Chapter 13

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Kevin was seeing fire in Thyme's eyes yet he couldn't help but walk straight right into it just like the warm orange glow of flames attract and pull the poor moth even though it is the last thing he wants to do is sacrifice his life. After pissing Thyme and having such glare Kevin knew he is going to be in big trouble sooner than later but what other option he got. There was few more days left before vacation and no way he'd afford to miss this lecture of the most difficult  subject just before the exams. If only he had guards around him as his security. As Kevin close the distance his skin felt hot, his senses were on high alert as if his body was waiting for his mate's touch good or bad touch. Kevin swallowed hard feeling Thyme's intense stare at him walking closer and more closer, once Kevin took his seat he pulled out his tablet from his backpack and placed it on the desk in front trying to act as normal as he could in such situation. Class start and Thyme showed his complete concentration at the Omega sitting beside him instead of his teacher. While Thyme's explicit words echoes inside Kevin's head, loud and clear the memories of Thyme's touch on his skin made the poor Omega to literally sweat and after twenty minutes he felt like any minute he will passes out with all the attentionand anxiety. When it get unbearable Kevin dare to look up at Thyme direction unexpectedly the Alpha look startled out of nowhere, when their eyes met, as if he wasn't expecting Kevin to look at him in the eyes in school but then very next second the Alpha frown and shoot an annoyed look before turning his head to their teacher silently cursing under his breath, don't know who?.

Kevin really needs a protection, he cannot trust his stupid rude mate one bit. Thyme seems to be definitely be planned something for him. Thyme did threatened saying he can kill him if ever by mistake he did something to anger him. Kevin doesn't want to feel miserable all the time if only he had someone to protect. Being son of most powerful Alpha Sarawat Guntituthon, Thyme can easily escape after doing any crime. Kevin was still in deep thought about asking his father to provide him some body guard for his security but then he need to explain whole lot of things which he does not fancy at all and maybe guards won't be allowed to follow him in classroom. But one wrong move from him and Thyme won't think to hurt him and proves it was an accident. Kevin inwardly grunt turning his head in frustration that's when his eyes met with Jose. The Alpha was looking at him and when their eyes met he shoot him small smile with small wave. Kevin gave a slight nod and smile back that's when an idea click in his head. Jose is big in size, academically smart too and look stronger as well exactly what he need for himself. Kevin desperately waited for the break time tapping his legs continously which by the way irritates Thyme alot. He wanted to reach out to his brat Omega knees to stop them but then his thought will take wild route as he doesn't trust himself since he touch Kevin he did not stop thinking about it. He can still remember how soft and plumpy the omega brat buttocks was. Plus he doesn't wanted to smell like a horny Alpha in front of everyone in class. The Alpha control himself and bare the torture silently without making any move. As soon as the bell goes off for break Kevin quickly left the desk and fortunately Jose was still preparing to leave the classroom with his bench mate when Kevin interrupted the Alpha who can be used as his security "Hey, hi Jose".

