bathroom romance

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Ishita had woken up, she was still scared of the incident of the night, then she heard a knock on the door, she quickly got up and sat down, Ranveer came inside the room and saw, Ishita was completely wrapped in the blanket, her hair was scattered, her eyes were swollen due to crying, she was very scared to see Ranveer.

Ranveer came close to her and said, - You take a bath and get ready, and come downstairs!! Ishita got surprised to see Ranveer talking like this and thought, how did so much change come in one night!!

Ranveer looked at her and said - Stop staring at me and do your work!!

Ishita turned her face to the side and said, I don't have clothes to change!!

You freshen up and come, I will make some arrangements!! Ishita nods her head in yes and sits like that, Ranveer seeing her sitting like that says — I told you to go quickly!!

First you go out, I am not wearing anything,—— Ishita saying this brings a devil smile on Ranveer's face,, and he starts going closer to Ishita,, Ranveer pulls the blanket from over Ishita and throws it to the side,, which makes Ishita scream!!

Ranveer looking at her carefully —— You were saying that you are not wearing anything then what is this!! Actually Ishita was only in her inners at this time,,

Ishita shivering —— you pervert, I will kill you!!

Ranveer comes close to her, lifts her in his arms and takes her to the bathroom, and throws her in the bathtub, and takes off his clothes and sits behind her, Ranveer takes off his glasses and keeps them aside, and starts kissing Ishita's neck.

Ishita shivers with Ranveer's soft touch. Ishita's heart beats were getting very fast. Ranveer's hands were moving on Ishita's stomach, and his lips were sucking Ishita's neck, due to which Ishita starts shivering even more badly!!

Ishita does not try to free herself, because she is afraid that Ranveer might again start behaving like an animal with her!!

Ishita was not able to bear it, she was also going out of control, but she frees herself and says, please leave me!! Why are you doing all this!!

Ranveer ignores Ishita's words and starts kissing her back, Ranveer was leaving his mark on her back while kissing her!! Due to which Ishita was crying,,

Why did you marry me!! And now why are you torturing me like this!! Ranveer hugs Ishita tightly and says, when did I torture you?? I am loving you!! Now a husband has this much right to love his wife like this!! And now there is no need to say much, sit quietly, let me do what I am doing, otherwise I will tell you right now what is called torturing!! Then you will not be able to bear me!!

Ishita sits quietly but Ranveer's touch was driving her crazy, tears started coming in her eyes, Ranveer was intentionally touching Ishika at such a place due to which Ishika was getting distracted, Ishita turns and hugs Ranveer, and starts breathing fast, a slanting smile comes on Ranveer's face!!

Ishita's breaths were going up and down repeatedly, which was now provoking Ranveer more, Ranveer controls himself and says, - What happened, you handed yourself over to me so easily, last night you were yearning to go away from me, and now you are yearning to come to me!!

Ishita was feeling very ashamed after hearing all this, she was sitting hiding her head in Ranveer's chest out of shame, and closes her eyes tightly!!

Ranveer starts caressing Ishika's waist, then Ranveer hears a voice - please stop bothering me, I am already very upset, all of you men are the same, you don't care about anyone's feelings, you can treat anyone the way you want, there is no difference between Aarav and you, you are just like him!!

Ranveer gets very angry on hearing this, he pulls Ishika back by her hair angrily and says - if by mistake you compare me with Aarav again, then I will really forget my limits and will give you so much pain that you won't be able to bear it!!

Ranveer gets up angrily and leaves from there, Ishita was still crying sitting in the bathtub,, after a while there is a knock on her door, Ishita gets up and goes to the door and sees that Ranveer is standing with a bathrobe in his hands, she takes the bathrobe from him and comes inside,

Ranveer quickly leaves from there, Ishita comes out wearing the bathrobe, then she remembers that her parents must be worried about her, she should talk to them once so that they don't get too worried, but Ishita did not have her phone,, she remembers that yesterday she had given her phone to her mother, and after that she did not get a chance to take it back, she becomes sad thinking this!! and quietly sits on the bed!

Ishita was feeling very weak now, she had not eaten anything since yesterday,, and no one had asked her to eat either, she was feeling very hungry now, she opens the door and sticks her head out to see if there is anyone there or not,

She does not see anyone around, Ishita gathers courage and goes out of the room, she was slowly moving forward without making any noise, when suddenly a voice comes from behind, - Wait, where are you running,

Ishita looks back, Ranveer was coming towards her quickly with shades on his eyes, he was wearing black collar trousers, and on top of that a black colored shirt whose top three buttons were open!! Ranveer was looking very hot and attractive at this time!!

Ranveer angrily stares at Ishita and says - You were running away in this condition, are you really not ashamed? Ishita says in a panic - No no no I was not running away, I was just...

Ranveer angrily interrupts her and shouts - What was I doing here, actually it is my fault, I should not have left the door open. Ranveer forcibly drags Ishita into the room and holding her jaw says - Don't try to run away from here even by mistake!! Otherwise I will torture you and your family so much that they will also regret why they gave birth to a daughter like you!!

Ishita crying - Please don't bring my family into this, it is not their fault!! Ranveer interrupting - It means it is all your fault!!

Ishita thinks - but what is my fault that he is saying this, then Ranveer takes her to the room and pushes her, Ishita loses her balance and falls down,

Don't try to get out of this room even by mistake, understood, Ranveer locks the door and goes from there, Ishita starts crying while lying down, she was feeling very hungry, she could not bear hunger for long, she was broken badly!!

On the other side Ranveer was at the police station, Aarav was in the lock up opposite him who was staring at Ranveer with a lot of anger, Ranveer was smiling at him which was making Aarav more angry.

Aarav shouts angrily – O Ranveer Singhania, what is your problem, why are you after me, what harm have I done to you, if I am going ahead of you in business then you have found this way to destroy me!!

Ranveer Singhania has so much capability that he can be successful on his own, I don't need to do such cheap things, as far as you reaching here is concerned, it is the result of your own deeds, understand!!

Inspector sahab, I want to see this man punished as soon as possible, - Ranveer starts leaving saying this,

Just then Aarav shouts from behind - Where is Ishita, and what have you done to her!! Ranveer stops and turns back and goes near him and says - She is where she should be, Ranveer says in Aarav's ear - "On my bed"

Hearing this, Aarav starts pressing Ranveer's throat, and says - If you even touch my Ishita, I will not spare you, I will kill you!!

Ranveer freeing himself - What did you say, your Ishita, but now she is mine, then how did she become yours, now you forget her, this will be good for you, understand!!

Ranveer comes back from there with fast steps, and sitting on the driving seat of his car, starts driving fast, he immediately goes to his villa, and after getting out of the car, he goes straight to Ishita's room,

As soon as Ranveer enters Ishita's room, he is surprised to see the scene there,

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