Chapter 40

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Dew ghasp as if he can't believe what he just heard from Thyme mouth "Are you seriously asking me to go to Suppasit resident at this hour only to ask Kevin, the brat who you can't stand in front of you to unblock your number?". Thyme replied "Yes exactly that is what I want and you have to help me out because that brat owe me some monry and I want it now. So Get going fast. Run down the street, then take second turn from your house then you will see the garden in the corner full of different plants and flowers, it is the way to their backyard. Climb the mango tree, it's pretty big and easy to climb up then you have to see the first window on the right side, that's Kevin's bedroom. The curtains are white and pink combination surely there will be no light at this hour but if you jump into his balcony from the tree and knock on his window he will turn on the light then open the window for you and when that's  happened just tell him to unblock Thyme's number its very urgent.. please". Dew stayed silent for few seconds then spit it out "What the fuck Thyme, are you even hearing yourself. How much money do you need I'll  lend you. No need to go to Suppasit resident to invite trouble. If I get caught his parents will send me straight to jail and my parents straight away disown me . Just because I decide to help you". Thyme let out a soft growl as he forced his friend saying "No, Your money won't help me out. Just do this for me. Run fast and Stop wasting time. His parents probably be fucking each other, they won't notice you... Dew you're the only person who can do this for me. Please bro please. Also keep this a secret from Nani, I don't trust him he behaves stupidly and ask nonsense question when it comes to that brat Kevin".

Dew had no choice he sigh hard but he was still hesitating to agree to go to Suppasit resident just because Thyme wanted him to. He started thinking causing Thyme to beg more "Please bro I beg you. Just tell Kevin to unblock my number and I'll owe you fucking anything you want including my life". Now  that caught Dew's attention.  He started thinking about the offer. Thyme sound so desperate  that he can even give his soul to him if he ask at the moment. But he'd rather have something which he never dare to ask, this is the opportunity he'd never get again in his entire life. Dew bit his lips asking again only to confirm "Are you serious Thyme.... Like I can ask you for any fucking thing you won't decline and give it to me?". Thyme immediately stated assuring "I promise man I'll give you whatever you ask ". Dew quickly blurted out "Send me your sister's Si phone number". Thyme pause just for a moment thinking hard. NO he wasn't worried for his sister, but he started to worry about his sweet and nice sensible best friend. Dew is such a nice guy he doesn't deserve his mean sister but whatever he should atleast warn him. Thyme cleared his throat after thinking  it through and explained "Dew. You're not serious?.  My sister Si, She is a big mean And You're too good for her. She's is a demon not a human". Dew rolled his eyes responding "Good night friend, it was nice talking to you. I'm sure by morning You yourself can reach at Suppasit resident if your start running now". Thyme growl, he immediately made his decision. The desperate Alpha will let his sister phone number on the stake then it's not his concerned anymore. Thyme quickly stopped Dew from disconnecting the call and agreed "Okay Okay I'll send Si phone number to you, once you pass on my message to Kevin. But bro you've been warn. Hear me out. My Sister Si is not just any Omega. She is a demonic human. She won't  hesitate to eat you alive". Dew felt he won the world. Then again he doesn't know if he should believe in Thyme warning or not but he really like Si since long time now and atleast wanted give it a try. It won't matter if it doesn't work out between them since they not fated but atleast he won't regret that he didn't give them any chance to be together.

After thirty minutes, Kevin had worst scare of his life. It was around thirthy pass three the Omega was peacefully sleeping on his bed, when suddenly  he jolted awake hearing some random dude banging on his window like he wants to break it. First instinct  of Kevin was to call his parents then police and get the dude arrested but something told him not to be reckless So Kevin decide to peek at the person who decide to showed up outside of his windows at this wee hour of the morning. As Kevin look at the person, he find out that the guy standing outside wearing big hoodie and pj shorts wasn't any random dude. He was his mate's, best friend, a goofy, little awkward, tall guy Dew. Kevin quickly spit out while opening his bedroom window fully for Dew to jump inside his bedroom who was panting hard "What the hell you're doing here?". Dew breathlessly inform "Sorry to disturb you at this hour but Thyme sent me to give you a message: Unblock his phone number. He wants to collect his money you owe him". Kevin narrowed his eyes then snorted back "Yea.. if anyone owe any money then it's only Thyme Guntituthon to me and not other way around". Dew felt clueless thinking since when Thyme and Kevin started owning each other monetary compensation. He decide to shrug it and ask "So,Will you unblock my friend phone number?". Kevin stayed quiet Dew question again after giving a thought "Do you have money to pay him back. If you need my help...". Kevin rolled his eyes and cut Dew off saying " Dont worry. I have everything your friend could possibly need. Now get out of here before I sent you to jail for trespassing". Dew immediately left Kevin's bedroom but in the process while jumping down from the balcony he slipped and loose his balance causing the guy to straight fell on to the ground on hus butt as he groan and winced in pain. But before Kevin could ask him if he's allright or not Dew rushed out of Suppasit premises limping on his step. Kevin shook his head and chukled at the guy back figure. As soon as Dew disappear from his sight, Kevin grab his phone hurriedly and unblock his mate's phone number.

