my handaome devil

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my handsome devil chapter 1

It is evening time. A girl is wearing blue denim jeans and a yellow full sleeve top. Her hair is open which is reaching till her waist. The girl whose name is Ishika Kapoor is happily waiting for someone on the bonnet of a car. The girl looks very simple and bubbly. She repeatedly gets down from the car and looks inside the big gate and comes back disappointed and sits on the bonnet of the car again. Ishika starts getting angry and says to herself, "Why did I come here? I have been sitting inside with him for so long and still hasn't come."

She was repeatedly checking the time on her phone and she comes and says to the driver, "Uncle, please drop me home

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She was repeatedly checking the time on her phone and she comes and says to the driver, "Uncle, please drop me home. You will come back and take your pick."

The driver gets scared and says, "No Ishika beta, we can't do this. If we don't come back on time, Aarushi baby will be very angry and if Aarav baba comes to know about it, he will fire us from the job. Please beta, wait a little more."

Ishika got down from the bonnet of the car and was parading around in anger, then four to five expensive cars stop there, two bodyguards come out of one of those cars and they quickly come towards the other car and open its door, a very handsome man in a black business suit comes out of that car. He must be around 27-28 years old and his height must be around 6 feet 2 inches, fair complexion, deep blue eyes, he was so handsome and attractive that Ishika forgot to blink her eyes for a few moments. That man looks angrily at one of his bodyguards and puts on his shades after making some gesture, then his eyes fall on Ishika, Ishika gets completely scared seeing his eyes on her, and quickly goes and sits in the car. Now that man seemed no less than a devil to her, he quickly ignored her and before going inside that big building, he took a look at Ishika's car and quickly went inside. Ishita asks the driver, "Uncle, who is this person who is getting such VIP treatment?" Driver, "Yes, this is Ranveer Singhania, he shows himself as a businessman but he is just a mafia who rules not only Asia but the whole world."

Ishika was sitting in the car and watching him go, that man was so attractive that Ishita tried to see him again and again, but as soon as that man disappeared from her sight, Ishita thought in her mind, "Why do these boys behave so strangely, as ...

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Ishika was sitting in the car and watching him go, that man was so attractive that Ishita tried to see him again and again, but as soon as that man disappeared from her sight, Ishita thought in her mind, "Why do these boys behave so strangely, as handsome as they look? Seeing him, it seemed as if he came from a different world. But he was so handsome, how can someone be so handsome? But when will my handsome devil come who will love me a lot and take me with him to a different world. Not a grumpy devil like him who had only anger on his face. I am also thinking too much, Ishita, you have come to Mumbai for the first time, everything is very different here, the world you have come from was completely different from this, now don't think too much, just focus on your work, you will become a famous person. You want to become a fashion designer, if you get nervous seeing everyone like this then how will you work?"

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