who are you??

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chapter 6

Aarav was completely furious remembering Ishita's slap, he quickly calls someone and asks - has Ishita come to the office or not?? Hearing the voice from the other side, Aarav gets up and goes out of the cabin, and comes down from the lift, Aarav angrily goes towards Ishita's cabin where she was discussing some designs with her colleague.

Aarav goes to them and asks the rest of the staff to go out, and asks Ishita to wait for some work!!

Ishita gets nervous seeing Aarav, she remembers yesterday's incident, how Aarav talked to her and she slapped Aarav!!

Ishita starts getting nervous just by thinking about it, Aarav comes very close to Ishita, Ishita was standing at her place very quietly, Aarav was staring at her, Ishita quickly says — Sorry Mr. Khanna, I did not do it intentionally, I was very upset so I did not realize!!

Aarav angrily holds Ishita by the waist and pulls her close to him, and says — If you have committed a mistake, you will be punished too!!! Saying this, Aarav starts coming close to Ishita's lips!!

Hearing this, Ishita's cheek starts drying up, her heart beats started becoming very fast. She says in fear - Mr. Khanna please forgive me, but Aarav was not able to hear anything, he was just staring at Ishita's lips, Ishita thinks in her mind - it is my bad luck, I came here to fulfill my dream but what all I have to face here, yesterday that monster ruined my life and today this too!!! Why are all these men the same!!! While thinking so much, tears start flowing from Ishita's eyes, Aarav comes to his senses after seeing her tears and wiping her tears says - please don't waste your tears!! Save them for your farewell!!! Why are you so scared of me? I will not eat you, I just wanted to do a little romance but you run away from me as if I - There was a devil smile on Aarav's face!! Ishita was still standing there nervously, Aarav seeing her says —– ok I won't do anything before marriage,, but you will marry me only!!! Saying this Aarav leaves from there!!

Ishita seeing Aarav leaving in surprise says in her mind —– marriage and you!!! How can I marry you,, I don't like you,, you are not my devil!!

Ishita's head was spinning with tension,, she was thinking what kind of force is this, where he didn't even ask her for her wish once, just told her his decision!!! Ishita sits on her chair, puts her head on the table, closes her eyes and thinks

Who would want to marry me knowing whatever happened to me that night,, if anyone comes to know anything,, no one should know anything!! I cannot let this truth come out!!!

But how can I marry anyone by lying!!! I will not marry at all!! Whoever is it who did all this to me, he will never be able to live happily!!

Ishita cries and shouts – Who are you?? Why did you do this to me!!!


Here Ranveer is sitting in his office and checking some files,, and Akshay comes inside the cabin with some man and says — Boss, he has done the work you gave him!! We have got the information about that girl!!

Ranveer was looking at him with cold eyes -,, that man was still trembling with fear, and quickly says — Boss, this girl is a fashion designer,, and works with Aarav Khanna!!

Ranveer looks angrily at Akshay and says —— This is information!!! And he was about to take out his gun and shoot that man when he again quickly says —— Her name is Ishita Kapoor and she has just started working with Aarav,, no one knows if she is Aarav's girlfriend or not!!

Boss we cannot find out more than this, because the security of Abhinav Khanna and Aarav Khanna is very tight,, it is very difficult to find out about the details of their business or personal life!!

Give me a few days time, I will try my best to find out!! That man said everything in one breath like he had just learned!!

Ranveer puts down his gun and looks at Akshay!!

Akshay tells him,, okay you have 3 days,, but only this much information will not work now,, you have to bring the news of every breath of that girl, understand!!

The man hurriedly goes out and says to himself, I said it just like that to save my life, but from where will I get so much information now!!!

Akshay says to Ranveer - Don't worry, you will get all the information, first make up your mind, Akshay offers a glass of wine to Ranveer and says!!! Ranveer says without touching it - I have to go to the hospital, after that I will go straight home!!! You take care of everything here!! Saying this Ranveer goes from there

On the other side Ishita is sitting in the car with Aarushi, Aarushi forces her to go to the club with her, but Ishita refuses her, and says - Aarushi you drop me to the temple, I will go home by cab myself!!!

After a while the car stops outside a temple, Ishita was climbing the stairs of the temple slowly. Tears start flowing from her eyes again, she does not go inside the temple but sits outside,

After a while two cars stop outside the temple, from which four five bodyguards come out, after that a handsome man in a black business suit comes out of the car, that man is Handsome Devil Ranveer Singhania!!

He goes inside the temple with his two bodyguards, and prays with both his hands folded and eyes closed, it seemed as if he is asking God for something very important with all his heart, now what is in his mind, only God knows!!

Ranveer comes out after taking prasad and blessings from Pandit ji, as soon as he comes out, he sees Ishita sitting outside the temple, who was lost in her own thoughts, Ranveer stands there and starts looking at her,

He probably wanted to talk to her but how could he do it because both of them did not know each other, Ranveer covers his eyes with shades and tries to talk to Ishita but then Aarav comes there and says to Ishita - Ishita what are you doing here, come let's go home!! Aarav holds Ishita's hand and starts taking her away, then Ishita says, Mr. Khanna you go, I will come with Aarushi.

Ishita says this because she did not want to go with Aarav, no Ishita who knows when Aarushi will come, will you keep sitting like this the whole night, come with me!!

Aarav forcibly takes Ishita by the hand, Ishita has to go even though she doesn't want to. Ranveer was watching all this with his own eyes. He felt that both of them loved each other and what he was thinking was true. Ranveer had a huge misunderstanding between the two and what he was seeing was what he wanted to see!! Ranveer thinks in his mind - Miss Ishita Kapoor, start counting the days of your destruction. Now you will hardly be able to see happiness in your life. I will destroy Aarav along with you but I will not give you death, I will make your life worse than death

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