On the other side Thyme was desperately waiting for Dew text message which he got soon saying "It's Done. Send me Si number". Thyme grinned at the text and before calling his Omega brat, he send Si phone number to his best friend as per promise. After that Thyme hurriedly made a call to Kevin and to his surprise it go connected immediately but like always Kevin spit out as soon as he answered the call "What the fuck you need Guntituthon?. Why did you send your friend at my place at this hour? Do you have any idea that Dew almost gave me the worst scare of my life?". Thyme started feeling better just by hearing his mate voice even though Kevin tone isn't at all submissive and nasty as hell towards his Alpha. But Thyme decide to ignore it and softly mumble in deep voice "I'm sorry if I scared you. Its been very long I get to hear your voice Omega. I miss you". Kevin swallowed hard suddenly went quiet hearing the soft and deep tone of his mate. He need to consult some psychiatrist soon or need to find out if they are bipolar. One time they both hate each other and be toxic while other time they are tottaly opposite.  Kevin was still thinking what to respond. He got hundred of things to spit out at Thyme when he blurt out nonsense but when he talk sweet and show concerned Kevin always get speechless. When Kevin  didn't  respond Thyme question again "Omega, I need to know you're okay?". Kevin heartbeat drastically increases inside his chest as he softly answred "I'm fine.... But you dont have to worry about me. Just con...  concentrate on your girlfriend". Thyme breath out "You know there's no girlfriend and I didn't touch anyone". Kevin snapped back "Yea don't fucking lie to me". Thyme softly murmured "I'm telling you the truth. You know I didn't fuck anyone. I couldn't do it. My only source of desire is you Omega". Kevin calm down and only hummed in satisfaction making Thyme to smile at himself. He can feel his little  firecracker Omega brat relaxing a bit after hearing his honest words. Thyme then asked " Please don't block my number again" Kevin question back instantly "Why?. Why shouldn't  I?. I don't want to associate with someone who is a liar, who isn't able to take responsibility for his action neither have an ounce of guts to apologise for his wrong doing". Thyme replied sighing after a pause "I'm sorry..... Please forgive me baby. I just happened to draw you like that whenever I missed you alot. It was  just my fantasy, which I knew will never turn into a reality but your drawings keeps me sane. I'm not some pervert psycho please believe me..... I also know those drawings and sketches looks bad, but I never wished you to see those things. Since you find out about it I feel horrible. I'm really sorry to made you feel bad but to be honest I like each and every drawing of you like that". 

Kevin bit his lips, he can't help but couldn't stop thinking whenever  he saw those drawing and sketche. His mate sitting alone inside his room for hours drawing him to perfection in such details, going so far to fantasize him in different dirty positions then touching himself. It's been long now Kevin knew Thyme wanted him because it's impossible not to. Now he can already imagine his mate looking like a lost kicked puppy. The Omega softly murmured trying to make his Alpha mate feel better for god know what reason "I'm not mad anymore and I don't want to talk about it either". Thyme sigh out loud in understanding then he push aside his emotions and decide to ask something else in whisper "I saw your pictures wearing my shirt at the party with that Alpha Jose and other friends". Kevin explained "Hmm, that was Jose party. He invited me. We are on good  terms now". Thyme ask in tiny whisper "Just be friends only". In respond Kevin question back "How many Omega did you fuck in Win island?". Thyme truthfully admitted "None, I wanted to so that I can get over you... forget you and move on in life but after watching you in my bedroom wearing nothing but only my shirt and hearing you miss my scent.  I just couldn't". They both stayed silent for about a minute when Thyme decide to question again as he breath out "Do you...? Kevin immediately cut him off as if he already know the question his Alpha wants to ask he answered breathlessly "No". Thyme growl back in very rude tone "Stop this game Omega. It's getting old now. I missed you. And I know you missed me too".

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