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Dean exited the bathroom freshly showered and dressed, to see that Hermione was still asleep. His eyes caught the shine on the bedside table and he walked over to it and found the ring of a soda can, remembering that her friend, Harry, had told him to say the password when she woke. He frowned, looking down at the small object as he struggled to remember the passcode.

"Chocolate cake?" He guessed. "Cupcake? Apple pie? Treacle Tart?"

He startled and his hand grabbed his gun off the bedside table, as there was a 'thud' and her friend stood in the bathroom doorway dressed in grey robes with his glasses askew.

"Fucking hell," he muttered in surprise. "Where'd you come from?"

"London," Harry shrugged his shoulders. Dean didn't bother looking sceptical at his answer. "So, I take it she woke up?"

"She woke last night for about half an hour and then fell back asleep, she hasn't woken yet."

"Actually, I'm awake now," Hermione's groggy voice flittered to their ears and they turned to look at her as she rolled over onto her back, stretched her arms above her head and then sat up, giving a yawn and rubbing at her eyes.

"How long have you been awake?" Dean asked her anxiously. He hoped she hadn't heard his conversation with Sam.

"You woke me up trying to remember the activation code," she told him, looking amused.

"How are you feeling?" Harry pulled her attention and he sat down on the bed next to her, taking her hand in his.

She smiled at him. "I feel great, well, I would die for a shower and a toothbrush and I would murder for some food, I'm starving." He chuckled at her. "But other than that, I'm completely fine."

"Hermione, you can never find yourself in that situation again," Harry said, looking at her sternly and she snorted at him before reaching up to right his glasses.

"Yes, Harry, I know, I've already been given the speech by Dean who relayed Castiel's message. I've no doubt Kingsley will give me the riot act when I next see him, and don't even get me started on Draco, please tell me you didn't tell anyone."

"Ginny is unaware, as is Molly and the boys," he confirmed.

"Thank Merlin," she sighed and he chuckled at her. "Anyway, now that the Death Eater factions have been wiped out, I'll be focusing on magical beings and creatures, there's less chance of being tortured and more chance of being bitten or scratched, and I think there's enough lupine traits in our family, wouldn't you agree?"

Harry nodded, thinking of Bill and Teddy. "You can come back to England, Ginny'll be ecstatic to have you back full time and I know Minerva has asked once or twice when you're returning, I think she wants to offer you a Professor's position at Hogwarts. Of course, the kids will be over the moon to have their favourite Aunt 'Mione back and..."

Dean's stomach gave a hard tug and he felt something inside of him clench, hearing Harry speak of her going back to England, he didn't like the thought of it and he couldn't explain why; it was annoying beyond belief.

"Harry," she said softly, cutting him off and he stopped and looked at her with a frown. "I love you and Ginny, and my Godchildren, you know I do and I would do anything and everything for you, but I'm not coming back."

He stared at her in surprise and Dean visibly relaxed, moving to take a seat at the table, still being able to hear their conversation but giving them a semblance of privacy.

"I can't come back, I like it here. I get to travel the US without being recognised everywhere I go and I have far fewer people asking me for autographs and interviews and photos. I don't have many articles written about me and published, especially over stupid little things such as what I had for breakfast and how I wore my hair on that particular day. I don't have to worry about the press following me or getting themselves caught in any of my cases. I'm needed here, far more than I am back in England. You all have families and I don't, as much as I love you and everyone, I'm alone. It's just me and Ricky," she looked at him sadly. "I can't have what you have, or what Bill and Fleur have, or George and Angelina, Percy and Aubrey, even Charlie and Claire. Draco has everything under control and I trust him to keep watch over those in England. The US has almost three times more magical creature cases than England, and their RCMC Department is severely lacking, particularly since they don't have a Muggle World division which has more than proved to be needed. This is where I'm needed and this is where I can make a difference. Someday when I'm older, I may come back permanently and I just may take up Minerva on her offer and become a Professor and teach at Hogwarts, but not now. I'm only twenty-six and you know as well as I, we have far longer life spans than muggles."

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