ranvir and ishita

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Khanna Mansion ——

Abhinav ji was talking to someone on the phone, - Look, get my son out as soon as possible, now I cannot hear any more excuses, my son is in the lock up for three days, and you people are sitting idle!!

Shreya ji crying says to Abhinav ji - Look, do whatever you want, but I want my son home as soon as possible!! After all, what is that enmity of Ranveer Singhania with us, that he is doing all this!!

Ishita's father also says to Abhinav ji - yes and even if he has enmity with you or Aarav, then also why did he marry our daughter like this, what is his fault, and where has he taken our daughter!!

Look Vishal, I also really don't know what this Ranveer wants, let's do one thing, let's go to Ranveer's house and at least find out about Ishita!!

On the other hand Ranveer is sitting in his office, doing something on his laptop, then a beautiful girl comes in his cabin, Ranveer scans her from top to bottom, that girl was wearing a wine coloured one piece dress which was barely reaching her knees, her face was covered with makeup, and her hair was open at the back, that girl comes to Ranveer and says, - What do you think of yourself, you came to India without telling me, and then you are neither picking my phone nor replying to my messages!!

Ranveer angrily stares at her and says - I don't think it is necessary to tell you this, and how did you come in my cabin like this without my permission!! Who let you come!!

The girl who had so much anger on her face, now gets a little scared seeing Ranveer's anger, and smilingly says, - Look Ranveer, I got a little worried when you came like this without telling me, that's why,

Why were you worried, are you my girlfriend or my wife, whom I am going where and why, should I tell you everything before leaving!! I am doing some very important work right now, so you go from here right now, I will meet you later!!

The girl whose name is Diana, was still looking at Ranveer in surprise, Ranveer again says without looking at her - I said get out!!

Diana comes out of the cabin stamping her feet in anger, and says - how dare you behave like this with me, you know very well who I am and what I can do!! If you even think of cheating on me, I will not leave you Ranveer!!

On the other hand, Abhinav ji and Vishal ji reach Ranveer's house, but the security guards outside do not let them go inside, Abhinav ji angrily tells them - I want to go inside and meet Ranveer Singhania,

Security guards - But sir is not at home, and no one is allowed to go inside the house!!

Vishal ji angrily says - Hey, my daughter is inside, Ranveer has forcibly kept her here, at least let us meet our daughter!!

Look, we will not let you go inside without permission

Abhinav ji and Vishal ji stand there and start thinking about something, then a car comes inside, Abhinav ji looks at it and asks - who is this?

Security guard - Look, we cannot tell you anything, go away from here, otherwise we will have to call the police!!

Vishal ji angrily - Call the police, we will also tell that you people has forcibly hidden our daughter here, call the police!!

One of the security guards quickly calls Ranveer and tells him everything that is happening there, Ranveer quickly leaves the office and comes towards the house,

Vishal ji tries to forcefully enter, then a security guard stands there pointing a gun at his head, due to which both of them get scared,

After a while Ranveer also comes there, and seeing Abhinav ji, he says angrily, - How dare you come here!!

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