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After another hour of Dean driving, Sam and Dean swapped so that Dean could have a break and he took an hour-long nap before waking up and pigging out on the food and confectionary that Hermione had bought them. After almost three hours of Sam driving, they stopped in Sioux City, Iowa, for the night. They pulled into a motel car park and whilst they busied themselves with getting their duffle bags, Hermione left to the front desk to get them their rooms.

Hermione entered the building and once again, it didn't give her much hope for a nice room, though she would give the owners this, the walls looked to have been given a new coat of paint, even if it was a disgusting colour.

The man behind the counter had his eyes on her as soon as she entered through the door. He looked to be in his late twenties, he had blonde hair and dark brown eyes, with pointed and angular features and he wore a blue button-down shirt and jeans.

"Hello," she said politely, stopping in front of the counter. "I would like to purchase two rooms for the night."

"Well then, Beautiful, I'll see what we have available," he said with a charming smile before tapping away on a computer. "I'm afraid we only have one room available."

"Again," she groaned.

"We are the closest motel to the roads," he said apologetically.

"I understand, I'll take it please, my friends and I will just have to share,"

His eyes lit up. "Girlfriends?" He winked suggestively. "What I wouldn't pay to see that."

Hermione shifted uncomfortably on her feet, something about him set her magic on edge. "No, male friends,"

"Lucky them," he muttered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing, how long will you be staying?"

"Just one night, we're just passing through."

He nodded, typing away at the keyboard. "Room 12, you'll find it to your right."

"Thank you," she said before paying for the night and taking the key from him.

"If you get bored of those friends of yours, you know where to find me, Beautiful," he smirked at her. "I know all the best spots around these parts, and I certainly know how to show a woman a good time," he winked before his eyes travelled down her form and lingered on her covered breasts.

"Err, good for you," she said nervously before she turned and practically ran to the Impala, where Dean and Sam were waiting for her. When she reached them she pulled her cardigan tighter around herself and gripped the fabric in her fists.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked. "You look a little pale," he said with a concerned frown.

"Yes, I'm fine," she said unconvincingly and she looked behind her where she saw the man stood at the door, staring at her. "Let's go, we're in Room 12, there was only one room again so we're sharing."

She grabbed their arms and pulled them towards their room. Their eyes fell to the spot Hermione had been staring at and they saw the man stood in the doorway, his eyes seeming to be glued to Hermione's retreating back or more specifically, her arse.

"Did he do something? Did he say something?" Dean asked.

If Hermione's senses weren't going haywire, she would've noticed the protectiveness in his voice. Something she would've never thought she'd hear coming from the man that had shot her on their first meeting, especially after the way he'd been treating her since the incident.

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