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Warning for possible triggers with sexual assault.

Page count: 11

In Hermione's slumbering mind, she knew something was wrong. Deep down she knew she should wake up but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was exhausted; her mind overcrowded with thoughts of Death Eaters, murders, rituals and memories of the war and she wanted to escape at least one of those things for a little. Sleep was the only way to do that, even if it intensified the others.

Her brain knew something was wrong but it was buried by everything else. That was why she didn't feel the bed dip under someone's weight, why she didn't feel the blanket being pulled away from her, and why she didn't feel someone moving over her until it was too late.

Something touched the skin of her neck and she bolted upright, reaching for her wand, but she didn't have it; she'd left it on the table and that was a mistake, the one time she didn't have her wand and she needed it.

The man from the front desk was straddling her legs, her eyes landed on the lightly muscled chest before they wandered up to his face. What she saw scared her; an animalist look held in his eyes and a frightening grin on his lips. Her eyes widened in surprise, horror, and before she could let out a scream, a hand clamped down over her mouth and the other wrapped around her throat, pushing her down into the mattress and onto her back, holding her in place.

She wriggled and writhed underneath him, trying to buck him off her but he was too heavy for her small frame. Without her wand she's defenceless. How could she have been so stupid to leave her wand on the table? She always went to sleep with it on her. She blamed the Winchesters; she'd let her guard drop around them, making her careless.

"There's no point in screaming, there's no one else here. Your boyfriends are gone, I saw them take the car and there's no other occupants, it's just you and me," he cooed down at her.

Her efforts to get him off her doubled to the point where she could feel herself beginning to tire, she could feel her legs bruising under his heavier weight, she could feel his hand on her throat tightening; it was getting harder to breathe and she knew she'd have bruises there, too.

He brought his hand away from her mouth and the muffled sounds of her screams died down to cries, tears beginning to leak from her eyes in terror. He trailed his fingers down her face and she turned her head away from him but he turned it back forcefully and cupped her cheek, wiping her fallen tears away.

'Castiel! Castiel!' She thought in panic, but he didn't come.

"I'm going to make you feel so good, Anna," he whispered.

At the sound of the unknown name falling from his lips, Hermione understood he was far more terrifying than she'd previously thought and completely bonkers, too. The panic within her doubled and she thrashed and writhed harder, trying to break free of his hold and weight.

He raised his hand high before bringing it down and backhanding her. A tingling sensation strung against her cheek and he caught her lip and it split, blood beginning to drip from the wound. Hermione cried out at the pain and continued to thrash, she screamed as loud as she could, hoping that someone, anyone, would hear her, help her.

"I love you, Anna, why would you cheat on me? If you're good enough to fuck two bastards at the same time, you're good enough to fuck me, you bitch!" He spat at her. The grip on her throat tightened and she gasped for air. "It's time to show you why leaving me was a mistake," he sneered at her.

He brought his free hand down and grabbed the hem of her shirt and Hermione used her hands to try and push him off her, pounding her fists against his chest but having little to no effect. He grunted and grabbed both of her hands in his and pinned them above her head, his other hand coming away from her throat and she coughed and gasped as oxygen was suddenly flowing to her lungs again. He backhanded her once more, cutting her left cheek as he caught it with the ring of his finger, before he brought his hand down and ripped the collar of her t-shirt, the sound of the fabric tearing being loud in the quiet of the room and the tear ended just below her breasts.

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