Chapter 25

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Thyme 18 years old

It was finally the day. Every year the Alpha think it will be the last year he  will let his mate affect him. But it the end his resolve breaks and they both does something opposite and unexpected to each other. But what worst is now Kevin started to affect him even more than before. It's been 10 fucking months Thyme had talk with his mate, he was only able to see his brat Omega during dance practice in school because Kevin went ahead and change his class and subjects as well. Moreover the brat never turn his head to look at his direction for fuck sake. Thyme tried hard not to let his mate's ignorance affect him but it fucking does no matter how hard he try. Kevin has been running in to his mind every single minute. Even right now when his mansion foyer is full of guest and friends and beautiful people who came to celebrate his and his siblings eighteeth birthday he is still here sitting alone after dumping his friends trying his best not to think about Kevin but failing miserably. He let out a groan in frustration but covere it by coughing. He is been feeling depressed since he woke up. He also seems to feel different, his body seems different, he feels more stronger and more powerful and he was missing Kevin like hell. Kevin absence on today's  day making him feeling worst than ever. That brat has never shown up on his birthday  party no matter how much his sibling begged him and invited him. He was one stubborn brat to hold the grudge until now even though Thyme was ready to forget everythingand start new. But the ugly feeling was unbearable and for some reason he desperately wanted to go see Kevin tonight. He was okay if the brat doesn't open his window or talk to him. But the urge to go to his mansion and see him from his own eyes was making him restless. He had spend a whole months without him but tonight he seems to be at his limit.

Suddenly Mommy Tine walk closer towards Thyme and took a seat asking "What happened baby? Why are you looking so upset on your 18th birthday?". Thyme sigh hard but Si who followed her mommy  from behind while chatting away on her phone rolled her eyes at her brother depressing  face then her gaze went back to her phone as she replied "Calm down mom, bhai must be thinking about his fated mate". Thyme glared at her sister announcing "I'm  not thinking about anyone alright". Thyme then trasfer his attention on his mommy adding "Mom I don't know but I'm feeling bit wired today". The Alpha crack his neck to relieved a little pressure and anxiety from his body. At the same time Sarawat made his way grinning at his eldest son responding "You will feel alot different from now son. Since you're not just any Alpha. You belong to pure race blood. And Thyme your bearing dominance attitude will make people feel subdue and threatened. You will feel more stronger and more powerful from now, but You have to understand how to control yourself and not to loose your mind when other don't submit". After hearing Thyme get up from the couch because his body fills with wired energy. He doesn't want to celebrate any shit nor he want to talk about the changes going to happen. He just needed his mate by his side and no one else. Thyme didn't know why, but he surely knew what he need to do. Thyme took a step but suddenly stop himself and shook his head, walking towards his friends after excusing himself. The Alpha tried to distract  himself just to stop himself from doing anything recklessly but fuck everything. He couldn't hold back himself in anyway. It was already 11.40 pm way over his limit to handle separation and that's when Thyme decide to leave the party in silence. The night was still young but for Thyme nothing felt more important than to be somewhere where he's going get cursed and maybe punch or two as well for showing up out of nowhere in his brat bedroom because Thyme clearly remember that day when his brat lied and he decide to kill Jose once for all.


After walking out of Miss Jenny office, suddenly  the energy Kevin was emitting was tense and Thyme never felt so uncomfortable. Kevin murmured very softly to Jose "I'm so sorry Jose". Jose scoffed at Kevin saying "I don't  wanna fancy anymore trouble because of you two. I think you both deserve each other. So goodbye and take care of each other". Thyme force himself to look down at his shoes because that was the least his ego allowed him to do after whatever he did with Jose. After saying Jose left making Kevin to sigh. He stare at the back figure of Jose walking away from him. Thyme successfully ruined  his friendship. Once the Alpha dissappear from their eye sight Kevin turn his attention towards his dumb mate sighing hard watching Thyme grinning at him. Thyme open his mouth to thank the Omega for saving his ass to ask million of question but before he could Kevin beat him by stating "Thyme Guntituthon you're the biggest piece of shit. You broke my ribs. You fucking asshole. I hate you so much". Thyme whole body freeze as his breath hitched. Now he remember he did heard a crack sound when he fell on Kevin on the ground but he was so furious that he completely forget about it. Kevin was hurting like shit all those time putting up a soft smile on his lips while hurting so much and that's make Thyme feeling like shit.

