Chapter 22

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Couple of days passed Thyme tried his best to stay away from Kevin ignoring him like always. He groan at the sight inwardly. When Kevin was upset he felt restless now that brat is back to normal he made Thyme again restless. In afternoon Kevin walk towards the cafeteria with his friends and Jose, the Alpha had his arm around Kevin's shoulder as the two walk laughing. Thyme mood as usual tense watching the two being this close. Jose started to act worse in front of Thyme ever since locker room incident. He always waits for Kevin at the school enterance in the morning to arrive and stayed glued to him like a watch dog all day long. Most of the days he goes to drop Kevin home as well. Thyme doesn't know what are the real relationship between him and Kevin, surely Kevin isn't in a relationship with the Alpha but they doesn't look like they aren't. Moreover he really never understand why Kevin let Jose touch him all the time. Whenever Thyme eyes goes on his brat mate in school Jose always had his hands on Kevin's body. Many times Thyme tried to convince himself that it's shouldn't be his business and He shouldn't care but that is not true. he absolutely care and he doesn't like how Jose is alway all over on his mate. Thyme look away to distract himself from uneasy feeling but he can't get his brat Omega mate out of his head even for two minutes straight. And for some reason since morning his eyes never left Kevin's lips he desperately need to feel those lips against him. It been so long he get to kiss Kevin. Last few days were torturous for him after tasting Kevin lips his drawing isn't feel enough. But now that old selfish Kevin is back. The Omega started to laugh and crack jokes with his friends like before made him annoyed all the time. That brat is always been inconsiderate and selfish towards him. Kevin let him touch and kiss him but he want to know if Kevin does it same with other Alpha. Kevin never cared how he'd feel to see him with other Alpha and that makes the Omega even more cruel. And this is one more reason why Thyme hate Kevin even more than before. He has to talk to Kevin and that brat has to ask Jose not to touch him anymore because Thyme Guntituthon doesn't like it. Period

As soon as Kevin excuse himself to go towards washroom Thyme did not waste time he quickly gets up to follow his mate but suddenly Dew questions "Dude What happened? Where are you going?". Thyme didn't answer and just left the cafeteria to follow his brat. Kevin reach in the empty hallway closer to Omega's washroom but before he enters Thyme immediately stopped him by putting his hand on Kevin's shoulder calling "Omega.. we need to talk". Kevin sigh inwardly he already knew Thyme Guntituthon following him but frankly he wasn't much interested to know why?. Kevin turned around and shake his head in grimac saying "What? God, Thyme Guntituthon go somewhere else and leave me alone and never bother me". Thyme breathout very softly "Come and meet me behind the school building". After saying he didn't wait just turned around and start walking away. Normally Kevin wouldn't like to follow his dumb mate after last encounter but for some reason Thyme soft tone and his long hair that fell on his eyes enhancing his gorgeousness does things to his body which he couldn't ignore. Plus he was now suddenly curious enough to know what Thyme Guntituthon wants to say. Kevin inwardly groan and follow his mate in silent. When Kevin reached he saw Thyme was standing pressing his back to the wall. The Alpha arms were crossed looking away from his direction. His causal outfit perfectly fit on his strong body, ripped black Jeans, white round neck t-shirt with brown jacket thrown over his broad shoulders were enough for Kevin to drool over. The clothes Thyme gave him to wear on that night is forever going to stay in his possession. The Omega plan to never return him back. Kevin then observe his mate hair is getting longer than the last time and it started to look messier than before but it somehow doing a great job of working him up.

