Chapter 44

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Before Kevin could reach closer to his Alpha mate, Vincent question in confusion "Erin no, then what's your name baby?". Thyme immediately narrowed his eyes at Vincent, as he blurted out before Kevin could respond looking at Vincent "Why the fuck do you care, his name is ugly bitch and he's leaving right this minute. He shouldn't be here ...because I did not invited him". The fuck his two stupid friends were thinking to bring his mate here in Win island. Kevin immediately pause on his footsteps just for a second, after hearing Thyme's harsh words, but it wasn't for long as he continue moving forward and only stop right in front of Thyme looking in to his mate's eyes. The teenage Alpha is really bad when it come to dealing with the situation like this, but can somebody blame him, his feeling for Kevin overrun all his emotions, manipulate his senses and make him spit out the most absurd words from his mouth without thinking at such times. He fucking hate moon goddess to death. Thyme has to spit out something that can take Vincent attention away from Kevin's completely, and Thyme doesn't find any other way in this moment, his harsh words came out sounding as serious as he could causing Vincent to only raise his eyebrows looking at Thyme. Kevin's jaw clenches as he intensely look into Thyme's eyes, but instead of retorting back or exploding like always, the Omega gaze moves down onto his mate's little swollen red lips, then a little more further down, Kevin's eyes drop at Thyme's chest. Fuck the Alpha now only realize his shirt buttons were all opened, this dumb Lea nails scratches were showcasing wild criss cross marks, about which Thyme had no fucking idea when she did it. But it wasn't difficult for Kevin to put two plus two and before Thyme could think about two plus whatever the fuck, whole room energy shift causing Kevin to act so fast in half a second he grabs Lea's neck, Thyme couldn't able to do anything when his mate pinned Lea, against the wall up in the air.

Kevin had squeeze Lea neck, into a death grip after pinning her onto the wall. Her feet up in the air, not touching into the ground while Lea was at Kevin's mercy. Due to weeds, Thyme brain was still functioning fucking slow, he took time to process about things actually happening in front of him, but at one point his cheeks redden immediately at the sight of his mate looking wild, violent and so fucking jealous. Kevin eyes were fiery at Lea, he demand with fucking menacingly "Next time, you try to touch Thyme, I'm gonna rip your head off from the rest of your body. Do you understand that?. No one is allowed to touch him". Kevin sounded so powerful and nasty that causes Thyme to feel goosebumps all over his body but Kevin's hands only tighten and tighten on Lea's neck more. Lea look terrified and she seems just a second away from passing out, tears stream down her cheeks and she tremble like a fish out of water. Thyme feets were frozen to the ground, he wasn't dare to intervene but Vincent immediately stepped forwards and command Kevin "Stop this fucking right now, Let her go, Omega. You have no right to hurt my friend like that". Kevin turned his  head towards Vincent and snicker again maniacingly "And Who the fuck do you think you are to command me, I can do whatever the hell I want to do with her. You can never dominate me. Never even in your fucking dreams".

Thyme felt shiver hearing his mate's words, his mind was working in slow motion to process each and every words his mate was uttering. It was just unbelievable. Damn he curse himself for drinking so much and let Lea took advantage of the situation,  causing his mate to get angry. Plus trying weeds which was his worse decision of his life, he swear to never touch it ever. But when he suddenly saw Vincent angrily approach towards his Omega mate while growling "How dare you!, I'm the fucking head Alpha of this island and nobody messes with me..". Thyme immediately stepped in between of Vincent and his mate. He finally got his senses back to react, and save his Omega mate from Vincent. Thyme quickly pulled Kevin slendar arm closer, causing Lea to fell down on the floor coughing, breathless and panting for air but he was least interested about her at the moment. Thyme shove his mate behind his back removing Vincent attention once again from his mate saying "Vincent, he's going to leave. I'll send him back home". Vincent snorted back "Not some Omega come to my island and dare to hurt one of my friend in front of me". Vincent growls looking at Kevin "Submit now Omega!". Kevin growls back from behind "The hell I'm going to submit, to some pathetic Alpha like you". Thyme inwardly scoffed at his mate's nasty words, the way he disrespected the head Alpha without any fear  and courageously was really somthing to admire for. But thos wasn't  the right time to admire neither Vincent  was the man to mess with. So before things get out of control he need to step up and fix this mess. The last thing he want to see his mate hurting by Vincent. Thyme tried his best to sound as calm as he could and pleaded lying "Alpha Vincent, Please Calm down. Let me handle him my way. He's still an idiot Omega kid with no brain.... Alpha  Please do me a favour, lets end the party and You all leave for now?".

