Chapter 15

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Thyme watches Jose waiting outside of the dance practice hall with few other Kevin's friends. The Omega had made this small group of friends who always accompany Kevin almost everywhere even to the washroom sometimes. And Alpha knows why, Kevin is always surrounded with group of friends. However  Thyme could clearly imagine how much his one sentence hurt his Omega mate even after a year. He can feel Kevin is always cautiously looking around until he finds him staring back straight. And honestly many times Thyme thought about ending this matter by apologizing to his Omega for his awful comment. Each time  the Alpha make up his mind to go and talk with Kevin, Jose seems to be all over Kevin. And not just that the asshole is always seems to be smirking at him while touching Kevin like somehow he was claiming his territory and Thyme can't wait for the day when he get to punch Jose right on his face and telling him that he's wrong for touching what belongs to only Thyme Guntituthon. Kevin will never be his. The only place Thyme can see Kevin having fun laughing and giggling is whenever they both had their football and dance practice  together that to when the dance teacher decide to do the practice outside of the hall.

Suddenly out of nowhere the coach smack Thyme head grunting "I need you to pay attention in the game Guntituthon". Thyme inwardly rolled his eyes while the whole team started laughing at him for getting scolded when he lost his focus from the game. It's been over two years Thyme started playing football for the team. In the beginning it was fun until Kevin joined the dance team and things began to change. Even after been in the team for years the Alpha still can't get along with most of the other Alphas in the team. Some or the other Alphas always keep passing comment for dance team group which he really doesn't fancy at all. Since last years he often hear Kevin's name from most of the Alphas in football team even the senior like to talk about the Omega. Sometimes the Alpha stop speaking about Kevin when Thyme Guntituthon is around but he knows better that the asshole Alphas still talk about the Omega behind his back. They groan and enjoy watching him dance, they still look at his as.s and stuff that should be his all alone to look and no one's to enjoy. Thyme absolutely hate it to be on the team but he has to tolerate them so that he could keep his eyes on Kevin. He wants to personally make sure that no one dares to go near Kevin and approach him for whatever reason. The coach shout again watching Thyme looking away towards dance team "Are you still here Guntituthon ?". Thyme quickly  snapped "I'm sorry but I'll give my best to win the match". Rex one of the Alpha from the team slapped Thyme's shoulder grunting "Hell Yes. We all will make sure our team win the match". In about one month the final match is set and Thyme really doesn't care one bit about the game to be honest. He is just wasting his time playing stupid game with his football team. There's also some senior who always try to prove him that they are stronger than him and doesn't afraid of Guntituthon's pure blood but to be frank they are just lucky because Thyme really gives a damn to them what they think since he know that they are soon about to fucked up the school life.

Once the 3 hours football practice was over, Thyme took his shower and walk out from the shower stall naked without any shame still thinking about the Omega moves which he was practicing earlier  then he heard a whistle tone from another Alpha saying "That is huge bro. Don't Tell me you are still virgin and never use it into any hole". Thyme gave a bored look he wasn't at all interested to have a conversation about his huge C. The other beta player from the team stated "There must be so many of them bragging for you to do the deeds". The third player comment joining the conversation "There's no fucking way he's still a virgin with that size". The fourth player from the team joined the conversation saying in disbelief tone "Stop it guys he's not virgin. I heard rumours about him and Kevin. You fucked Kevin, right?....  Then you dumped him? and that's why he hates you?. Is that what happened between you two. Right?". Thyme expression was poker until he heard Kevin name. He still can't believe people are making up stories of their own about him and Kevin. But to be honest he only felt pissed hearing Kevin name in the shower area as he groan pointedly looking at everyone then gritted his teeth and tightly saying "That is none of anyone's business. Next time I don't fucking wanna hear Kevin name in here. Do you get that?". Everyone got pin drop silence hearing Thyme warning for a minute then some players just nods and other agreed muttering "Ok... Allright.. dude chill...". After that the Alpha just wanted to get out of the shower area. He throw his clothes back on himself and started leaving the room but before he passed the exit door he heard someone muttered "He definitely fucked Kevin". Thyme did not turned back as he let them think that even if it's totally not true. Because this thing only make Kevin off limit for them and that's what fucking all he cares about in the end.

After months of wasting time during football practice, Thyme stepped onto the field with his other team mates to play the final football match. His big body, fast pace and reflex help team to reach in the finals even though he was least interested in the game. Thyme eyes immediately began to search for his Omega mate and he quickly find him giggling on the other side of the field with his dance team. Kevin was wearing white shorts and red sleevless crop top. Thyme mood sour instantly watching the brat in less clothes once again on the day of final match. Even after everything going on between Kevin and him  Thyme wasn't expecting the Omega to go against his wish but what he can expect from a brat to behave like. Kevin was wearing a shorts and crop top in front of everyone but soon enough his eyes squinted to examine that other dancers  from the dance team were also wearing the same outfit. Thyme then observe Kevin's long sexy legs carefully as he saw Kevin was also wearing nude stocking underneath his shorts that made Thyme inwardly felt bit calm and relaxed. The Alpha inwardly chukle at the sight knowing his Omega was atleast remember their talk and be mindful about his appearance and outfit. His gazes fell once again on his mate looking at him from head to toe Kevin always stand out like a brightest star among everyone in the dance team. The brat is seriously the most striking person he has ever ....... "Hey watch out man.....".

One of the player interrupted Thyme thought when he make the guy almost tripped on his step unconsciously. Thyme force himself on the field out of courtesy to apologise then walk away shrugging his shoulder. Before the match began Thyme choose and stand on his spot on the field where he find his both parents and grandparents cheering for him loudly. They all were wearing the same jersey with Thyme name on their back which Thyme really find it cheesy and extra but he let them be because it was afterall his mommy's idea. But honestly his family excitement and their present on the stadium was the only thing made Thyme not to loose his focus from the game atleast for today. He laugh lightly at his mommy when Tine jump up and down in excitement screaming " Thyme baby....make mommy proud" Tine scream causes Thyme to wave his hand and laugh back too. Just for his mommy Thyme decide to do his best and win the match instead of watching his brat  enjoying time of his life laughing and cracking jokes with Jose and his other dance team mates. As soon as the game started Thyme immediately started to push himself harder and give hundred percent of him. He ran faster than ever, he become an unbreakable wall like no one can go against him and that's made every opposition player loose his shit. Thyme score a goal, goal and one more goal. His parents never look so proud at him and his coach was screaming his head off in excitement and that's when Thyme knew this was the best day of his life. Throughout the game his heart was pumping hard and he felt the best version of himself, stronger and indestructible. Thyme himself was in disbelief that how amazing he was playing when he put his all in to the game. When the first half finished each and every player run towards Thyme hugs him and praise him it was the first time Thyme wasn't angry or annoyed at his team mates instead he laugh with other Alphas and thank back them. In the end he grabs a bottle of water while his head turn towards the dance team and first sight he saw was Kevin standing away from Jose, his mouth hung open in amazement. Thyme smirk at his Omega's cute expression "Hell Yes, Watch me baby". Before looking away Thyme wink at his brat causing Kevin to rolled his eyes at the Alpha. Thyme chukled at their silent conversation before he went back to play his remaining game. The second half was as great as it was first. And Thyme team ended up winning the football match.

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Ps: This writer is tired and sleep deprived like hell. Focusing on making money so for the time being please excuse all my mistakes. Maybe in future I'll come back and write this chapters again..😫 🥺

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