Chapter 10

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Thyme fifteen years old

Next three months both Kevin and Thyme did their best to ignore each other and not to pick any fight in the cold weather. Kevin always dissappear as soon as his class ended, the Omega doesn't wanted to show himself in front of the rude Alpha who literally hates his sight. But as more time passes Kevin forget about Thyme's heart wrenching words and start focusing on himself. He made more friends, there were lots of guys showing interest in him, gave attention, befriended made him feel beautiful inside and out, who calls him with sweet names all these things help him built up his self confidence. Once again Kevin started enjoying school life and his friends company forgetting about the certain someone who hurt him not once but twice. Thyme took his parents and brother's advice seriously he stayed away from Kevin as well and stop thinking about him as much as possible. But as soon as Cruel Summer arrived once again things began to get heat up for Thyme. Heat and Puberty was hitting him hard and making his thought go wild for the Omega he wanted to do nothing with. Things started happening when he find Kevin out and about with his friends after school wearing hot casuals and short summer dresses with pincil heels, high strap sandals showing off his long legs illegally. Without realising suddenly Kevin become Thyme's centre of attention for very different  reason while Kevin observe Thyme waiting on various places he goes frequently with friends after school. In the beginning  the Omega felt clueless finding Thyme every where in shopping mall, movie theatre, cafeteria, even in one of their classmate  birthday party. He was clueless to see Thyme keeping an eye on him for god knows what reason. If this happens for one time it can be called accident, twice will be coincidence but third and then numerous time Kevin don't know what to call it anymore. The evil Alpha Thyme Guntituthon was stalking him?, this sound utterly ridiculous since the guy hate him so much there's no chance he'd stand here just to see his ugly face. And to be honest he was over Thyme's rudeness, but the unexpected sight of evil Alpha stare from far away on him does made him feel wired but his only excuse was Thyme wanted him to fall into his trap so that he could take revenge, call him ugly once again or mock him with new stupid names in front of everyone to his satisfaction. But years of torment and shedding buckets and buckets of tears made Kevin more stronger and tougher over the period. The Omega was completely done with feeling miserable and pitying on himself, but none the less he was still scared  to acknowledge his stupid feeling for Thyme. So he always make sure  not to cross the line, maintain safe distance and keep his gaze at the normal level since he was still not ready to have direct contact as they both were in same class. Kevin tried hard not to get affected from the Alpha intoxicated scent nor look at him in the eyes as he still wasn't ready to witness and accept the hatered for himself.

Kevin had lots of free time during summer vacation he decide to participate in lots of activities with his friends just to find out his interest eventually one of the activity he always liked was dancing. The Omega was happy to join the dance team of their school with his couple of other friends. His parents were happy too watching their only child enjoying life concentrating on doing what he likes. On the other hand Thyme was busy having his own discoveries about the brat Omega. He took Dew and Nani to accompany him to various places. Almost everyone in school befriended with Kevin including Nani which majorly pissed Thyme. But he decide to shurg it, he tried not to feel bother when he heard boys call Kevin 'hot commodity' and everyone wanted to get into his friend list except for Thyme Guntituthon. His young hormone were everywhere, he was going nuts on each and everyone, including  his parents, siblings and friends. Tim and Si said he was going through puberty so was Tine agreed. He let him be to himself as long as Thyme doesn't mess with Kevin. Thyme experience mood swing like a crazy pregnant women, it was getting hard for him not to burst and beat the shit out of guys who ever gave a second glance towards Kevin's  direction smirking at his assets or praises the Omega beauty in front of him. In his eyes Kevin was still ugly and every thing in Kevin was just out of place. Kevin on the other hand mind his own business and decide not to acknowledge how the Alpha fumes at his direction ever so often whenever he talk with other guys in school or after school. The scorching  heat of summer was already enough to tired Thyme when suddenly during football practice Dew nudge Thyme to look at a direction of Kevin who walk with his dance team and teacher to practice their dance steps outside the hall in the corner of the same ground under the shade. Thyme couldn't able to control himself when he saw the Omega for the first time wearing very less clothes. Kevin was wearing a pair of short and cropped tank top and Thyme couldn't able to takes his eyes off from him any more. He let it slid the show off of skin until Kevin was covering himself decently out and about. After months of avoiding, ignoring and stalking he almost knew what kind of outfit Kevin prefer to wear and his favourite drink and favourite popcorn flavour. But today's outfit made him look different and more ...ugly. Thyme was feeling different and it wasn't any family friendly thing to be honest. His thought  needed to be censored but he was also dumbfounded and shocked with his own vulgar thought when he realize what are the things he was imagine to do with the brat. It was wired the sudden electric current began to run inside his veins seems out of his control, some things began to happened and he was unable to stop those stupid sensation in his body. It made him feel hot and his heartbeat faster and C hard out of the blue.

Thyme quickly escape to stay in the bathroom for more than fifteen minutes until his hands were dirty, body sweating and he was tottaly breathless. But when he cools down and gets back to the field after cleaning himself he was extremly annoyed at the Omega appearance. Once again Kevin successfully made him do things he wasn't interested in. But before dealing with the brat he wanted to go to their principal office and wanted to ask him to give proper uniform to the dance team then go and handle the brat once for all it was enough, he can't stand the sight of Kevin wearing such clothing. That Omega brat had the audacity to look illicit and illegally dirty wearing less amount of clothing in front of other boys. The black shorts Kevin was wearing looks more kind of an underwear, than any short on his milky white long legs. It was hugging the curve of his as.s in absolutely filthy manner and don't even ask about his black halter neck tank top, so much white skin was on display every guy from football team was drooling over when their eye catches the plumpy round shaped breasts. Tsk so much just to grab attention from dirty boys. Every guy around the ground was turning his head to see in the direction of dance team causing Thyme to really go mad. Kevin didn't care about anything he and his dance team were engrossed in their practice but also enjoying the unwanted attention from boys like any other teenager would like to have. Kevin's  movement was  extremly graceful while he get down on four doing the step, then raising his hips before standing up again. Everyone  was enjoying  the show even the football game pause to see the show. But Thyme was holding himself back. The boy doesn't wanted to make his mommy angry again by doing something he would regret later. The little Alpha chanted 'Calm down, that brat is none of your business.... don't think about him... think about mommy...mommy...mommy... bloody brat... ' but clearly at the moment he doesn't  wanted to think about anyone else but that brat. For several of minutes Thyme forced himself not to look at Kevin or do any thing on more stupid things on impulse he doesn't want to but how was that possible. Moon goddess was really bored to death after months of boredom, she was fried until crisp and she wanted some entertainment in her life. Suddenly one guy from opposite team commented looking over the dance team "Damn that Omega Kevin is sexy and hot as hell. Fuck.. Look at his as.s going down on all fours".  The guy was almost twenty feet away from Thyme but he still able to heard him loud and very clear. And this was it for Alpha Thyme Guntituthon to loose his shit. He turned towards the guy looking annoyed groan in warning causing the guy to transfer his attention on Thyme from Kevin's  ass as he ask "What's the matter dude?".  The guy was senior from other class and he had no right to talk about Kevin  like that. No doubt he hates Kevin with his bones and every fiber but he won't let anyone  disrespect Kevin disgustingly. Thyme glared hard at the guy and gritted out annoyingly "You are not allowed to disrespect him at all. I don't want to hear anything nonsense about him ever again. Did you get that?".

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