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"I am standing right here," she snorted. His eyes cut to hers and expecting to see humour, she didn't, she saw worry and anger. "What is it?" She frowned.

"I didn't mean you; I meant there's a witch here."

Her eyes widened slightly and then she nodded in understanding. "That could explain the sudden illnesses and freak accidents."

"You didn't touch it, did you?" He asked, taking her arms in his hands and pulling her to him, his eyes sweeping over her quickly in search of any injuries or symptoms of illness.

"No," she shook her head.

He sighed in relief. "We need to get rid of it before it causes you any damage; it was obviously intended for you since it was in your desk. How long has it been there?"

"I don't know, it wasn't here this morning, it must've been around lunch time."

He took off his jacket and folded it, using it to pick up the hex bag and he threw it to the floor. "Can you burn it without setting off the alarms?"

"I don't see why not," she frowned in thought, several spells running through her mind as she tried to choose the best one.

She pulled her wand from her sleeve and walked around her desk stopping in front of the hex bag. She cast a Ventilation Charm in the room to immediately clear the smoke and then she set it on fire. The vivid blue flames burst outwards and Dean pulled her back quickly before she could be hurt. Within in seconds the hex bag was no more, as was Dean's jacket. She banished the evidence from the ground and turned to face him.

"It's done."

He pulled his phone from his pocket and speed dialled Sam.

"We've got a witch...Hermione found a hex bag in her desk...No she didn't touch it, she's fine," his eyes swept over her face. "We need to get into those kids lockers...We'll wait for you." He snapped the phone shut and put it back into his pocket. "Who has access to this room?"

"It would be easier to ask who doesn't," she spoke. "From process of elimination we narrowed it down to having something to do with the seniors. You say it's a witch, so it must be a senior, too, which would explain the personal feel to the case. I've been targeted for a reason; logic says it's someone from my senior class."

"You're not coming back tomorrow, you can call in sick."

"I don't bloody well think so," she scoffed at him, making him angry that she was willingly putting herself in danger. "If we don't figure out who this is tonight, then I need to observe my students, now that I know what I'm dealing with, I may be able to cast a few diagnostic spells to guide me to the source. You go back to your office and go through the files, see if there's anything regarding a confrontation between a student and Harrow, I'll do the same here." She nodded to the cupboard at the back of the room.

He didn't look pleased at the idea of leaving her alone.

"Meet me here in half an hour, Sam should be here by then, go on, if anything happens, I am not a witch to be messed with."

The corner of his mouth twitched before he turned and left.


"Did you find anything?" Dean entered the room and she popped her head out of the cupboard.

"Possibly, you?"

"Possibly," he replied, holding up several files in his hand to show her. She stepped out of the cupboard, also holding several files.

They walked over to her desk and placed the files on the surface, flicking through them and explaining to the other what they had found. They looked up when Sam entered the room.

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