Chapter 43

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Thyme yelled from the bathroom as Vincent make his way inside his apartment while Thyme was taking his shower "Hey, wait I'll be out in a minute" The head Alpha replied "Okay" but anyway walk into Thyme's  bedroom and started looking around lazily. It's been more than a couple of weeks Thyme ignored Vincent invitation to go out and party by giving assignment and exam excuse while been busy either drawing and talking with his mate but he couldn't say no when Vincent, The head Alpha invited himself and his other friends at Thyme's apartment by saying there is some surprise for him. Thyme may or may not have the idea about the surprise but he was the least interested in to it. Then again doesn't wanted to give away his true feeling to his older friend, Vincent . The teenage Alpha wash his hair and body as fast as he can. After shower Thyme dried himself off and stepped out wrapping a towel around his hips only to find Vincent at his study desk, holding a drawing of his mate which Vincent wasn't allowed to see it. It was the latest drawing of Kevin,  in the drawing Thyme had drawn Kevin absolutely nak.ed and his hands tied up to a pole, but this time his mate was on the stage  instead of his bed like the Omega bondage show he went to watch few weeks back with Vincent and other friends. Before Thyme could recover from the shocking sight, Vincent question "Who is this, sexy?". Thyme let out a low growl "Put that down, he belongs to me". There was a clear smell of lust in Vincent scent which made Thyme very very annoyed at the head Alpha.. After  glancing at Thyme face, Vincent actually listen to Thyme. He put that drawing back on its place and Thyme quickly grabs the drawing and shoved it underneath his pillow saying "Forget you ever saw that". Vincent nods and stated defending himself "Calm down dude, I was just casually asking. You are good in art really".

Frankly at the moment Thyme was miles away from.calming down and feeling relaxed at the appreciation. It was whole differentthings that he was litrally only can draw Kevinin different position and nothing else. But at the moment Thyme was only angry at himself for leaving the drawing carelessly on his study desk, he was more angry at Vincent to have a look at his mate drawing like that. He wanted to kill Vincent for looking at Kevin's drawing with lust in his eyes and scent but any way he can't kill him and sure as fuck he can't  mess with the head Alpha of Win Island. Thyme pushed away his  annoyance aside and mumble "It's okay, just forget it". He had taken a step or two towards his closet to pull out some clothes  to wear when Vincent shoot another question "What's his name by the way ... if you don't mind?". Thyme's whole body goes ice cold, and rigid
He control his annoyance, fisting his both hands on his sides tightly and breath out "Erin". Thyme lied, he wasn't sure if Vincent sensed or not but he will never let Vincent know about his mate Kevin. The head Alpha respond "I see .....Erin" Thyme only felt more frustrated after hearing Vincent whispere the false name he just blurted out. Thyme decide to ignore and get down to his business. He didn't wait for more conversation about it as he decide to get dressed and get ready for the forced party.

Even after couple of hours Thyme couldn't  shake the discomfort in his chest. Whenever  his eyes met with Vincent, he remembers that Vincent saw something which he shouldn't at all. Kevin like that, in that position which should be only for his eyes and no one else but now when Vincent stuck his nose where he shouldn't at Thyme doesn't know how long he can control himself. He doesn't trust himself when its about Kevin,  he was feeling jealous as hell for some reason and he can't deny that how crazy his possessiveness  run for fuck sake. There was something  inside him that already wanted to kill Vincent just for putting his eyes on a person drawing that belongs to only him in this whole world. Thyme tried his best to control his urges and concentrate on the guest arriving at his apartment even though he was nowhere closer to socialize at the moment after what happened earlier. But the teenage Alpha tried to remind himself not to get into any trouble nor prolong his stay in Win island by getting another punishment from his parents . Thyme couldn't help as one after the another Vincent other friends began to showed up at his apartment. He felt the energy of the day was making him somewhat feel wired, nervous and anxious and restless as time goes on. The feeling was so intense that he didn't even greet Rex and Joe, neither smile nor welcome anyone including few other new omegas that Vincent brought with him as well. The head Alpha and his friends also brought lots of foods, snacks, drinks and weeds.

