Chapter 35

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It had been just few days Thyme tried to settled down in his new apartment, though it was spacious and his larger than life father make sure to filled it with every kind of luxurious amenities but still Thyme missed his old bedroom the most. He was hardly able to sleep properly at night in Win island. He still doesn't like to be alone cause he never used to it. His parents, siblings and friends were always been there for him. He can't deny that last few months with his family and mate were nerves wrecking but he still missed them alot. He missed his brother and his mean little sister the most after arriving in Win island. Plus Thyme was bored to death, he doesn't had any idea what to do all alone in Win island after attending his online classes in the morning. He still couldn't able to decide where to start exploring the island where his mommy once belongs to. Thyme sigh hard, it was Saturday night as he jump onto his bed feeling lonely once again. He tried his best not to think about his mate, instead of thinking about him and getting depressed he opted to draw and sketch again that was still keeping him sane but also feeling more miserable and he wanted to stop feeling like that. Each amd evety drawing of Kevin's was precious treasure for him but it was also something he doesn't wanted to have it but he just couldn't help himself. Thyme had no one in his life from whom he seek help about it and he wasn't ready to share his problem  with his parents just yet. His only focus was to forget Kevin, his mate and move on. He wanted someone with whome he can go out and have fun. But all that is left for him to do is study, sketch and watch movies which started to make him bored and more pathetic.  Next morning the Alpha decide to go out in some cafe or something to have his breakfast instead of usually calling in order or buying takeout from nearby 7/11 shops. Thyme woke up a bit early and showered, he got ready and planned out his morning. The Alpha left his apartment to go check out the popular Cafe and spend some time there working on his assignment that is need to be submitted soon. After occupying the window side table Thyme was just waiting in a line to pick up his coffee when someone calls his name from a distance "Hey Guntituthon".

Thyme frown and turn to look at the person who calls his name. It's Vincent, Head Alpha of Win island. The man make his way towards Thyme asking "Hey, kid? How are you? Are you liking the island?". Thyme frankly wanted to say No, I'm bored to death. There's nothing for him to do. And he wants to go back to his home as soon as possible but the  teenage Alpha forced a smile and answered politely "Hello Sir, Yes ofcourse ....having a lot of fun here". Vincent stupidly grinned at him taking his time to observe as if he was studying Thyme's face. Vincent was a young Alpha, Head of the island but the way he was looking at Thyme, the teenager felt little uncomfortable. But Thyme was reminding himself about what his dad's advices  him about keeping his calm and stop feeling threatened wherever some Alpha approaches him. That too if someone is like Vincent, he is no way wants to have problem with the head Alpha of the island. Thankfully it was his que to grab his coffee and move away from the head Alpha but Vincent wasn't done with him. He waited for Thyme to pick up his coffee patiently still looking at him. Once Thyme grab his breakfast and coffee Vincent question again "How about night life, have you went to any club yet?. The best thing about my island is the clubs and beaches. I'm very proud of it". Thyme nods and honestly answered "...Um actually I haven't been to any clubs or beaches yet. I don't have any friends so I don't think its fun to go out alone so... ". Vincent nods in understanding as Thyme tried to look around thinking of parting ways and give attention to his breakfast because he was damn hungry after releasing  himself  thrice just in a span of an hour looking at his mate's sketch but Vincent again didn't left the boy alone he pulled out his phone asking "You're right, gimme your number. I'll call you on Friday. Next weekend we'll go out together. I'm going to show you the best part of the island". And Fuck the hell, Thyme felt relief hearing Vincent offer, he find the young man cool as they both exchange number's with each other. And finally the Head Alpha decide to leave the boy alone with his breakfast.

Thyme tried rest of the days to mend his broken heart,, consoling himself  that pairing with the Omega Kevin was indeed moon goddess mistake. He will find some one who will like back Thyme Guntituthon and love him with everything. The one who will not get on his nerves and make him do stupid shit instead that person will let him fuck and they could have all kind of fun. The one who will help him keep his cool and calm, bring happiness into his life. On Friday morning Thyme was half expecting for the head Alpha to forget about the invitation since he knew Vincent is busy person and his family won't like to see him going out with Vincent anyway but to his surprise on Friday afternoon Thyme received a call from Vincent he took a deep breath and answered after receiving a call "Hello", in response  Vincent didn't even ask him instead he simply stated "Hey Thyme, I've planned stuff for us tonight. Are you ready to have some fun?". Thyme clenched his eyes something was telling him to make excuse and decline the offer to go out with Vincent but one part of him wanted to try, wanted to move on from his stuck up life. Thyme replied forcing himself "Yea sure I'm excited". Vincent  again did not ask and simply stated "Cool, I'm gonna pick you up by 9 from your apartment. Show you around then will go to a beach restaurant and have dinner with some of my friends later". Thyme replied sounding as excited as he could "Okay I'll be ready". Since he doesn't wanted to give away his real feelings. But something told him that if he decline the offer now he will be in great trouble. The teenage Alpha already wanted to return to his family, to his mate but who knows better than him how much his family and mate doesn't wanted him anymore. Thyme decide to suck it up and just concentrate on his life and do what his family and mate wanted him to do. Have fun and forget everything respectively.

The night of fun started off normally. Vincent took Thyme to some high end club with his other four friends. They all were his close friend one of them was an Alpha guy. Rex, a beta guy Joe, and there were two Omega girls May and Lea. They are all of Vincent age except one of the Omega girl who has recently turned 21. Her name was Lea. Thyme was feeling extremly  strange to sit among the elders he hardly knew, listening to the conversation that he can't fully understand. The teenage Alpha began to felt out of place as soon as they reach inside the club but he once again forced himself  to have a good time watching  people like a mad dancing, drink alcohol which he frankly doesn't like  to drink to be honest. Thyme gulped down the can of beer before he sigh hard thinking  what the heck he is doing here?. He missed his people  so much. He doesn't wanted to be in Win island anymore. Frankly Thyme choose the place because he was imagining the place and people of Win island will feel like his mommy, sweet calm and amazing but this place seems different, it doesn't give him the vibe which he was expecting to feel  at tge place where his mommy born 36 years ago. For some reason he was now dissapointed to come to Win island. This place doesn't feel right what he has read in ancient books  and about his warrior grandfather.  He can't point out what are the exact thing that has changed. The Alpha guy punch Thyme's arm playfully asking "Dude... what's up? Why are you so silent? Are you not liking the place or are you missing someone special?". Thyme chukle and shook his head shrugging "Nothing such, I'm  just like that ...little boring". The Omega who was sitting beside the beta guy curiously look at Thyme then replied "Aw, I think you're very interesting... I mean you're feeling like that... maybe because you're just homesick afterall it is the first time you are away from your home. I'm sure you will be fine after tonight" She smiled sweetly but then suddenly wink making Thyme to chukled back at her. Lea was cute little Omega girl. She was looking at him with obvious attraction but since Thyme knew she could be off limit for him to approach he didn't gave her much attention at first, neither look at her because he doesn't wanted anyone to think he was desiring for her but now that they're smiling to each other and nobody seems to mind them Thyme doesn't find any reason to stop himself. 

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One more chapter about Thyme's  life in Win  island then we will know Kevin's reaction to his sketches.

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