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Her sudden use of profanities startled all three of them, making them jump slightly in their seats.

"What? What is it?" Sam frowned.

At his voice, her eyes darted to them and she snapped out of her shock, reaching for her jacket and she slipped it on. She made sure her beaded bag was securely hidden in her boot before pulling her wand and she quickly left the kitchen and made her way outside, waving her wand in intricate motions and patterns and muttering under her breath, the newspaper still clutched tightly in her other hand.

The deaths had been discovered before that morning, a couple of hours after Patterson had been arrested; they'd moved quickly and they'd killed another three people. She couldn't be sure it was the two she was tracking until she saw the victims and scanned them for any residual magic, but given the circumstances, it was likely the two Death Eaters that had gotten away.

"Hermione? What are you doing? What's going on? Do you know something?" Sam's voice spoke up from behind her; she turned her head slightly to see the three Hunters watching her closely.

"You're no longer working on this case."

"You don't get to tell us what to do, Witch!" Dean snapped.

She didn't look at him but she did respond. "Yes, I do, I'll have you arrested for interfering in my investigation."

"Your investigation? Are these the people you're tracking?" Sam asked confused.

"Yes, they've been on my radar for months but I had other cases that were more serious and they had to have my full attention, now it's the turn of these murdering twats."

"We can help," he offered. "We know this case better than anyone."

"No, I can't risk you getting injured, you can handle yourself against muggles, demons and false witchcraft, but you can't handle yourself against Death Eaters, I can't protect you and apprehend these arseholes at the same time."

"We're not letting you take this case from us, we can deal with a few stick waving idiots," Dean said stiffly.

"Got it!" She said triumphantly and then she lowered her wand and turned to face them. "Thank you for your hospitality, Bobby, maybe we'll run into each other in the future and if you ever need my help, just send me an owl; they'll know where to find me," she said, giving him a small smile before she turned on her heel and walked towards the exit of the salvage yard.

"Now hold on a minute," Dean said, striding forward and gripping her arm, spinning her around to face him. Her eyes narrowed on him before looking down at his hand encasing her wrist and she looked back up at him.

"If you want to keep that arm I suggest you remove it from my person," she warned with a tone that was too calm to not be frightening.

"You said you won't use dark magic," he spat at her.

"I don't need magic to remove your hand from your body," she promised. He seemed to understand that she wasn't bluffing and he let go of her and stepped back, but still blocked her from leaving.

"If you know where these people are, we're coming with you."


"It's our case,"

"It was mine first,"

"We know more about this than you."

"No, you don',."

"Eleven deaths in four months, in three different States," he said smugly.

"Actually, it's now twenty-seven deaths in nine months and in five different States," she corrected with a straight face. They all stared at her in surprise at the news, clearly not knowing the full scale of how serious it was. "Do you know the victims status? I do. The twenty-four victims before last night, six of them were Squibs, four of them Muggleborns and the remaining fourteen were muggles. I can't be sure about the latest victims until I see the bodies and run some diagnostic spells."

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