Chapter 5

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Tine instantly ghasp, the Omega mommy just couldn't believe his ears what his eldest just blurted out. So was Sarawat frown hearing Thyme words. Both husband and wife exchange confused look with each other then it was Sarawat who asked his son curiously to confirm "Buddy. do... you want to go see Kevin?". hearing Kevin name made Thyme's body hair stand straight. But he was done feeling miserable and he wanted to get over with it as soon as possible. He never felt this desperate to see the boy. The little Alpha gave a single nod in response to his father but Tine was quick to refuse the idea of going out "We can't take you there now, it's too late to visit someone's else's house". Thyme groan in anger for the first time on his mommy startling Tine then he shook his head at Sarawat and begged looking at his father desperately "Dad please ... I really want to go and see him now. Dad just once ...please take me.. please Dad.. please". Thyme look seconds away from crying, he seems not to be himself, tottaly out of his character. Both Tine and Sarawat was looking stunned while Thyme only wanted to go to Kevin. He had already expected his mommy won't let him go this late, but he was sure his father would. Thyme look at his father face expectatantly, his small bambi eyes glisten with unshed tears and the Alpha Dad couldn't take it more he let out a soft groan before standing up on his feet saying "Okay Okay... I'll take you there?". Tine look at his husband in total disagreement "Really Wat?!. we can take him tomorrow morning". Thyme shook his head and dismissed Tine words saying "No.. I can't wait until morning. I want to see him now". Tine look was stern hearing his son unusual demand. The Omega mommy had enough, he fold his hands on his chest and scold both father and son for behaving dumb "What the hell is wrong with you both. How could you agree Wat... And I really don't understand why you want to go see Kevin at this hour ..when you don't really like that boy at all". Thyme doesn't know how to explain but there was a sudden urge inside him, that wanted to go and see the boy from his own eyes and he hate himself to feel like this to be honest. Thyme look at his father in hope. The Alpha Dad ignore his wife scolding and after getting up he walk back inside his bedroom to grab his phone. Thyme watches his father called his friend Mew and talk for a minute. After disconnecting the call he look at his wife and son saying "Mew said, It's okay we can visit. He doesn't mind us going there this late".

Tine instantly gets up and walk towards his husband asking throwing his hands in the air "I can't believe this, You disturb them". Tine turned toward his son asking "Thyme, Tell me Why do you want to see Kevin?". The little Alpha has no answer he just look down nervously when Sarawat speak up to rescue his son "Baby... I'm sure there must be some reason. We know our son, he never make such unusual demand. Let just take him there. I'm sure he won't rest until he see Kevin from his own eyes". In the end Tine couldn't help but reluctantly agreed with his mate. Thyme impatiently waited for his parents as Sarawat and Tine dissappear in their walking closet, just for two minutes to change their clothes. As the two parents walk out, Thyme hurriedly run towards the garage ignoring his mommy's warning behind him. At the moment Thyme wasn't really caring about anything then to reach at the destination and see him, be with him and stop feeling miserable. Thyme didn't had to wait long, in midnight the roads were empty, so it took them only twelve minutes ride to reached at Mew's mansion. As Sarawat stopped his car in front of the house enterance Thyme immediately gets down and rush inside the mansion passing by Mew and Gulf, Thyme straight ran towards Kevin room. Tine look at his boy in bewildered as he was so done with him already. Both Mew and Gulf was already waiting for them by the door wearing pj's. The Omega mommy warn from behind while stepping out of the car "Dont wake Kevin up, be quiet and behave". Mew and Gulf look startled looking Thyme rushing like mad inside their house to see their son but then they could only smile at their friends politely. Tine words fell on deaf ears, as Thyme run away at lightening speed. Kevin was deeply asleep when he began to stir in his sleep, his nostril filled with intoxicated scent of his mate, it made him feel so much better, just amazing and out of this world. He felt absolutely healty and stronger being closer to his mate. He felt bed dipped beside him, unconsciously the Omega welcome his mate, tighten his hold on his mate body, inhaling the scent deeply that snuggled into him more.

