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The next day Ranveer wakes up, he slowly starts remembering the events of last night, he remembers that RV has regained consciousness, thinking this a smile comes on Ranveer's face, but then he remembers that his sister's condition is because of Ishita, then he gets angry again, and quickly gets up and goes towards Ishita's room, and goes inside and sees, she was still sleeping, Ranveer pulls the blanket off her, due to which Ishita gets nervous and quickly sits up, she was very scared seeing Ranveer in front of her, Ranveer angrily says - you are sleeping peacefully after disturbing my sleep, I have not brought you here to rest and to tolerate your tantrums. Understood. Ishita gets more scared seeing the anger in Ranveer's eyes, and while backing away says, please don't do this to me, please leave me, what have I done wrong to you!! Why are you troubling me?

Ranveer grabs Ishita's hair in anger and throws her down from the bed and says, - Because of you I and my family have cried tears of blood, because of you my sister is on the verge of death, because of you I was about to lose my mother, and you are saying what have you done wrong to me!!

Ishita says while sobbing, - I did not do anything, I did not do anything, you have misunderstood, I really did not do anything!! I don't even know your sister.

Ranveer holds Ishita by her hair and says --- you don't know my sister, I will tell you, my sister Aarvi who reached the threshold of death because of you a few days ago, you tried to kill her just to get Aarav, but it was your bad luck that she survived but you will not survive...

Saying this Ranveer pushes Ishita hard due to which she falls backwards, due to which her head gets hurt and starts bleeding...


Ranveer goes to his room without looking at Ishita and angrily hits his hand on the glass table, and the table breaks into pieces, Ranveer's hands start bleeding, but it seems as if he did not feel the pain at all!!

He gets more angry and starts punching the wall and says, Ishita why did you do this, why did you do this, I thought you were a decent and good girl but I never thought you would turn out to be so low, you are something else from the outside and something else from the inside!!

No one can even imagine that you can go to such lengths to get Aarav, you love Aarav a lot, but after knowing your truth, even he will not accept you!!

Blood was flowing from Ranveer's hand, his whole hand was soaked in blood, but it did not matter to Ranveer, he himself was very hurt by whatever he had done to Ishita, he did not want to hurt Ishita at all but whatever Ishita had done to RV, Ranveer's hatred for Ishita was increasing,

Ranveer lies down on the floor, tears were coming in his eyes, he thinks in his mind - "Ishita why did you turn out like this, when I saw you for the first time, it felt as if you are the girl who is made only for me, thinking this Ranveer gets lost in his memories -

Flashback -—

Ranveer and Ishika first met in the same bank where some robbers had also entered. When Ishita stops Ranveer from going out, Ranveer gets angry at first but as soon as he sees Ishita's face, he keeps looking at her. Ishita's eyes were closed due to the sound of gunshot outside, taking advantage of which Ranveer was continuously staring at her, but as soon as Ishita opens her eyes, Ranveer starts looking in the other direction.

After some time Ranveer has to go out. After about 2 hours the situation becomes normal, the robbers are caught. Ranveer also helps the police. Everyone was going out. Ranveer tries to find Ishita, but he does not see Ishita anywhere. He again goes towards the cabin where Ishita was hiding, but Ranveer does not find Ishita there either. He gets disappointed and sits there.

Ranveer comes back from his flashback, and after a while he goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. Ranveer comes out after taking the shower, and after getting ready he goes somewhere.

Ishita was still crying. She tries to get up slowly, but she was not able to get up. She tries to get up but she was feeling dizzy. Still she gathers courage and gets up and sits on the bed, and says to herself, - Why is he torturing me so much, what have I done to him!!

On the other hand Ranveer was in a meeting, but his attention was not on the meeting but on Ishita. Ranveer had tortured Ishita today, the wounds were there on Ranveer's chest too, he just didn't want to show it!!

Ranveer's hands were still bleeding, seeing him Akshay says - Boss you should get a bandage done, you might get an infection!!

Ranveer was not able to hear Akshay, he was still thinking about Ishita, Akshay says again, Boss it seems you are not well, you go and rest, I will handle the meeting!!

Ranveer was looking at Akshay in surprise, from his eyes it seemed as if he had not heard anything, he says to Akshay, - No, you attend the meeting, I need to rest!! And Ranveer gets up and goes out!!

Akshay thinks in his mind in surprise - I was also saying the same thing, what happened to her today, and how did her hand get hurt so much!!

On the other hand, Ranveer directly reaches the villa, and quickly goes to Ishita's room, where Ishita was lying face down on the bed, Ishita was almost in an unconscious state, first she had not eaten anything for so many days and on top of that Ranveer was giving her such pain, how much more could she bear!!

Ranveer goes and sits beside Ishita, which makes her a little nervous, but she did not have the courage to get up and react!!

Ranveer gets very angry with Ishita lying down like that, and says, "You are ignoring me", and angrily turns Ishita around, which makes Ishita scream loudly,

She tries to turn around again while crying, seeing her condition Ranveer had realized that Ishita is really in a lot of pain, seeing her in this condition Ranveer wanted to smile, seeing her in such a state he should have felt relieved, but don't know why Ranveer was only feeling pain,

He was feeling bad for her even though he didn't want to, he goes and sits beside her, seeing the wound on her head he gets a little upset.

Ranveer was not able to even see Ishita's wound, he quickly gets up and brings a first aid box from his room, and takes out the wound cream from it and starts applying it to Ishita,

Ishita lies down on the bed rest with her eyes closed,, seeing Ishita like this for some time, Ranveer says in surprise - "Why are you not saying anything,, are you okay? Ishita does not answer, Ranveer checks her breathing, Ranveer felt as if she is not breathing at all,

Ranveer was again checking her breathing by placing his head on her chest,

Ranveer doesn't know why but he couldn't feel Ishita's breath, he gets completely scared, for the first time in his life Ranveer's hands and legs were shaking like this,

He takes Ishita in his lap and goes out quickly, and shouts loudly - Take out the car!!!

Ranveer sits in the car with Ishita in his lap, Ranveer shouts at the driver, drive fast,

hurry up otherwise I will shoot you right now!! The driver also starts shaking with fear, but he hides his fear and puts the car on full speed, in a short while Ranveer had reached the hospital!!

This was the same hospital where his sister was admitted, Ranveer had hidden Ishita in a villa far away from the city and from there to here this was the only hospital that came first!! So without thinking he brings Ishita there too!!

The driver gets out of the car and quickly opens the door, Ranveer gets out of the car and puts Ishita on the stretcher, and quickly takes her inside!!

The nurse takes her inside and informs the doctor, Ranveer goes to the doctor and angrily says, "Fix her quickly, if something happens to her, I will set your entire hospital on fire and throw you in the same fire,

The female doctor gets scared seeing the anger in Ranveer's eyes, and quickly checks Ishita!!

thankyou ...

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