Fuck Thyme quickly step forward to grab Kevin arms but the brat immediately took a step back before his mate could touch him or apologize but Thyme still stated "I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to do that. Kevin you know it was an accident. Let me take you to a doctor". Kevin expression was pained but he look straight in Thyme's eyes asking "I'm  not going anywhere with you. You dumbass. You owe me one because I save your ass there. right?". Thyme dumbly nods his head but Kevin's next words shattered him feelings into million of pieces "In return all I'm going to ask you to stay away from me. Forget that we are mates or anything to each other. I swear Thyme if ever you try to talk to me or even approach me I'll fuck your life up and send you straight to hell. So don't even dare to try me". Thyme once again dumbly blink at his brat Omeg who look furious groaning "What!?. You're not serious?". Thyme confusingly look at his Omega mate as he doesn't understand why suddenly his Omega attitude changes. And where is hell all this coming from? It was all Kevin's fault to worked him up by lying all those bullshit while riling him up. The Alpha quickly retorted back "Kevin.. I said I'm sorry. It was an accident but it was also your fault to jump on me. Let's forget this happen and start from fresh". It was too late,  Kevin retorted  back with full irritation "Don't fucking talk to me like that. If I go tell the truth to your parents or mine then you know you will be in big trouble. So Thyme Guntituthon stay away from me before I literally  kill you with my own hands and bury you deep in my back yard". After saying Kevin stomped his feet and left the spot leaving Thyme all alone. Such a brat Thyme doesn't know why the fuck he bothers to apologise and give explanation to him, even he was ready to forget everything and give them both a chanceto be woth each other but hell. And Since that day Thyme tried his absolute best not to bother the Omega.


Kevin felt boiling hot. He doesn't know why he's been crying non stop since he woke up. And no matter how much he cry he just can't stop for wharever absurd reason. The Omega doesn't even know why the hell he's crying anymore. He isn't even sad other than just getting a little fever after crying since morning. He felt like a trapped in a loop when there's nothing such thing happened in his life. Surely something in his body or in his head is not right. He felt the need, the want, he wanted to feel but the Omega was absolutely clueless about what. It did happen few times in past months and his mommy was always there to help him out but now that he is seventeen years old Kevin doesn't  wanted to bother his mom to help him calm down. He wanted to get over all this  stupid anxious dull ugly feeling on his own. But he can't the Omega  groan , scold and yell himself "God, just shut up. Why the fuck you're crying. No one is dying and no one is coming to kill you". And he sob uncontrollably once again. This is so ridiculous. Kevin was so done with this crying shit. There was none of the things he didn't have in his wonderful life. His daddy and mommy make sure of it. They  fulfilled every small wish of him. He still can't pinpoint on the thing, he was crying for, his heart out for all day long. He still got things to do, specially his assignment that was sitting on his desk since yesterday  and need his attention because tommorow morning he need to submit it anyhow. But here he was holding his knees crying and sobbing like the world ends and that to absolut bullshit. He need to study but here he was shedding tears non stop no reason instead of finishing his damn assignment. Kevin tried to catch his breath wiping his tears which again fell down on his cheeks like he lost the most precious thing of his life which is absolutely not the case. The Omega tried his best not to get chocked and die when suddenly his window creak open causing him to ghasp in fear.

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Sorry I'm again busy doing 36 hours ridiculous shift. I'm also crying cause still 28 hours left 😭😭😭

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