Hermione commented wryly, her eyes scanning the seedy-looking bar they'd decided to stop at for a drink and some dinner before heading back to the motel and calling it a night.

They snorted at her before moving over to the bar, quickly ordering a beer each and then finding a booth in the corner of the room. They weren't sat long before someone came over to take their order for food.

"Chicken salad," Sam ordered causing Dean to roll his eyes and Hermione to look at Sam disgusted.

"Double cheeseburger and fries with onion rings on the side, and some pie, whatever you have," Dean ordered without even glancing at the menu on the table. Sam rolled his eyes and Hermione nodded in approval.

The man, who was dressed in a dark t-shirt and jeans with his dark hair falling into his dark eyes, looked to her questioningly. "Salad?" He guessed with a raised eyebrow.

Hermione was immediately offended.

"A salad? Do I look like a bloody rabbit?" She asked incredulously. Sam stared at her in surprise and laughter fell from Dean as he gave her a look of pride. "No, I don't want a damn salad, what I want is a double cheeseburger with a side of bacon, actually, better make it two double cheeseburgers," she amended, "Fries with melted cheese over the top and onion rings, too. If I see one, and I mean, one, lettuce leaf anywhere near my food, you will be wearing it."

The waiter stared in surprise before his cheeks tinted pink and he turned and rushed off to the kitchens.

"You know, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship," Dean grinned.

"Of course, that's what you bond over, your distinct lack of healthy food. Fine, die of high cholesterol, the both of you, see if I care," Sam sighed, dropping his chin onto his hands as he propped his elbows up on the table.

"Alright," they both shrugged before their eyes cut to each other in surprise. Sam shook his head.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He muttered.

"Funny, I said that every day at school after becoming friends with Harry and Ron," she grinned.

"So, Gryffindor Princess, what is that?" Dean asked, a smirk pulling at his mouth when she sent him an annoyed look.

"It was one of my many known titles given to me by my peers, the media and the public," she sighed. "Harry is The-Boy-Who-Lived, The-Boy-Who-Just-Wouldn't-Die, The-Boy-Who-Conquered, The Chosen One and by the Slytherins, he was known as, Potty and Scar-head. At one point in time the bloody school population was filled with idiots and Harry was believed to be the Heir of Slytherin, stupid pricks," she muttered and Dean snorted in amusement.

"And you?" Sam questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"How long do you have?" She replied, sounding annoyed and he snorted. "Where to start?" She said to herself. "Let's see, Gryffindor Princess, Golden Girl, Know-it-All, Bookworm, the third member of the Golden Trio, Mudblood," she spat the word, "Potter's Bitch, Harlot, Scarlett Woman, Heart Breaker of famous wizards, Little Miss Perfect, 'Mione by my friends, Hermy by a giant called Gwarp, and by my ex-boyfriend, Viktor Krum, Herm-own-ninny." Dean burst out laughing. "It's not funny, he was Bulgarian; he couldn't pronounce my name properly," she fumed.

"Was he as good looking as he was eloquent?"

"Whoa!" Sam spoke awed. "My mind is officially blown, Dean used an impressive word and it's more than two syllables," he grinned.

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