Chapter 29

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Thyme looked with proud while admitting to his parents about going to see his mate. His eyes filled with power and dominance Thyme's voice came out deep and strong. For a second Tine felt so proud, his son is growing up to be the most gorgeous and strongest man who ever lived but a mate. Tine and Sarawat looked at each other in shock. They both knew very soon their handsome son would start dating but finding a mate, as soon as he turn eighteen is freaking crazy. Sure things are about to go down. The way Thyme demeanor changes out of nowhere. Tine got utterly speechless his son has just turned eighteen, he stop wearing diapers only fifteen years back and Thyme is still a baby for Omega mommy so when did Thyme find a mate. Sarawat groan hearing his son words "What the fuck, you mean by mate?". Sarawat seems to be equally shock as he look at his wife silently begging Tine to take charge from here before all hell break loose.

Tine pulled away his husband and step closer to his son asking curiously "Mate Who?". Thyme confidently answered "Kevin Mew Suppasit". There was not an ounce of doubt in Thyme's voice, instead his voice filled with proud and power. And that's when Sarawat and Tine felt like getting their first heart attack of their life. Both parents look bewildered with their mouth hung open. Thyme the drunkard teenager further added to his parents "Kevin is my mate. I went to see him but that brat lock his window again tonight. He never missed a chance to piss me off. Brat!". Tine felt he's going to die any minute at the revelation. Sarawat look extremely pissed What the fuck?!.  The air both father and son were emitting were so negative and tensed Tine inwardly took a mental note to burn lots of essence stick to clear the air of the whole mansion. But then again Tine tried to focus on his drunkard son. He question again sounding curious "What the fuck,  lock his window mean?". Thyme simply answered explaining his mommy "I've been going to meet him through his bedroom window for years. But now... that brat is being a big brat. He lock his window so that I can't get in and sleep with him". Tine and Sarawat felt they are going to pass out at the revelation. Both parents were unable to form any coherent words for long. They never in their dreams thought about their son doing such nasty things behind their back. Oh God, What the fuck they both were doing all this time?. After recovering from the shock after shock Tine murmured to his husband "Wat ...Are we really the worst parents of the world?".

Both husband and wife were extremly shocked and felt worse.  They never realised their son leaving house taking late night trips to Kevin's. Tine shudder at the thought of Gulf. Sarawat immediately left his son and he went to hold his wife before Tine fell down stumbling in daze. The Omega mommy then look at his son, suddenly his son looks as bigger as Sarawat now and his son isn't  seems to be joking. The Omega mommy already wanted to run away to another planet after hearing everything, and before Gulf hunt him down. Sarawat grunt at his son remembering how much Gulf and Mew dislike Thyme already "Unbelievable, This is impossible, how can be this possible?. They can't be mates. Fuck there's no way they could be mates". Thyme frown he replied with growling "Why? Why it is not possible Kevin is so sexy and beautiful. He's mine whether you believe it or not. I don't care about anyone. As soon as he turned eighteen I'm going to mark him and teach him a good lesson for being a brat". Tine felt about getting another heart attack for sure. His son is pure evil. He could only raise his hand to cover his mouth looking in disbelief. When did his son grow up to be a devil? Oh yes, his husband was devil once too. Tine turned his head towards  Sarawat,  blaming his husband again for whatever  is happening. And as if Sarawat could hear his wife cursing him out loud in his head. He muttered begging "Can we focus on the trouble in front please".

Tine huffed in annoyance he look at his son Thyme again, who was standing in front of them both. Both husband and wife was always sure there is something going on between Thyme and Kevin they assumed that it maybe their son had a little crush or they really hate each other for some unknown reason but they never thought Thyme is attracted toward Kevin because the two are fated. Sarawat was loosing his shit every passing second on his son now. His son's over bearing dominance aura fill in the air causing the two dominant Alpha to clash. Sarawat grunt out loud "If you knew Kevin is your fated mate, why the fuck you were tormenting him since years?. Did you really think he will like you back if you be a bully to him?". Thyme growl back in response for the first time at his father "It's not my fault... that brat made me do it. He never understand me and now he doesn't want me either. That brat...That brat belongs to me, there is no way he can leave me and walk away because I'm not going to let that happen anyway". Tine's whole body hair stood straight hearing the loud growl of his son. Tine can see his devil husband, in his son. Old Sarawat was devil as well but he doesn't  want his son to suffer like his husband did by getting seperate for years. But then again his son must understand  one things that what Kevin want is equally important. Thyme can't force himself  on his omega mate. Thyme's eyes soften, his shoulder slump as tiredness and exhaustion and affect of Alco.hol took over his mind and body. He pleaded looking at his parents "Mom Dad.. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to leave that brat alone. I can't just walk away and forget him.. that brat don't understand me at all..". Suddenly Thyme started sounding like a five years old causing Tine to lightly smack his son's  head saying "First of all Stop calling your mate, brat. Address him with respect  his name is Kevin. Second You have to wait. There still few months left for Kevin to turn eighteen. So you need to leave him alone until he turn legal age". Thyme shook his head as the affect of alcohol started to put him to sleep while Thyme murmured "I can't leave him alone.... I need him.... that brat... Kevin ...Omega is mine....". His voice in the end slurred. 

Sarawat let out a snort from behind his wife. The Alpha Daddy was annoyed as hell for some reason. But he knew he can't say anything because he never thought  his son will walk on his footsteps.... he will misbehave with his mate just like he did once. Never in his wildest dream Sarawat thought his son Thyme will grew up like this. But anyways Wat  just wanted to remind everyone that he is changed and stop blaming for everything bad happened in this book. But now he just hope Thyme doesn't make more mistake, suffer and learn his leasson like he did. In the end both parents only wanted their son doesn't end up ruining his own life after treating his Omega mate like shit for years. Their son is so fucked up, he messed up everything big time. Tine and Sarawat both needed time to think about it through. But first at the moment they need to get their son in the bedroom to sleep the night. Tine motioned his husband with his eyes to take their son in the bedroom for now which Thyme did not protest and quietly let himself get dragged towards his bedroom direction. Once both parents saw their son getting comfortable on the bed, under the comforter after taking off his shoes Sarawat softly stated to his wife "This is a serious trouble baby. I can't believe my son is more dumb than me..... Gulf and Mew will never accept Thyme for their only son. How the fuck are we going to convince them?... I don't know how we are going to fix this mess". Tine sigh out "I know, I didn't expected that either but Thyme is your son anyway. He will inherent some of your qualities. Thyme just chose the bad one...".

Sarawat  couldn't argue that the Alpha Daddy inwardly started blaming himself already for once being a jerk to his Omega wife. Sarawat sigh hard causing Tine to added "Wat... we have to make sure Thyme doesn't create more trouble for himself from now. There's still 8 months left for Kevin's eighteenth birthday. We have to think of something as soon as possible, Thyme and Kevin are always been pushy with each other. And do you remember that one time Kevin went to see Thyme in the shower after the football match..". Sarawat nods his head, he couldn't stop sighing again, his head already started to ache just thinking about Thyme and Kevin being mates to each other. He is afraid to think what will happened once Kevin turned eighteen years old. He grumble "I still can't believe my son is alot dumber than me. The way Thyme dominance attitude is towards his Omega I think it will be hard for him to make things right".. The mommy blurt out chukling even in such serious situation "Maybe your son doesn't know how to handle his feelings like you..... it can be hereditary. You yourself learnt about your feeling just two days ago". Sarawat gave a thought then frown and scold his bratty wife for mocking him "Shut up! brat... but you're right. Our son is going to make millions of mistakes and we have to make sure to stop him from making them all..." .

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