Thyme forced himself to pleade and show some respect to the head Alpha after watching him disrespected by his mate . He only wanted Vincent to let go the matter for now and shoo away the Head Alpha out of his apartment with all his minions and before things get worse while his mate his around in Win island. Vincent was still fuming, until Rex step forwards and muttered placing his hand on Vincent shoulder "Yes, let's go, Vincent. We must trust Thyme. He'll will take care of this little Omega". Vincent close his eyes and took a long deep breath thinking about what just happened, sure the kid Erin or whatever his name is, not just any Omega. The way he did not listen nor submit to his command made him different from rest of the Omegas. Kevin immediately snorted from Thyme's back after hearing Rex  "Don't dare to call me little...". Vincent need to find out whoever this little Omega is? whatever he is ?. In the end the head Alpha nods and decide to leave Thyme's apartment saying "Okay, I trust you handle this situation your  way. But I'd like to know more about this little brat". Thyme immediately clenches his fist on his side hearing Vincent calling Kevin brat. The fuck Thyme would let Vincent berate his mate, call his mate 'a brat'. The teenage Alpha immediately groan "He's not a brat...... but a big idiot. I'll deal with him. Trust me. You can leave now". One by one everyone approaches towards the apartment exit, Lea was so scared of Kevin that she didn't even dare to look at Thyme's direction. As soon as the last person from Vincent friend leaves, Nani immediately close the door and locked it.

When Thyme turned to look at his friends and mate in his apartment's living room, his breath quicken. Since he know he need to apologise to his mate and ask for his forgiveness but he isn't sure that Kevin will forgive him this easily. Both Dew and Nani were talking to each other in whisper. But having Kevin in his apartment, the energy feels so damn scary and heavy after that stunt that Kevin pulls earlier on Lea that it began to suffocate Thyme. Thyme gulped, hard watching his mate leisurely sitting in the middle of the couch directly facing the door as if he was waiting for his mate Thyme Guntituthon. Kevin's dark feary eyes look straight into Thyme's eyes, completely  ignoring what his best friend Sara was saying him to calm him down. It was clear that Kevin  wanted to explode at him, curse him, even beat him but he doesn't wanted Kevin to do that in front of everyone so Thyme did one thing as soon as the thought entered into his brain. He ran away, straight into his bedroom and just the way Thyme was expecting Kevin followed him behind, he closes the door and the Omega blurted out growling "How dare you to cheat on me Thyme Guntituthon. It is tottaly unacceptable". It wasn't his Omega mate speaking, it was Kevin's dominant side which made Thyme feels wired. He  doesn't know how to describe it but there was something in Kevin which wanted Thyme to get down on his knees and beg for him forgiveness but on the other side, Thyme was so much relieved to have his mate under his roof, inside his bedroom that he was litrally dying to be in his Omega presence, surrounded by his scent, having his Omega's full attention on himself. His eyes on him, felt like he's in pure heaven to finally have his little firecracker mate closer to him, in front of his eyes. Thyme sigh hard, he let his deep emotions take over his senses as he walk closer to Kevin, and tried to take his Omega mate into his arms saying "I'm so sorry, baby. All this...". Before Thyme could finish speaking and  take his mate into a hug, Kevin pushes him growling "Stop it, I don't want to hear you... you have been cheating on me. You did have an Omega girlfriend, yet you fooled me so that I can take you as my mate. I really started to think that you're worth it, when you're just a liar. Thyme you're a cheater".

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