Thyme couldn't even appreciate the attention he was getting from other Omegas, if anything he was only annoying at it. But soon Vincent realize Thyme's attitude which made the teenage Alpha to sigh and tried to let go. He smiled and tried to act up interested in the conversation when only his anxiety started to get stronger and stronger inwardly. He felt extremly  uncomfortable  which resulted him to drink up two cans of beer back to back followed by trying some weeds for the first time so that he could shake away the wired feeling. Thyme doesn't understand what he was feeling, maybe it was his Alph instinct to make him alert or to warn him about something bad is about to happen. A short time later alcohol and weed started to do their things and it actually make him feel high until out of nowhere Lea walk into his apartment and she straight away landed onto Thyme's lap hug him saying "I missed you T... so much". Thyme was so unfocused at their closeness when Lea suddenly pulled her away from the hug and attached their lips into a deep heated kiss. Thyme really couldn't able to realize nor respond what was happening with him when suddenly out of nowhere once again his best friend Nani showed up  in to his apartment and excitedly yelled "Sur.....prise.....Oh Shit ". After yelling Nani excitement turned into confusion while when Dew walks inside behind Nani, he groan "Crap, Fuck". Thyme felt his head going to explode because his uneasy and uncomfortable feeling was still getting only stronger for some unknown reason.

Thyme was only shocked to see his best friends entering inside his apartment one after the another with wide eyes and shocked look at him while Lea was lounging on his lap loke she owns it, Thyme couldn't able to process the situation until he felt his gravity shaken to the core, making his breath hitched at the person entered behind Dew. Kevin, his mate walk inside the room, looking at everyone giving his hard glare over Lea who was still sitting on Thyme's lap, wrapping his arms around Thymes neck. Kevin snickers "Oh,  it's quiet a party going on in here.. huh". Thyme's blood freeze watching his mate Kevin, standing inside his apartment, in front of his eyes giving a pointed look at his and Lea's direction. Thyme eyes turned into disbelief and horror, he immediately pushed Lea from his lap and stand up on his feet. Lea almost fell on the floor, or she actually fell too because Thyme had no idea about what happened to her. All of Thyme's attention was only on his Omega mate, who was standing in front of him under the same roof after almost seven fucking months.  Kevin was wearing a loose denim jeans  that lazily hang on his hips and black crop top that was showing his tummy and belly button sinfully. His hair was more longer than the last time which Thyme remembers clearly. Thyme gulped watching Kevin wearing a left ear ring, that made his pants tight but anyway he gulp hard looking at his angry sexy mate. He don't know if he should be happy to have Kevin finally at Win island or burn the whole world for putting him in such situation. He wasn't able to say or think for a while, but soon Thyme find his speech and stutter "Wh...what are you ... What??".  Thyme cursed himself, for drinking so much beer and having weeds otherwise why he'd stutter. It's just his mate afterall. But for Thyme it was getting difficult to actually believe  that his little mate was standing under his apartment in Win island and first thing he made him was angry.  But How the hell Kevin came all the way to Win island unannounced?. 

Kevin smile and ask in a tone that send shiver in Thyme spine "Why aren't we invited in this party Guntituthon". Kevin smile and his tone said it all that his little mate was hell angry and no one can save him. The fake calmness on his face almost made Thyme to run for the hills. But more than that he started worrying about the Omega at his feet who look confused at Kevin presence. Kevin look at Lea with so much hatered that Thyme couldn't  help but gulped hard thinking about what coming next. Thyme look at his two friends at the back and clench his jaw, realizing  Why the hell his two stupid friends did not tell him about their and Kevin's arrival. Now only Thyme saw one of Kevin's best friend Sara standing together with Dew and Nani behind Kevin. Sara look scared, her eyes were intact at Kevin.  She knows something bad is going to happen because she knows that smile very well. Before Thyme could think of anything, Vincent stand up on his feet and stated "We apologise, but you can joined the party now. We still got lots of drinks, snacks and weeds". After hearing Thyme began to loose his shit, the teenager Alpha  never ever wanted Vincent to meet Kevin, absolutely  not. He doesn't  even wanted them to breath same air even. He need to do something to get Kevin out of here as soon as possible. Vincent added further glancing at Kevin "I suppose your name is Erin, and I'm the head Alpha of Win Island".  Kevin chukled and stated in his nasty tone "Nope, You're wrong Mr Head Alpha of Win Island. My name is not Erin". After saying Kevin began to walk closer towards Thyme, clearly to spout million of insult once again on his one and only fucking mate probably.

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