Kevin call for an Alpha Jose attention and Jose face immediately light up with big smile watching Kevin behind him. They talk for a bit about lesson then walk together towards the cafeteria. After reaching Jose offered to buy lunch for Kevin which, the Omega didn't mind and happily accepted. While eating both were excitedly talk about upcoming vacation and trip they are going to spend when suddenly Kevin nostril hit with the intoxicated scent causing him to turned his head and see that Thyme was right behind him sitting with his two friends. Kevin heartbeat rose again watching Thyme fuming at him as he accompany Jose for lunch but the Omega composed himself when Nani shout out grabbing half of the cafeteria attention waving his hand "Hi Kevin!". Kevin for a moment blink at Nani after taking his gaze who was sitting beside Thyme and Dew. The Omega gave a single curt nod and smile back before transferring his attention back on Jose as he tried to stay calm for the rest of the break and not to get bother by Thyme's angry stare on them. After finishing their lunch, both Jose and Kevin walk back to their next class when suddenly Kevin asked "hey umm Can I ask you something?". Without thinking Jose stopped taking steps and leaned his back at the wall responding by a small laugh "Go ahead babe, You don't need my permission... can ask me anything". Kevin giggles cutely then he try to  sound seductive placing his hand on Jose chest but inwardly the Omega felt little nervous to be honest then he blurted out "Are you free on this weekend?. I mean can you help me with difficult subjects". Jose chukled hearing the Omega he lift his hand and cupped Kevin's pink cheek saying "You don't have to look so nervous... I'd gladly help you with whatever subjects you want". Kevin smile widely at Jose response sweet response but at the same time he smell the same intoxicated scent getting stronger and before he could turn his head in the direction he felt an sharp elbow hitting on his back almost making him fall. By reflex Josh pulled Kevin closer to himself wrapping his strong arm protectivly around the Omega waist then complain looking at Thyme "Hey be carefully dude". Thyme turned around and loudly replied "Sorry dude...I got distracted by what Kevin was saying. He ask you to fuck him this weekend. Right?". Kevin stomach churned in embarrassment, his eyes widened  having everyone's  attention on them. Thyme's harsh word deeply impacted on Omega's heart. Thyme voice was so loud that basically the whole school must have heard him proving Kevin a characterless Omega. Jose look fearless as he defend the Omega quickly in his embrace "No, you heard us wrong. We are talking about studying. So stop causing trouble for Kevin and just leave him alone". Thyme daringly look at Josh but the Alpha wasn't intermediate with the rude Alpha Thyme. When Thyme and Jose were nose to nose he asked "What if I don't?".  Josh snicker back then blurt out "I'll tell your mom that you're a fucking bully and  borderline abuser. My mom knows your mommy very well. They often meet during charity and events. Your mommy Tine is always nice to me. I wonder how he would  feel if ever he finds out about how you act in school with Kevin". Josh was still holding Kevin close without any intention of letting the Omega go.

Thyme face expression suddenly took one-eighty degree turn as he chukled punching Josh arm playfully and said with fake laugh "Ohh Godd... C'mon dude that was a joke. I'm just kidding. Here Kevin knows me enough... We are good friends. Right Omega?". In response Kevin only hide himself more in Josh strong chest fisting his shirt as if he was scared of Thyme. The Omega look at Thyme face just for a moment as he mumble softly "No...No we are not friends... and stop bullying me. Leave me alone". Thyme face expression  changed once again. His fake sweet smile turned into grimaced as he replied gritting his teeth "Fine, I don't wanna do anything with an ugly and weak like you". After spitting Thyme straight walk out of the school with tense shoulder. His both friends who always stayed silent behind him immediately decide to follow him. But before following Thyme, Nani gave an apologetic look at Kevin but the damage was done. But the rest of the students stayed staring at Kevin. Some laugh, some murmured and whispered bad words for Kevin. The Omega eyes filled up with tears as he never felt this much humiliated in his entire life. Thyme had always acted mean to him, and he never misses a chance to insult him by calling bad names but today he cross his limits.

Kevin quietly step back and turned away from Jose. The Omega decide to run out of school hanging his head low feeling embarrassed and ashamed but before he could leave the premises Jose catch up with Kevin and stop him from behind. Kevin look up at Jose pitiful face from his teary eyes. The Omega tried his best not to shed them but failed miserably. Jose quickly reached out to wipe Kevin's tears from his pink cheeks saying "Don't listen to him babe, we all know you're not a and you're not at all ugly and weak. Infact you're the most sweetest and beautiful Omega I've ever seen. Please don't cry. Forget what he said. Thyme is just being mean". Kevin gave his small nod then whispered brokenly "Thankyou for defending me. Jose I'm really scared of Thyme. He hates me alot and frankly I don't even know what did I do to him to hate me this much. I'm always afraid and paranoid in school if... he might do something to me..". Jose quickly assured cupping both Kevin's cheeks in his hands gently "He won't. I won't let him do anything to you". Kevin nods his head as he felt the knot of worries getting undone in his stomach.

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