Kevin walk closer to his mate asking "What's up?. Thyme I'm here". Thyme started "Look I didn't know your parents are unaware about what happened in the shower". Kevin rolled his eyes responding "Yes I guess that". Kevin doesn't know what to say since Thyme's dark eyes on his face made him nervous and wet to be honest his mate is one fucking gorgeous Alpha born with gold fish memory. Kevin then added "But you really fucked my life up that day by spitting what happened between us, my mother is after me to go see the fucking doctor because of you". Thyme blink in confusion curiously question "Why?". Thyme question made Kevin realize that this was most unexpected normal conversation they both were having with each other just being Thyme and Kevin instead of Alpha and his brat Omega. Kevin answered "Because my mother think I shouldn't manifesting heat like that". Thyme deeply look into Kevin eyes making the Omega to melt in embarrassment thinking how horny he was inside the shower stall. Thyme faintly remember how much his mate find him hot on the field to manifest his heat . The Alpha sigh out "I don't think it's anything serious. People feel hot all the time. You don't have to worry about it". Kevin frown then confusingly blink at his mate thinking if his mate really trying to make him feel better by saying such thing. What kind of alternate universe is this? or are they standing under some parallel sky. God only know. While Thyme wanted to add more to his statement '.... Or maybe Moon goddess trying to have some pity on my libido and She want me to claim what's mine by taking you in every position.... '. Kevin took a deep breath and question "that's all you wanted to say to me?". Thyme shook his head then run his finger in his long beautiful hair in frustration asking "Did you.... err...what happened in the shower... umm... Was it your first kiss?".

Kevin honestly answered frowning "No, Why ? Was it ... your first kiss?". Thyme gaze went on his mate's pink lips as he muttered "Yes, that was my first kiss". Kevin look surprise but then his Alpha next question make him blink "That wasnt your first kiss?. Who did you kiss before me?". Kevin crossed his arms on his chest and blankly answered "I've kissed most of my friends in games and truth or dare". Don't know why Kevin find the need to clarify himself but he did it anyway. This was another bizzare conversation the two were having with each other. Thyme intense gaze were piercing into Kevin soul as the Omega further added "..I even kissed Sara and Moon from dance team in her birthday party". Thyme nods his head thinking deeply as he again question "Did you kissed Jose?". Now Kevin was suddenly annoyed to hear such question as he control his emotions and flatly answer "Yes, So what Thyme?". Thyme chukled evilly running his finger into his long hair in irritation "You really like doing such things with other Alpha, making out and kissing them". Kevin was pissed not just pissed he was very angry on his stupid mate. How could his dumb Alpha can ask him such question and insult him on his face. Jose is just a very good friend of Kevin but now the Omega doesn't find the need to tell Thyme Guntituthon so he lied smirking "Yeah it's fun you know. I like kissing Alphas alot". In response Thyme eyes darkened and dilated as he approach towards his Omega brat direction to threatened him gritting his teeth "You are really something Omega. A real brat. I'll show you how fun it is to kiss an Alpha". Thyme gripped his mate's both cheeks and slammed their lips. Kevin's entire body went rigid in shock and feeling his mate's lips against him out of nowhere, but he didn't pull back. Thyme aggressively kissed his mate making his Omega to melt bit by bit against his mate's big warm body.

Thyme growl into their kiss commanding his mate his open his mouth as he straight away fuck his tongue and demand Kevin's hungrily. As soon as Kevin began to fight for dominance with Alpha the fireworks burst into his whole body. The sensation was magical and mind blowing and so rough. He doesn't want to give in but still felt so fucking good. Every bit of their kiss send jolts of pleasure inside Kevin's veins and burst his whole being taking his breath away. The Omega wouldn't trade this for world but if only his mate think a little before asking him such question. Kevin hate himself, as much he hates Thyme. He doesn't wanted to feel this good. It shouldn't be legal to feel this good to kiss his enemy. Kevin had never kissed any of his friend he lied to his Alpha because he wanted to pissed him for asking him such question. And this was the real deal between them. Pissing each other so that at the end of the they can live and not die. Crazy right?. Nope fucking crazy suddenly Kevin groan as Thyme bite on his Omega bottom lip until it started to come red and suck on it harder. The Alpha moaned loudly sucking his mate's red warm liquid. Thyme lips movement slowed down then eventually paused as the Alpha pulled back just slightly and begs for the first time "Oh Fuck, let me bite you Omega. I want to taste your delicious blood more". Kevin pulled back his head but Thyme stick his body flushed against Kevin's and in shock the Omega ask "What?!".

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Sorry to keep you waiting. My day was very hectic at work.

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