Thyme panted heavily in Kevin's embrace, he buried his head under Kevin's neck inhaling the sweet scent, which he couldn't  get enough off. Kevin smell so much nicer and sweetest as he heard soft voice "Calm down, Alpha I'm fine". It took only second for Thyme to realise that Kevin is awake, he had woke him up. Thyme slowly look up at Kevin's beautiful face speechlessly. The boy was up this close for the first time to his Omega mate and he was lost in the beauty but then frown when he realize Kevin isn't  awake but sleep talking to him, the Omega eyes were still closed. But his body was awake and responsive to Thyme's touch. Kevin fingers reached out, caressing Thyme's cheeks gently wishing "Happy 10th birthday, My Alpha". Thyme was still loss on his words just looking at the person who suddenly started to means the world to him but at the same time it doesn't makes him any sense, to be so mad and worried for the brat at the same time. He never wanted to be with anyone as much as he wanted to be with the one who he despise the most. Kevin is the only one who made him do things that he hate doing the most. Such a troublesome bratty mate he will be to take care off. Kevin hold the boy, neck as he tighten his hold then his next words broke the chain of thoughts as the sleepy boy murmured "I'm so happy to know my alpha cares for me. He wants me". Thyme immediately moved away, his action came off harsh jerking himself away from the Omega's fragile body making some distance between them both. Thyme was going crazy, with all the mixed feelings and emotions. But he already began to miss their closeness. His ten year old body was acting wired for the first time in ever. Thyme felt annoyed because he once again wanted to keep scenting the Omega, wanted to snuggle under the brat neck. But he also wanted to tell him that he doesn't care. But Kevin forehead creases and the loss of touch. His body stirred causing him to slowly open his eyes only to get widened in shock at the sight of Thyme in his bedroom stsnding by his bed. Thyme swallowed hard when his eyes met with Kevin before the two could say anything, four adult were standing at the door frame watching the two kids curiously. Kevin quickly complain sounding annoyed "Why are you here? Did you came to bully me again today like yesterday?. Do you want to scare me like yesterday?, want to call me scardy cat. Go ahead let our parents see your true colour... ".

Tine and Gulf sucked in a breath together. While Thyme stayed quiet, his anger only increases hearing Kevin sudden change of behavior in front of their parents. He couldn't help he gritted his teeth at the Omega change of attitude, such a brat. The two boy glared at each other like a born enemy. Gulf, Mew, Tine and Sarawat look were shock at the revelation.  Tine immediately walk closer putting his hand on Thyme shoulder gritting out  "Let's go back home now Thyme. It's too late. Kevin need to rest and we need to talk". Tine tone was stern leaving no room for Thyme to argue. All parents  were really shock after hearing Thyme being a bully to Kevin. Suddenly Thyme stomach sink with indescribable feeling everyone gave him pointed look as if he is some criminal. And that was it. This Omega brat is not a good person. Thyme growl as he stated gritting his teeth "You know what?. You're mean, You're dumb and ugly and a scardy cat. I'm here to tell you that It's not just you who hate me but I hate you too". Tine immediately ghasped loudly he scold his son "Oh my God, don't say thing like that ever again. You're not supposed to talk to anyone like that. Apologise right now Thyme Guntituthon". Thyme really doesn't  care what his parents  think. What the Omega parents think of him. And it's only kevin to be blame because he is the one who makes him mad. Gulf step forward and added "Kevin baby, why didn't you tell us about what happened yesterday in school".  In response it was Thyme who mocked "That's  because he's  an ugly scardy cat".  Kevin couldn't  help he burst out crying causing Mew and Gulf to go and take their sobbing child in their embrace. While Sarawat immediately apologise to the family and grabs his son's hand taking Thyme out of the mansion and straight into the car. So that they could ride back home before his son makes his wife more mad.

Tine : idiot Alpha Wat, You should be worried about your son, not about me getting mad 🙄

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